Updated: It's the summer of 2018 and Fox just keeps digging its hole deeper. Roger Ailes is gone, but his monstrous creation lives on, chewing on the bones of a decaying nation. We should never lose sight of how Fox became a tool for the enemies of America. Having written the below article … [Read more...]
World’s Worst Weasel Mortally Wounded: Huge Consequences for us all.
As I keep singing to anyone who enjoys a good tune— this year is 2016, the year that everyday is Christmas day. While some people remain glued to the unraveling hate-fest otherwise known as the GOP convention 2016, salivating over further proof a how shallow and deceitful the Trumps are (No Donald, … [Read more...]
Voter Fraud is Mathematically Irrelevant
Therefore supporting Voter Suppression would be based on Ignorance, Dishonesty or Bigotry.By Patrick AndendallFirst I must prove that Voter Fraud by the Voter in Mathematically irelevantFox engaging in clear-cut & egregious deception Voter Fraud is a minuscule and … [Read more...]
Oh Deare John—You are the Logical End Game of a Stupidparty Disciple.
Now that the story is crystallizing—they are going to say that you are mentally ill. Yes they might have a point—but who are they to throw stones at you, when you are one of them, born and bred out of them. So somewhat crazy people will now call you crazy, try and create a distance, try and pretend … [Read more...]
The Dumbing Down of America: Who Lit the Fuse?
I often engage with Stupidparty disciples on Twitter or Facebook and occasionally even on this website. Very quickly a pattern emerges. They post some thought that can usually be put on a bumper sticker. I ask for substance, some evidence of intelligent thinking. 99% of the time, in spite of thrice … [Read more...]
Why is the Least Trusted News Media, the Least Trusted News Media? - And who is responsible? Profitizing Hate, Ignorance and Stupidity This might seem like an easy question. But simply relying one's gut is just not good enough. We are not interested in opinions; we want to know the facts. We all … [Read more...]
Venture into the Incestuous Universe of Stupidparty Journalism
By Patrick AndendallDigging a little deeper, behind the scenesPlease join me in entering the Intellectually Incestuous, Circular and Corrupted Universe of paid off hacks posing as Journalists and Authors. A Universe in which I accidentally stumble upon my idiotic twin.As one may have noticed I have … [Read more...]
More Fox noise. What Sound does a Fox Make?
What Sound does a Fox Make?Guest Blogger: George HarveyThere is no debating the amount of criticism given to President Obama by Fox News. The network is rife with it, and even more so in the wake of the several terrorist beheadings of late. Numerous Fox analysts and correspondents are criticizing … [Read more...]
Faux Fox News is not enough, Now Stupidparty needs Faux Faux News
Are the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Fake News Sites the latest indication that the Stupidparty has to cheat with ever greater degrees of odious desperation?By George Harvey, Guest Blogger We already know (assuming one is not a sleep at the wheel) that Stupidparty thinks it is … [Read more...]