I’ll say it again. Voting for Jill Stein? Don’t.
I would guess that I am in the top 1% when it comes down to my personal green credentials. Friends have told me that my most likely fate will be a family member smothering a pillow over me as I sleep–driven to madness by my efforts to ban the use of the dryer, AC in the summer, central heating in the winter, insistence on LED lighting, complaints that Americans have not figured out how to make energy efficient double hung windows, my loathing of Hummer drivers, and my excitement that from 2025 on, Norway will ban the sale of newly manufactured fossil Cars.
Al Gore: If You Care About The Climate Crisis, Don’t Vote For A Third Party
“In my experience, it matters a lot.”
I used to give large sums to environmental charities, but then I was struck by a depressing thought. What’s the point of hugging a tree if G.W. Bush is President? He and his kin will devote the full force of the US Government to maintaining an energy policy that has created today’s mess and promoting an environmental policy designed to destroy the environment. I felt that I had a higher calling. My “God” (ha) told me that I must tackle the problem at the root. Expose and destroy StupidParty. Therefore to protect the planet, to protect humanity, I had to devote all my energies to taking the Stupid out of StupidParty. I do not really care who gets in the way of this objective–all such barriers must be destroyed even it that means going after a fellow “greeny”— if they are a threat to my planet, my home.
Voting for Jill Stein is the same as voting for Trump. (OK, not a precise mathematical fact-but let’s not get too geeky)
Trump’s actual Quote:
“I think a vote for Stein would be good–that’s the Green Party. Because I figure anyone voting for Stein is gonna be for Hillary. So I think vote for Stein is fine.”
Jill Stein is officially beyond redemption:
That’s the Math. Jill Stein does not have the slightest chance of winning anything. People who advocate for Jill Stein are effectively wandering off into the woods and jerking off. Meanwhile by enabling a party that relishes raping and pillaging the planet, endangering, torturing and slaughtering wildlife and livestock these self-serving intellectual prima donnas would only find themselves naked and afraid standing in a desiccated forest holding onto their spent penis’s withering in their sticky hands. They wanted to achieve a more perfect union, but to no avail. Today, in 2016, these “Steinway greenies” are helping to promote the decades of fact devoid extreme right wing propaganda about Hillary–whilst never bothering to get the actual facts about her. All to save one bloody tree. This is quite embarrassing for me and it makes environmentalist just look stupid. To people who now find themselves attacking Hillary, to Hillary haters, please stop picking up your fruits from the poisoned tree of the StupidParty.
What you need are the facts:
Plus https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2015/05/increasing-minimum-wage-good-but-not-the-holy-grail.html
Steinway greenies attacking Hillary and thus enabling Trump have allowed themselves to become patsys to the very people looking to destroy America. They would undermine America’s newly found drive to be part of the solution to Global Warming. By enabling the GOP they are allowing Florida to disappear under the rising tides, they would allow Elon Musks‘ enemies to pounce, thus delaying the destruction of fossil fuels and ceding the technological expertise to China or to regular Fossil car auto manufacturers.
But so far it seems Jill Stein really has been given a free pass. It is not like she has ever had to endure twenty-five years of nonstop slander from the inventive but fact free vast right wing conspiracy. It was sad to see how rapidly sour grape Bernie or Busters were willing to buy into these nonstop fabrications. It is also sad to see how quickly Jill Stein was willing to surf off the backs of these Bernie or Busters and hijack all the unproven talking points. She offered him the chance to head up the Green party–a transparently empty gesture, knowing dam well we would never try and enable Trump to be President by accepting.
But when Stein sinks to the level of a Trump apologist by being determinedly disingenuous about Trump conspiracy theories, why the hell is she even given air time? Why would any one take her seriously?
