I Am so Bored Arguing With People Who Have Nothing Upstairs, That I Have To Invent My Own Imaginary Opponent
My Imaginary Opponent: Let us put aside the fact that Trump is the choice for America's enemies, that voting for Trump is a litmus test that tells us whose side you would have been on in Germany 1928-1933, that Trumpeteers could not give shit about having an unbalanced, infantile, short tempered … [Read more...]
US Health Care—the Solution is Easy. #1 SP Myth Bites the Dust.
Stupidparty Myth #1—USA has the best healthcare system; thus, why reform? To see the solution one only needs to understand the problem: Stupidparty Healthcare Expertise. Shortly before the Missouri primary, Santorum—arguing against Barack Obama’s healthcare law—made some rather startling … [Read more...]
How Money Has Bought Democracy
So, how does all this money impact Congress? Congressmen—Money, Money, Money… According to The New York Times, the committee that congressmen most covet is the one on financial services. This 61-seat committee has become so populated that extra nestled seats have had to be requisitioned to … [Read more...]
How Fascist Tendencies are Already Bringing Back Nazi Style Slave Labor
DOES SLAVE LABOR AND GENOCIDE MAKE ECONOMIC SENSE? Part 1: The context behind the argument that “Slave” Labor is back on the table. It is pretty scary that this question actually has to be raised. But yes, we have gotten to this point. It is clear to me that the pieces are in place whereby this … [Read more...]
What do Mississippi and Vermont Have in Common? They Both Tend to be #1
By understanding which States perform best and worst, then one can learn from the other— and then one can elect politicians who will improve their states' fortunes. Well, that would be the case if one had a well-educated voter base. The catch, of course, being that if one has a purposefully … [Read more...]
Government Can be Great -but not when Stupidparty Governs
Why Government is not the Bad Guy. Government helping Capitalism flourish. Without Government – Just how would the economy have been salvaged from economic Armageddon, a catastrophe created by unfettered capitalism, the asset strippers mooching off everything and every one else? Let’s simply … [Read more...]
More than 101 Stupidparty Myths Debunked: How to Destroy Every Single Deplorable Trumpeteer Argument (For They Have Nothing)!
This is no typically simple list of 101 eye candy slogans designed as click-bait! This tool, that I am very happy to provide, to any and all, actually represents a mammoth effort, that highlights two solid years of research. I had written a surprisingly well-received book that successfully debunked … [Read more...]
Obama Legacy Becoming Crystal Clear—and it is Quite Brilliant
Obama's popularity grows by the day. Within a couple of years his numbers will be through the roof. The reasons are quite simple—even though they are not fully appreciated today. "Family values" actually means family values: A beautiful family with unimpeachable values. What type of deplorable … [Read more...]
Yes, We are Back in Kansas Dorothy—Because it’s so much fun—Can Kansas lead the Way Home?
God, Kansas, Brownback and his Stupidest Devotees are having bad times in Kansas. This is another update on one of the funniest yet saddest States in Stupidparty land. Kansas is a great litmus test for everything stupidparty, since the voters went all in on Brownback and best pal - God. How can that … [Read more...]