I feel it in my toes
Bigotry is all around me
And so the feeling grows
Kris Kobach is Secretary of State of Kansas, and as such he is a Pillar of the Stupidparty. He is also considered one of the driving forces behind ALEC written legislation. His demeanor in consoling a caller who implies laws may be suspended for African Americans continues the race baiting policies that have epitomized his time in Kansas.
Somewhere over the rainbow
lies are none too few
And the hate that you fear is our fate
Really is coming true
By Patrick Andendall http://buff.ly/1cmJzIL
First let me quote the ever so Conservative Forbes magazine “If you’re looking for a sure fire recipe to boost gun sales, there’s nothing like putting a heavy dose of paranoia, along with a large dollop of racist fear mongering, into the atmosphere to get the job done—and NRA honcho Wayne LaPierre has certainly done his part. In an op-ed published Wednesday by The Daily Caller , LaPierre twisted more than a few facts while arguing that the world is hell and attempting to navigate your way through it without a semi-automatic weapon at your side can only be perceived as sheer madness.”
Now before we get to the next statements consider the following fact:
Since Obama was elected Zero guns have been removed, there are now more Guns! This in spite of ever mounting school shootings (1700% more likely than in European schools) rising incidents of fatal ,obscene and racist police shooting fatalities, rising gun fatalities (France has 98% less – adjusted for population) – nothing has been done and most disturbingly of all—nothing will be done. It is as simple that. It is so simple that Stupidparty disciples simply remain totally clueless – and we know this because Wayne La Pierre gets roaring approval when he states the following:
More recently La Pierre said “At the National Rifle Association’s annual convention, the group’s vice president, Wayne LaPierre, told Americans not to vote for someone like President Obama or Hillary Clinton – and not because of the content of their character. In a surprising turn of events, LaPierre managed to out-racist Ted Nugent and out-crazy Sarah Palin, both speakers who work hard for those distinctions during their own talks during each year’s convention.
During LaPierre’s talk, fear-mongering and hyperbole were on full display. According to LaPierre’s view, the next 650 days are “the most dangerous days in history for the Second Amendment”
Is he insane? Nothing can happen in the next 650 days!. No he is not insane – he is a liar and the Stupidparty base loves lyars and they hate the truth and they hate the facts. Am I being hyperbolic absolutely not – because calling LaPierre a liar is really just a courtesy. Consider following statement that he made:
“I have to tell you, eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough.”
This is from a man – an aging white man, who has a long history of racism. But this statement is not simply racist, it is misogynistic. How much ignorance and hate can you pack into so few words. How come this guy is a pillar of the Stupidparty – a hero the the Stupidparty base?
Of course Stupidparty is so absurd that they fail to recognize that this bigoted statement applies to about 75% of the US population.
Donald Trump is a pillar of the Stupidparty. He may well initiate a Presidential Campaign. If he ran he would probably secure about 45-47% of the national vote. I have been told (hearsay) that when Donald Trump enters a room full of high society types, charity functions etc—that no one wants anything to do with him. He is universally loathed by people who sort of know how the game is played. I wonder why? Lets start with the recent Ebola scare:
Am I being Hyperbolic? Am I being opinionated? No – get a grip and ask the following questions a) how was Ebola contained and b) how was the USA protected from a significant outbreak. It was contained by experts going to the source, putting their lives at risk and treating and educating the impacted populations. A dear friend and wonderful young lady went to Guinea to be part of that effort – you can find out about her experiences here, here and here. If you are even remotely familiar with the facts, you would understand how vile the above tweet was. The two American missionaries Trump was tweeting about would probably have died. If brave caring people were not prepared to go to “far away places” maybe millions would have died in Africa alone- if all of America thought like Trump and his fans, maybe millions of Americans would have died. Hateful, ignorant, tribal bigotry costs lives – how does he think diseases spread—civil strife, tribal genocide and Wars occur? While Trump was propagating hate – my friend in Guinea—while she was having dinner in some dive in Conakry (Capital of Guinea) with a couple of co workers – one of them received a call. This turned out to be a call from President Obama – thanking that person for the what they were doing. They were not even Americans – but Obama was offering support and encouragement to the people on the front lines. The same people that Trump would leave to die, if they got sick.
Donald Trump gets quite agitated when a Mexican director wins Best Movie at the 2015 Oscars. No such agitation has been apparent when White Foreigners have walked away with such honors countless times. What is it about Trump and Mexicans. Announcing his Presidential campaign, in what must have been a carefully crafted speech—we see not Trump the Statesman but Trump the “Hatesman”:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”
“And some I assume are good people,” he added.