But it gets much much worse:
Interestingly, the Green Party’s candidate for president for 2016, Dr. Jill Stein, also attended the RT gala dinner (“gala” celebrating the 10th anniversary of another Russian state propaganda organ), RT (formerly known as Russia Today, until they realized they needed to nix the word “Russia” in their name if they were going to be successful in getting audiences to buy the Kremlin’s propaganda) and proudly advertised this fact on her campaign website, addressed an RT-organized panel before the dinner (begging the question if she was paid by RT for this), and sat at Putin’s table along with Gen. Flynn. She recently suggested Clinton could be worse than Trump and has also been featured heavily on RT, and while in Moscow she very pointedly and extensively criticized U.S. foreign policy, “American exceptionalism” (similar to Putin’s views on this subject), and U.S. human rights abuses while only offer relatively very muted criticism on the same issues of Russia, if at all.
Jill Stein is a little mini-me Trumpeteer:
“Trump says very scary things—deporting immigrants, massive militarism and ignoring the climate. Hillary, unfortunately, has a track record for doing all of those things,”
Jill Stein, a medical doctor, has also shown Trumpesque anti-science notions in order to pander to certain homeopathic constituents on the leftist fringe–here she is causing confusion about vaccines:
“There were concerns among physicians about what the vaccination schedule meant, the toxic substances like mercury which used to be rampant in vaccines. There were real questions that needed to be addressed. I think some of them at least have been addressed. I don’t know if all of them have been addressed.”
As The Washington Post explained:
Stein’s warning about corporate influence in the vaccine approval process is often voiced by “anti-vaxxers.” In reality, most members of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee work at academic or medical institutions, not drug companies. But for Stein, the fact that people saw corporate and lobbying influence running rampant meant that some skepticism was warranted.
Stein consistently panders to the rainbow left–people who the right find easy to ridicule, and can make an easy target once they have been herded together. (Common guys, you have great ideas, but they need to be promoted by an economist or statistician wherever possible. Is Wi-Fi in schools endangering kids physical heath? It seems highly unlikely, so politicians like Stein should be careful before using the right wing’s favored strategy–the irrational fear factor. Personally, I prefer organic farming, I loathe Monsanto, loathe GMO’s–but I do not write about it because the evidence for organics is iffy, and the evidence against GMO’s is shaky, to say the least. Yes GMO food products should be labeled, Monsanto needs to be seen as non-objective party, but one really needs to be careful when going into negative campaign mode, hustling for well meaning harmless fringe voters–because if we just make shit up and look like dodo’s, what makes us better than StupidParty (notwithstanding the whole hate thing))? It is only because of my guttural unsubstantiated aversion to these suspect farming practices that I am not being a lot harsher about Jill Stein’s rhetoric.
Jill Stein also harps on (correctly or incorrectly) about a rigged system, how great the Brexit vote was, about protectionism. It is not that I object to the underlying arguments, it is that right now that this message, coming from the left, is uniquely strategically insane. The best way to promote such an agenda is stay with Bernie, follow his lead, not too embarrass him, diminish him. It is insane because it mirrors the rhetoric of Donald Trump–even though we know that Trump is making it up as he goes along and presumably Jill Stein is not, but allow me to provide some analogies to show the terrible strategic error of having this fight right now.
Let us simply presume that Jill Stein is correct. Analogy 1) Let’s presume that vegetarians are correct—the wrong strategy is to go after carnivores, the correct strategy is to go after animal cruelty, in the food production system and allow and allow humans to organically evolve from there, rather than polarization leading to a stalemate, which equals the status quo, such animals carry on being tortured. Analogy 2) Let’s assume that single payer is the correct healthcare system (
Analogy 1) Let’s presume that vegetarians are correct—the wrong strategy is to go after carnivores, the correct strategy is to go after animal cruelty, in the food production system and allow and allow humans to organically evolve from there, rather than polarization leading to a stalemate, which equals the status quo, such animals carry on being tortured.
