My Imaginary Opponent: Let us put aside the fact that Trump is the choice of America's enemies, that voting for Trump is a litmus test that tells us whose side you would have been on in Germany 1928-1933, that Trumpeteers could not give shit about having an unbalanced, infantile, short tempered … [Read more...]
Hillary’s America Seen Through the Eyes of Two Idiots Posing as Film Experts
I do love investigating the relationship between the Arts and the Stupidparty. The conclusions are often not only stunning but seemingly Mathematically impossible. What I mean by this is how can I possibly make statements such as progressive movies are literally infinitely better than Stupidparty … [Read more...]
More than 101 Stupidparty Myths Debunked: How to Destroy Every Single Deplorable Trumpeteer Argument (For They Have Nothing)!
This is no typically simple list of 101 eye candy slogans designed as click-bait! This tool, that I am very happy to provide, to any and all, actually represents a mammoth effort, that highlights two solid years of research. I had written a surprisingly well-received book that successfully debunked … [Read more...]
2016 Republican Convention: Trump “the Great” Announces Speakers and Special Entertainment
Quite a few StupidParty leaders have refused to sing Trump's "Great" Anthem and thus will not be attending the Convention. We've created a list for smart and stupid alike, so that you can see that there is clear writing on the wall. It is so clear, even the good ol' boys are starting to see … [Read more...]
The Day of the Trump has Finally Arrived: We’ve Been Spending All Our Lives Living in a Nightmarish Paradise!
The day of the Trump has finally arrived: USA! USA! USA! - All Aboard. Apologies to :"Weird Al" Yankovic. As I walk through my life and consider my brain I take a look at the GOP nominee and realize he’s far from insane But that's just perfect for a perfect bigot like me You know, I shun fancy … [Read more...]
American Dreaming. “Come on Join My convoy ‘Cross the USA”
OK -so I do feel a bit guilty stamping on the culture, the romance of a Pick Up Truck - an environment that I readily admit that I am far removed from. Yes in a parallel world- I would be happy "to join yo convoy 'Cross the USA". But we live on planet earth. You can label me however you choose, … [Read more...]
Trump, Porn and the Mormons, the Perfect Storm for the Stupidparty.
The Mormons have decided that an intervention is necessary. A new group Fight the New Drug, whose founders are all members of the conservative Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or the Mormon Church, have decided that Trump's hands, face and other parts have become a public health … [Read more...]
Where to Invade Next? Prepare to Be Shocked.
This blog is little more than a tribute to Michael Moore (a documentary maker who has had so many important things to say), and I am sure we all hope that he will fully regain his health. Again he uses humor to paint a truly bleak picture of the epic consequences of blind parochialism. He tries to … [Read more...]
Let’s Have Some Fun Proving that Stupidparty Just cannot be Funny!
Part 1 - Stand Up Comedy Now imagine you are a stupidparty disciple and you would like some comic relief to take your minds off all your fears and all your bigotry. So off you trot, happily packed into a venue filled with like minded, empty headed, entitled gullible fools. Now you sit back and have … [Read more...]
Hillary V Bernie: Flags, Pins, Money and Fashion Things!
I know nothing about fashion. I have learned that before I ever go out with my wife in public that I must surreptitiously discipline my hair with a thoroughly whetted comb and exchange whatever I have been wearing for the prior 48 hours (with items that I had been wearing two days previously–rapidly … [Read more...]