Donald Trump said he would force the people of Mexico to build his vowed border wall to keep immigrants out of the United States, warning that if his order was not fulfilled, he would do something “severe.”
When asked how he might force the country to build this wall, Trump said in an interview that aired on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, “you force them because we give them a fortune. Mexico makes a fortune because of us. A wall is a tiny little peanut compared to that. I would do something very severe unless they contributed or gave us the money to build the wall.”
The 2016 presidential candidate added: “I’d build it. I’d build it very nicely. I’m very good at building things.
Trump has since been fired by NBC – but the Stupidparty base are not deterred because they have been stirred, Trumps poll ratings have surged as the slaughter of basic decency has occurred. For that is Stupidparty.
51% of Stupidparty Disciples Are “birthers.”
If we were in the period of Christs life, a time when deity’s were a dime a dozen, the Roman Emperor Caligula Trump would not only demand to be worshiped as a God – but he would truly believe that he was a God. The only difference being that Donald Trump does not have the excuse of having drunk water through lead laden pipes. Here’s the thing – Donald Trump loves himself so much, an aging white dishonest entitled wealthy narcissistic—that by comparison he can only hate the opposite. Donald Trump is a racist.
as one of the best and brightest Stupidparty shooting stars (I call them shooting stars – because their shine can never out last the light of day) she was chosen to give the Stupidparty rebuttal to the Obama 2015 State of the Union speech. As an aside, I have already written about each of these “responders” since Obama became President and demonstrated how rotten the the core all but one are. But our women Joni is something special as she tries to turn Jesus Christ into a hateful bigot. Evidently Jesus would not want people to get healthcare. According to Joni Ernst Jesus had contempt for the poor. Us “liberals” want you to believe that Jesus was a caring individual. If you are remotely confused about who Jesus was – if you even suspect Jesus of being a bigot, of being a Misogynist, of disliking foreigners of liking Guns etc etc – well just in case – I have put all that into perspective. So what type of person would proactively try and turn a good man into a toad. Well that would be a hateful person with a long list of perverted notions.
- She supports a “personhood” amendment that could make all abortions illegal and endanger birth control and in vitro fertilization.
- She has called for President Barack Obama’s impeachment.
- She thinks states should be free to nullify federal laws.
- She has vowed to vote for a federal constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.
- Ernst has proposed eliminating the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Education, and the Environmental Protection Agency as a means of cutting federal spending.
- Ernst has expressed her support for allowing law-abiding citizens to “freely carry” weapons
- She carries a “beautiful little Smith & Wesson, 9 millimeter,” in her purse in part to protect her “from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important”
- She buys into the conspiracy theory that the United Nations’ “Agenda 21” is a secret plan to usurp democracy.
- She suggested that an international cabal would relocate her constituents to Des Moines
- She told the Des Moines Register editorial board in May that the United States really did find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
- She would support legislation that would allow “local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement” Obamacare.
- She has spoken in favor of privatizing Social Security and waxed nostalgic about the time, before food stamps, when “wonderful food pantries” took care of the poor.
- She is opposed to a federal minimum wage and has said that $7.25 an hour suffices for Iowans.
- On the subject of global warming, Ernst has stated: “I don’t know the science behind climate change. (This is Koch code designed to hinder any actions on the issue)
- She co-sponsored a failed bill to amend the Iowa constitution to have marriage legally defined as between one man and one woman.[23][87] She opposes same-sex marriage.[88]
- She had been active with one of the most nefarious groups in the USA – the highly secretive and Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange Council. Understanding how utterly repulsive ALEC – is a vital responsibility for every Citizen that is remotely interested in salvaging their emaciated Democracy
- Despite her clear history of close association with the Koch brothers, Joni Ernst claims she doesn’t have any contact with outside groups running ads in her race.
- She is Koch puppet. The Hill, the Koch’s took a “particular interest in helping her campaign.” Ernst was the first candidate in an open 2014 Senate race to benefit from “maxed out” personal contributions by the Koch’s. And Koch-backed groups such as Americans for Prosperity and the Freedom Partners Action Fund poured millions of dollars into Iowa, where Ernst enjoyed a $14 million outside-spending advantage over Braley.
- Koch Puppet: Last June, Ernst told attendees at a secret Koch donor summit in Dana Point, California that, although she started as “a little-known state senator from a very rural part of Iowa,” it was “the exposure to this group and to this network and the opportunity to meet so many of you, that really started my trajectory.”