Analogy 2) Let’s assume that single payer is the correct healthcare system (Duh. Of course it is), but people are fearful and reject it. The correct strategy was to try and implement the public option–with which there was no argument against it, and this can organically lead to a single-payer dominated system. But even this failed only because the political system is bought and paid for. The issue of free trade is infinitely more complex–any over reaching will end up with society more polarized and solutions far harder to agree on. (I happen to believe in a rather specific middle course, which I never see debated).
But Jill Stein has exhibited something worse than anything above. In the UK the battle to replace David Cameron was fought between two women–one was a political pro, the married but involuntarily childless Theresa May, the other was a political lightweight Andrea Leadsam. But barely before the battle had really begun, the amateur made a fatal mistake.
“I am sure Theresa will be really sad she doesn’t have children, so I don’t want this to be, ‘Andrea has children, Theresa hasn’t’, because I think that would be really horrible.” But she added: “Genuinely I feel that being a mum means you have a real stake in the future of our country, a tangible stake.”
Soon after these comments Andrea Leadsam had to throw in the towel, without a vote being cast. Why do I mention this other than as an illustration that other developed countries have a massively lower tolerance for really cruel and stupid comments.
Jill Stein is not much better than Andrea Leadsom. This was what Jill Stein Tweeted:
I agree w/ Hillary, it’s time to elect a woman for President. But I want that President to reflect the values of being a mother. #MothersDay.
The fact that in America, no body gives a dam about this is really a sad indication of the break down of basic humanity in American political debate. This has been brought about by Roger Ailes and his brotherhood, who have debased facts as the domain of elitists. I would not say Hillary is perfect on this score, I am not really sure. But in my opinion the worst thing that Hillary has ever done was show political cowardice during her 2008 primary campaign against Obama by not rejecting the racists within the Democratic party–for yes they do have some, especially in the rural counties of Red States. But this political cowardice was not vindictive, not mean spirited—as Jill Stein has just shown herself to be.
Jill Stein and her kidnapping of the the Green movement can only set back the goals of environmentalists every time it undermines the vital and now historic opportunity to destroy the StupidParty. Only once the StupidParty is killed off and then reborn (without the stupid) can America even begin to have enlightened conversations about what the rainbow “loony” left feels so strongly about. Only then can mainstream voters begin to see that sometimes the loony left is correct and sometimes they are just loony, but nice.
As The Huffington Post has pointed out
The whole charade of Stein’s media-driven candidacy covers over the fact that the Green Party has no ground game. This is a one-candidate show, not a genuine reformist party working to change a system from the local level. Unlike the Libertarian Party, the Green Party doesn’t hold a single state house seat. If this was a party sincere about its mission, it would be building infrastructure. Instead, we have what amounts to a celebrity campaign seemingly designed to foil the Democrats. In a year where our democracy is threatened by a terrifying demagogue, the Green Party is revealing itself to be reckless and full of hot air… Liberals deserve better than Jill Stein. Luckily, with the assistance of Bernie Sanders, they already have the most progressive Democratic Party platform in history.
Of course Jill Stein has a great agenda–bully for you. My god, you really think that you are so smart in supporting that agenda. Most of it is just so bloody obvious, yet you walk around thinking that you are Einstein reincarnated. Jill Stein getting zero in the electoral college is going to achieve that agenda–you are looking quite so smart now?
Oh you say, ” I can not vote against my core principles” STFU.
Meanwhile you have enabled the exact opposite. This strikes me as the end game of a moron. So you figured that clean energy is the way to go. Whoopsy do, that does not make you brilliant. It just means that you can add 2+2. Voting for a clear cut loser who can only raise very limited funds, has zero ground game, and is simply a Nader reboot, is that smart?
Remember Nader, his voters keep rationalizing this deadly obstinacy and it lead to Florida 2000. Still have doubts that about that history, about the value of history lessons? I will let Gallup remind you.
