And they're coming to take me away ha-haaa They're coming to take me away ho-ho hee-hee ha-haaa To the funny farm Where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those nice young men In their clean white coats And they're coming to take me away ha-haaa According to The New York … [Read more...]
Dinesh D’Souza and his “Hillary’s America” Seen Through the Eyes of Two Idiots Posing as Film Experts
Evidently this movie, "Hillary's America" by Dinesh D'Souza, has just been released in it's DVD format— —ready for the 73% of gullible Stupipdarty disciples who believe that elections are suddenly rigged or that 1,600,000 Zombies will rise from the dead and vote, or that Donald Trump can turn any … [Read more...]
More than 101 Stupidparty Myths Debunked: How to Destroy Every Single Deplorable Trumpeteer Argument (For They Have Nothing)!
This is no typically simple list of 101 eye candy slogans designed as click-bait! This tool, that I am very happy to provide, to any and all, actually represents a mammoth effort, that highlights two solid years of research. I had written a surprisingly well-received book that successfully debunked … [Read more...]
The Obama Administration, The Immaculate Conception!
So Obama has declared that Trump is unfit to become President. Who is he to judge? Let's look at this through the eyes of a Trumpeteer, as by doing so, we will be able to evaluate Obama with more clarity—and better understand how Trump secured the nomination. A couple of months ago, in the House of … [Read more...]
World’s Worst Weasel Mortally Wounded: Huge Consequences for us all.
As I keep singing to anyone who enjoys a good tune— this year is 2016, the year that everyday is Christmas day. While some people remain glued to the unraveling hate-fest otherwise known as the GOP convention 2016, salivating over further proof a how shallow and deceitful the Trumps are (No Donald, … [Read more...]
Slave labor part 2 - It is pretty scary that this question actually has to be raised. But yes we have gotten to this point. So carrying on from part 1... Getting into the head of a supposedly moderate, establishment Stupidparty leader and presidential prospect who would unwittingly (being kind) … [Read more...]
The Gray Lady Must Ensure that it Makes People More Informed
So what is wrong with this story? This is the offending paragraph, the very first paragraph: The cash-rich group aiding Jeb Bush’s White House run has filmed a provocative video casting his rival Marco Rubio as ultimately unelectable because of his hard-line stand against abortion. They are … [Read more...]
The Definitive Clinton E-mail Scandal Analysis
The Definitive Clinton E-mail Scandal Analysis: The Real Scandals are GOP Witch Hunt, Benghazi Committee, & Media Hype Below is the most comprehensive analysis of Hillary Clinton's e-mail "scandal" you will find anywhere. There certainly are some legitimate questions about what happened and … [Read more...]
Dispelling Stupidparty Myths – The GOP is Ideologically No Longer the Party of Lincoln
By Jason Newell (UPDATED 2/2016):Social media has become an excellent medium for people to express their political views – the feeling of anonymity, however, has compelled historical revisionists to unabashedly disseminate fabricated political material. There are countless myths making the rounds, … [Read more...]
Why is the Least Trusted News Media, the Least Trusted News Media? - And who is responsible? Profitizing Hate, Ignorance and Stupidity This might seem like an easy question. But simply relying one's gut is just not good enough. We are not interested in opinions; we want to know the facts. We all … [Read more...]