- Ernst told business leaders in Des Moines complaining about negative ads run Koch groups “that she doesn’t have any contact with outside groups running ads in her race” This is a lie— listen to the below audio.
- The report pointed out that Ernst frequently reminded voters and now constituents of her combat veteran status, and she has not corrected others when they suggest she led troops into battle. Ernst did not lead her troops into combat as one of the ads supporting her claims. Her troops were not combat personnel, and their mission was not combat. Essentially, she was in charge of a group of truck drivers.I am sure that the mission of supply delivery had many potential hazards, but driving trucks from one secure area to another secure area is not combat even if personnel were armed with M-16s.
“An upcoming Republican National Committee trip to Israel is being fully funded by a hate group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, an American civil rights organization.
The trip, which will take 60 RNC members to Israel for nine days beginning Saturday, is being paid for by a subsidiary of the American Family Association, which the law center in a news release last week called a “hate group” known for its “extremism and its demonizing attacks on minorities.”
The Stupidparty has only one Jew in the whole of congress. Back in 2014 they also only had one, Eric Cantor and he pretty much admitted that his party had an anti Semitic problem. The National Jewish Democratic Council released a statement on Cantor’s remarks: “It’s both admirable and disturbing in the extreme to hear Majority Leader Cantor’s candid remarks regarding the dual challenges of racism and anti- Semitism that he has detected in the House GOP caucus.”
So what is really going on. Actually nothing but hatred is going on. You think I’m being hyperbolic? You think I’m being opinionated. Really? Well get a grip.
Now just look at the above photo through the eyes of a Stupidparty Disciple. First they will see that Arab kid and this will rekindle all that Muslim profiling, the Iraq attached us on 9/11 nonsense, fear of those insane cowardly Terrorists. Then they look at the Jewish kid and they think, well that kid is doomed to hell, but the Jews have done a pretty good job of containing /Killing Arabs – the second coming of Jesus will be in the Middle East, Arabs are worse than Jews—so keep the area cleansed of Arabs…… But this is only half the story.
One must also consider the Stupidparty Disciple hatred of Obama – therefore anything he does must be wrong. Obama – like every other foreign leader, is simply trying to nudge Israel into complying with International law. But Obama must wrong because a) he is Obama and b) he talks to foreigners (forgetting that Netanyahu is a foreigner) – because hate has no logic.
But there is one more big piece to the story. Jewish money is having a huge impact on the Stupidparty. Just one Billionaire Zealot Sheldon Adelson (advocates using Nukes on Arabs) pretty much single handedly financed Newt the Gingrich 2012 Presidential effort (Gingrich immediately starts Parroting the views of Netanyahu), once that campaign hit the rocks Abelson was happy to provide unlimited funds to Mitt Romney (Romney immediately starts Parroting the views of Netanyahu). As it was Romney was such a flawed candidate that Adelson held back from contributing much more than around $100m. But all that is now just the tip of the Iceberg. How did the leader of the Traitorous 47, Tom Cotton get elected – Yes it was $1,000,000 from “the emergency committee for Israel”* – plus other such contributions. *The Emergency Committee for Israel is a right-wing[1] 501(c)(4) political advocacy organization in the United States.[2] The group’s board members include Weekly Standard editor William Kristol, former Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer, and conservative writer Rachel Abrams,[2] wife of Elliott Abrams.[3] Noah Pollak is its executive director.[2]
This organisation also accused the Occupy Wall Street movement of being anti Semitic – which if one has knowledge of the mechanics of the that protest group – is just infantile
It is not just Adelson who is trying to buy up American Democracy and put it into lap of a foreign Government. Other Jewish Billionaires such as Paul Singer, Seth Klarman are upping the ante -big time.
Giving Netanyahu the floor of the U.S. Congress to criticize a standing president, writing letters to Iranian statesmen doing the same, and now partnering with Israel to further what Netanyahu sees as its interests and placing those interests before those of the United States indicates a radical appropriation of the political process.
Now one could conceivably see these actions as emanating from sincere belief, but, given the huge dollars flowing into the coffers of those who toe the Netanyahu line, one can more logically see these actions as motivated by things other than love of Israel. Indeed, that same New York Times article quotes Geoffrey Kabaservice, a Republican Party historian: “’Israel did not traditionally represent that kind of emotional focus for any element of the Republican Party,’ he said. ‘But the feeling now is that it is a winning issue, as it helps them to appear strong on foreign policy.’” That, and collect bundles of cash.