“Nader received almost 100,000 votes in Florida in 2000, a state George W. Bush won by 537 votes over Al Gore. Gallup’s pre-election polls as well as exit polls showed that Nader voters were more likely to support Gore than Bush. If Nader had not run that year, it is reasonable to assume that enough of a majority of Nader votes would have been cast for Gore, giving him Florida’s electoral votes and the presidency.”
Now start using your strategic brain and actually try and help humanity instead of fertilizing your personal vanity. Now, remember life is about your journey, not your fantasized destination. We are all living in the real world–the real world of Trump and the StupidParty, so come back and actually do your part to salvage the planet and stop taking oxygen out of the room. It is 2016 and every day is
It is 2016 and every day is Christmas day.
Time to take your daily gift (Trump’s mouth) and run with it.
Karl Gary says
The real problem with voting for the Green Party, is that they too have incorrect ideas of materialism.
I love the green party and what they are doing, but in the end the ideas will not work. Money is the major inhibitor to advancement, and until that changes, humans cannot form a Global Organization of Technology that manages world resources, which is the only path that can save us now. The Green Party still believes that capitalism can sell one of everything to everybody and the planet will remain in good standing order.
All four categorizes of how we live, which produces our CO2 problem must be changed. That means our entire lifestyle must change, as this video points out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-CZLlKGEpQ
The best choice is Hillary, just to keep Trump out of office with his party’s idea of maintaining carbon, and all the other unintelligent ideas Trump presents.
Kim says
The first time I objected to Stein was when she began her attempts to lure Bernie to the Green Party by offering him her spot on the ballot. That is not committment or leadership. My second objection was when she said she would rule through the use of executive orders. She appeared to lack even a basic understanding of the three branches of government and how each functions.
Albert D Campbell says
Hillary Clinton’s Campaign is unraveling and all you can write about is little old Jill Stein, your sooo obvious.
Patrick Andendall says
Unraveling? You must be a trumpeteer trying to communicate, but stupidity makes it impossible to string together a coherent thought and put such a thought in to meaningful words. No nothings have nothing of substance to say. Go figure.
CCS says
I will be voting for Jill Stein, Hillary Clinton is a corporatist warmonger who only acts to enrich herself and the oligarchy that pulls her strings. My guess is if either Hillary or Trump wins, it doesn’t matter. Bill will be playing golf with the Donald on weekends, laughing about what suckers the American voters are, while the oligarchy continues to rape the American taxpayers to line their own pockets. WAKE UP AMERICA, the Republican and Democratic parties are TWO HEADS OF THE SAME MONSTER – THE OLIGARCHY. Jill Stein is only candidate of, by and for the people. WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for, it’s in OUR hands! Vote for Jill Stein and The Green Party!
Patrick Andendall says
Try reading the content, try having fact based opinions, try to stop making shit up, try becoming a productive member of the human race. To Hillary haters: what you need are facts https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/07/hillary-clinton-liar-or-patron-saint-honesty.html plus https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2015/12/to-those-who-say-a-pox-on-both-your-houses-i-say-a-pox-on-you.html Plus https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2015/12/climate-agreement-victory-lap-is-quiet-patient-obama-quite-brilliant.html Plus https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/06/benghazi-hearing-gops-embarrassing-shame-clintons-triumphant-vindication-2.html Plus https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2015/05/increasing-minimum-wage-good-but-not-the-holy-grail.html plus https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2015/01/a-farewell-to-romney-who-was-once-again-circling-over-the-carcass-of-the-american-middle-class-but-clearly-didnt-get-the-green-light-from-the-stupidparty-establishment-who-have-bigger-fools-t.html
Now remember life is about your journey, not your destination -so I do hope you enjoy your trip back to humanity.
CCS says
We have not seen presidential candidates with trust and approval ratings this low in history. There has NEVER been a better time to vote for a third party candidate than now. When Julian Assange drops his final wikileaks bomb, it will be all over for Hillary.
Patrick Andendall says
How about reading the content. How about not allowing yourself to be a Putin Patsy. https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/08/updated-815-trump-putin-russia-dncclinton-hack-wikileaks-theres-something-going-election-2016-cyberwarfare-maybe-worse.html How about getting a grip of the non DNC email scandal – https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/08/dnc-e-mail-leak-scandal-not-much-scandal-blown-way-proportion-politics-101-primer-party-organization.html How about being just a tad bit smarter than a Trumpeteer.
john says
yes i read the these content AND the contents of that two evils and the choice is clear. stop repeating the mistakes the system has made us do for the past 8 elections
Patrick Andendall says
Incoherent drivel. I guess that sums up Jill Stein supporters -assuming you stay stupid for the next 100 days -which I doubt, as that would be irredeemably stupid. There is reason why we have gotten to 2016 and you have not figured it out yet. https://www.amazon.com/Patrick-M.-Andendall/e/B00NOBJPLM/
L.H. says
You have the nerve to list all of these so-called “facts” and not mention they either come directly from Hillary’s campaign or from a source supporting Hillary. We will never overlook her lies to congress concerning the e-mails (credibility issues, honesty issues), her association with Debbie Shultz and the DNC collusion to undermine Bernie Sanders (proven by the leaked e-mails), and we will not ignore the possibility of being indicted for crimes committed in association with the Clinton Foundation (transparency issues, and more honesty issues). We Jill Stein supporters are NOT as uninformed or as uneducated as you would like us to be and we intend on fervently spreading the TRUTH about Hillary Clinton, in direct opposition to your spreading of BS.
Patrick Andendall says
Of course I will be publish your response especially since I can prove you to be a total wanker. I can see an idiot coming even before they know they exist. My sources were varied as part of any research and facts are facts -if I made any mistake with such facts then only a mental midget would not be able to spot such an error. You are clearly a gullible fool, fodder for the Roger Ailes Breitbart crowd that just makes a fool of useless tools like you. I was never vested in Hillary and because my brain is massively larger than yours (nothing to be proud of)I would be doing precisely the same for Bernie if he had won the nomination. My job which should be the job of any one with half a brain is take down stupidparty and it really is a waste of resources having to fill your vacuum. But that will not stop me nailing you to the wall 1) You knowledge of Clinton is just pathetic – get the facts about Hillary emails and all the rest here https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/07/hillary-clinton-liar-or-patron-saint-honesty.html get the facts about the Clinton Foundation here https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/07/clinton-foundation-truth-time.html – and all Bernie of Busters who want to destroy Bernie with their massive holier than thou stupidity get a reality check here… https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/06/sanders-political-terrorism-fans-fan-ignorant-nevada-drama-sanders-defends-indefensible.html So take your penis out of Trumps ass, wipe off your sticky hands and try and act like a decent human being rather than a pale imitation of a Trumpeteer. A Trumpeteer without a gun, but with good dental care.
Gordon Gekko says
Yep, vote for Jill…..and throw your vote away. Some people, even after having it explained to them why their choice is a very very bad one, still decide to take the stupid route.
This is the equivalent of telling a 3 year old not to stick that fork into the wall outlet and not 10 seconds later seeing him about to do it anyway.
Karl Gary says
I would move my vote from Hillary to Jill under one condition. If during tonight’s debate, Jill was brutally honest about the effects of CO2 on Earth. Like quoting Stephen Hawking:
“A rise in ocean temperature would melt the ice-caps, and cause a release of large amounts of carbon dioxide from the ocean floor. Both effects could make our climate like that of Venus, with a temperature of 250 degrees.”
If Jill quoted the stats: By the year 2100, civilization will be around 650 ppm and a 4.5 C increase to Earth’s temperature, which is far past the world’s goal of 450 ppm / 2.5 C rise temperature … and a deadly condition for Earth’s ecosystem – then I am all in.
If Jill blatantly said that the world is on a path to self-destruction and nothing else matters. Then I am all in.