So the anti Semitic party, boasting just one Jew (a New Yorker) in Congress (compared to 28 Democrats)- is happy to promote War in return for tons of money and all the political advantages of exciting it’s bigot base by disrespecting a Black American President. Their hatred runs so deep and taps such a lucrative vein of electoral Gold that they not only had contempt for the Logan act – but almost certainly worked with Netanyahu’s secret intelligence to undermine US foreign policy. This is not legal – but investigating such charges and putting 47 Senators into jail is not a task for a Black President. For example, If Obama had actually succeeded in removing one gun from one dyed in the wool moron -he may have invoked a civil uprising motivated by seeking a good ol’fashioned lynching. So imagine the likelihood of seeking justice for the 47 traitorous Senators
Just for the record, the reasons why trying to undercut outreach to Iran is totally unacceptable, are explained here
Any one one who is capable of critical thinking would not understand that the problems surrounding Ferguson— are rooted in a long history of racial antagony. This history is explained here.
Only 22% percent of SP disciples believe Ferguson raises important racial questions.
Similarities to the way the peoples of Ferguson and Palestine are treated is explored here
I have analyzed the Stupidparty’s and the far Right affinity for domestic terrorism here
Confederate bigotry is discussed here
The reason for institutionalized Misogyny within the Stupidparty is explained here
The motivations of the four Stupidparty disciples looking to destroy Obamacare can only be explained by blind hatred—explained here
Why does Stupidparty hate Science – explained here and here
The racial motivations behind Voter suppression are explained here
Supremely Stupidparty John Robert’s infantile notions about race are explored here
I let the Pope explain why it is not OK to rape and pillage the planet here
1) 49% Believe Acorn stole 2012 election. PPP 2012. (With no funding, Acorn dissolved in 2010)
2) 51% Are “birthers.”
3) 57% Believe Obama is a Muslim.
4) 66% Believe Obama is a socialist.
5) 24% Believe he may be the Antichrist.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/03/americans-believe-obama-anti-christ-global-warming- hoax_n_3008558.html
6) 62% In Ohio (not the silliest state) do not know whether Mitt deserved equal or more credit than Obama for Bin Laden’s death.
7) Only 22% percent of SP disciples believe Ferguson raises important racial questions.
8) 68% of Stupidparty voters believe the President should impeached for????* see below diagram for various reasons –
9) Only 11% of SP disciples believe Obama loves America. This is a reaction to Giuliani’s sad statements and pitiful record regarding his own “family values” —a man who has many lessons to learn from Obama in that regard.
10) 62% of SP disciples believe Obama is secretly trying to take away every ones guns
11) 44% of SP disciples believe that Obama is secretly trying to figure out a way to stay in office beyond 2017.
Since I avoid opinions – I must leave the answer to this question up to you, the very patient and curious reader. By coming to your own decision, it becomes your responsibility.
I am just the messenger.
Ell Dee says
What astonishes me is that these right wing nut jobs are ELECTED OFFICIALS for the GOP, they’re people with AUTHORITY. Sheriffs in Arizona, Judges in Montana, Congressmen from Texas and this Atty General in Kansas.
Jason says
It’s not only crazy – it’s frightening.
Patricia Mullis says
The headline for your article is misleading. The article, as a whole is about Republican assholery. I am a liberal Democrat. I am not racist, or homophobic. When you call all Southerners racist and homophobic, then you are generalizing. Which is a form of discrimination. I do realize that there is a large prevalence of conservative Republicans in the South. I face it every time I log on to Facebook. I am a Southerner. I am also a Liberal Democrat. We are not unicorns. Yes, I hate the advance of the Stupidparty! Have watched it grow and thrive during the Reagan years (The Godfather of the Stupidparty) and then during the W years (The designated Dumbass of the Stupidparty) At the heart of the matter is the GOP aligning themselves with the Evangelical Christians. The fearmongering that goes with it, is the perfect breeding ground for intolerance and hate. Add the NRA, and herein lies the political cesspool that they lounge in. May the cesspool overflow with hog shit, and drown them all.
Patrick Andendall says
The Republican party was disbanded circa 2000. The headline is “The Seven Pillars of Stupidparty Hate. Do we have a Party of Hate?” I do not understand how this can apply to any party other than the Stupidparty. Could you do me a favor – could you cut and paste the part where you believe I have painted too broad a picture. I did a word search for” South” and nothing popped up. I do not believe I have cast dispersion’s on people who do not vote Stupidparty, that would not have been my intent. But I will correct it if I agree with your comment. Am swamped with work on a book about Jeb and a blog about Carly -both high priority items.
semalaia4n says
This is the perfect breeding ground for the intolerance and hate…
Nice Post…
james says
Nice Article and post 🙂