If Jill said – everything in how we live must change, like air travel, automobile travel, industry and agriculture – all of it must be redesigned. Then I am all in.
She would really grab my attention by asking: Does anyone think we should be flying jet aircraft through the rest of this century, all the way up to the end of our civilization? Then I am all in.
If the Green party cannot be brutally honest about what needs to be done to save Earth, then they are not much better or different than the rest. And not much of Green Party either. They are catering to the masses with standard principles that contain no Earth shattering, out-of-the-box thinking that is required to save Earth.
What good comes from voting for a party who like the rest, does not truly embrace a dramatic lifestyle change that can save the world? The Green party represents small ideas of change; those small ideas of change will not work when looking at the real numbers of CO2 going into the air. 40 billion tons a year and rising, will quickly destroy Earth. If anyone would say that, then I am all in.
We need big ideas. If you would like to see big ideas that have a better chance of working, and perhaps it is too late for any idea to work anyway, but at least the human race can go out with a good fight – please visit http://www.thecompassionateworld.com.
It’s a platform that fully recognizes that the big banks and wall street must be completely transformed so that technology is released from their grasp, then, we can use green technology to save Earth. The system is trying to sell you green energy, like we have the money and the time to buy it. Green energy must be subsidized and installed quickly and freely, if we are to save Earth. If the Green party would say that – then I am all in.
Patrick Andendall says
There is nothing Jill can say to change the Math for the 2016 election. A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump which is a vote global warming denial and environmental destruction. I am all for the Green party building up their party infrastructure so that one day they can be a viable force. But Gary you know my views on the environment -I have written numerous blogs about it that do not fit with orthodox green thinking, and I must wait for such persons to catch up. Accidentally it is also my (day) job to figure out these trends, and I get well paid for being correct. As I have discussed with you, it will take a lot longer for people to catch up with you (than me)- and you will suffer much pain, because being ahead of the curve is painful. At least I can see my vision unfolding as we speak. This will not be happening for you in 2016 and if you are very lucky, the stirrings of conversations you want to have may be viable by midway through a second term Hillary. The world will see many issues massively differently by 2023 – a sea change is now inevitable with virtually unlimited funds now working to see the old order destroyed (such a financial equation has never been in place before) and the orthodoxy expressed today will all be very much out of date within five years, (maybe within two years as developments are now on a faster track than when I wrote about it) The only thing that can stop America being part of the solutions (that are rapidly materialising) would be Trump. No one who is concerned about the environment should skip on this once in a lifetime opportunity to destroy Stupipdarty. All your hope and all my projections assume a significant Trump loss. America eight years ago was perhaps the most useless country in the world on Green issues (although the ancient GOP did quite well with cap and trade) -the USA was more responsible than any other Country for Global Warming – it is now a leader on the issue (yet the voters remain laggards) this improvement did not come about by voting for Nader or Stein. In fact voting without thing has probably delayed America’s redemption by 10 years.
Karl Gary says
Pat, I’m with you on all that. The point that was I was making is that the green party is not intelligent enough to arrive at the correct solutions. My original comment will hold strong, Vote Hillary because stupid party wants to protect carbon, and they must be eliminated. There is no other choice than Hillary.
The goal of that last reply was to prove that the Green Party does not have any ideas worth voting for. A wasted vote, if one reads between the lines.
Karl Gary says
Now I wish I had typed my original close, since the Green party cannot say all that, I am fully out. It would have saved you a paragraph of writing.
DAH says
You really don’t get a lot of things about the topics you are speaking about, and you call people with other ideas insulting names – really the hallmark of an ignorant child. You can vote for Jill without throwing anything to Trump, for example, through two well known and already widely used methods both here and overseas. Why don’t you try reading around in more depth yourself instead of pushing out invalid or incomplete information to slant people’s understanding towards your own agenda. Being more questioning about things and more tolerant and open minded will win over more people to your positions who have the brains to analyze things – while your current modus operandi will simply amuse the better informed and alienate/entrench the position of those who don’t or won’t do so. In other words, you’re wasting your time and achieving very little with your approach.
But if digital experience is any indicator, you’ll continue to do exactly as you have been, and defend it in the usual attack-mode, unintrospective manner, despite a sober and measured critique. That’s the American way. Good luck with that. Meanwhile, others will work on ways to acutally build towards a better set of options in politics in the USA. Too bad passionate people like you can’t see beyond the kool aid to a Plan C solution.
Patrick Andendall says
You are obviously trying really hard to rationalise your support for Jill Stein – and I am sure that you have given it much thought. Here is the only relevant sentence you made in such such support “You can vote for Jill without throwing anything to Trump, for example, through two well known and already widely used methods both here and overseas.” It sounds so promising yet you fail to deliver on your amazing insight. Thus all your protestations of knowing so much about the topics you speak about fall apart. I would love to hear of these “two widely known and already used ways” of Voting for Stein in a way that does not enable Trump, does not reduce the chance of delivering a killer blow to Stupid. Yes of course I am angry, and I have simply decided to call out Trump enablers for what they are – Ignorant Bigots. I do not invent such a charge, rather I prove it. https://stupidpartyland.com/the-67 I never make an assertion with out backing it up with overwhelming facts. Yet you fight back with nothing but opinions. I happen to abhor vacuous opinions. You can play nice – be part of a stalemate and thus acquiesce to the appalling consequences of Stupidity and in your case false equivalence. I would deem that to be spineless and uninformed. Did I listen to your critique? Yes. But the media’s refusal to properly explain how Trump won the primary -when we here knew that this was going to happen back in Aug of 2015-actually necessitates a more aggressive style. But you, the nice guy, the ever so smart guy – did you actually think about my content ? No – because if you did, you would have responded with substance, not with spite. Basically I have called you out -you do not like it. I get it. Will I have achieved nothing? Of course not – because on the day of Judgement you will not be voting for Stein – because you clearly want to be better than a Trumpeteer.
A says
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump.
Patrick Andendall says
A moron communicates.
Gordon Gekko says
Just not very well
Gordon Gekko says
All the lofty ideals aside, the very real point is that Jill Stein has absolutely no chance of winning a presidential election. People seem to miss that little detail. A vote for her takes away a vote for either one of the only two candidates that stand a chance of winning. You may not like that fact, but it is indeed a reality. On 11/9/2016 the country will be facing an upcoming presidency of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, this is again a hard fact (of course unless one of them drops out or is deceased). It’s not a great choice between either of them, but what is important is to decide which person you can live with for the next 4 years, because you’re going to end up having to, unless you decide to renounce your United States citizenship and move elsewhere.
So, maybe stop all the posturing and whining and look long and hard at the facts in front of you. Make an educated choice based upon those facts, not your ideals, your conscience, your dignity or whatever.
While you’re at it, do some studying on the electoral college and the very important role they play in presidential elections, and maybe you’ll start to figure out why a third party simply doesn’t have a chance under our current system.
Should it be changed? Yes, I’m in agreement on that, but again the cold hard fact is that it’s not going to be changed before 11/8/2016.
dhivya a4n says
Hillary Clinton’s Campaign is unraveling and all you can write about is little old Jill Stein, your sooo obvious.
Patrick Andendall says
1) Unraveling? Hardly 2) All I can write about is Stein? Hardly -but such a conclusion would be logical from an illiterate. 3) The fact that you would gloat (incorrectly) about The Clinton campaign, makes you a Trumpeteer or a Trumpeteer enabler -and that would mean that you are a deplorable moron, which in itself explains your first two moronic observations. In fact only an idiot could combine so much idiocy in one sentence. Thanks for revealing so much about your self.
Brian Frydenborg says
Stein is just awful. She makes Gary Johnson look presidential.
Thanks for interesting post says
Thanks for interesting post