The 2000, 2004 and 2016 Presidential results did not match expectations. Recently watching CNN analysts and other prognosticators asking why polls consistently appear to overstate the Democrats chances of victory on Election Day in recent years is very frustrating. The polls (in the aggregate) are … [Read more...]
Voter Fraud is Mathematically Irrelevant, and here is the Proof:
Therefore supporting Voter Suppression would be based on Ignorance, Dishonesty or Bigotry. By Patrick Andendall First I must prove that voter fraud by the voter in mathematically irrelevant Fox engaging in clear-cut & egregious deception Voter fraud is a minuscule and … [Read more...]
More than 101 Stupidparty Myths Debunked: How to Destroy Every Single Deplorable Trumpeteer Argument (For They Have Nothing)!
This is no typically simple list of 101 eye candy slogans designed as click-bait! This tool, that I am very happy to provide, to any and all, actually represents a mammoth effort, that highlights two solid years of research. I had written a surprisingly well-received book that successfully debunked … [Read more...]
Slave labor part 2 - It is pretty scary that this question actually has to be raised. But yes we have gotten to this point. So carrying on from part 1... Getting into the head of a supposedly moderate, establishment Stupidparty leader and presidential prospect who would unwittingly (being kind) … [Read more...]
Voter Fraud is Mathematically Irrelevant
Therefore supporting Voter Suppression would be based on Ignorance, Dishonesty or Bigotry.By Patrick AndendallFirst I must prove that Voter Fraud by the Voter in Mathematically irelevantFox engaging in clear-cut & egregious deception Voter Fraud is a minuscule and … [Read more...]
The “Magical” Supreme Court, the Constitution and Gerrymandering.
On the subject of our imperiled Democracy, don't hold your breath hoping we will get to see many more 'magic tricks' from the Supreme Court after the magical tri-factor of opinions erupting in June 2015. Supreme Court Decision: Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting … [Read more...]
The Perpetrators Would Rather Burn in Hell, than Accept the Facts
This news site has been exposing the massive institutionalized bigotry and racism that is really the backbone of the Stupidparty. This has been done with facts, with charts, with state by state breakdowns, with cartoons and videos. We have explained why the situation has been exacerbated by the … [Read more...]
“We Want Our Freedoms”
Freedoms is a concept too nuanced for the mind of an SP Patrick Andendall “We Want Our Freedoms - No body is safe” I have just posted below a story written by Lucius Taylor–an individual wrongly imprisoned for 25 years for a murder he did not commit. It might be said that Lucius was relatively … [Read more...]
Chief Justice Supremely SP John Roberts – It is not just his willingness to put Democracy up sale, but his naive and shallow views on racial issues also undermines Democracy.
Learn more about the leader of the Supremely Stupidparty Court, the Guy who is happy to have American Democracy for sale to the highest bidder, also happy to prevent minorities from voting - now he wants to talk about Race, and in doing we can begin to see right through him.Republicans Doing Crazy … [Read more...]
Who is Alec and Why Should We Care
In 2012 Coca-Cola announced it was ending its relationship with ALEC, and more than 60 major corporations followed suit. What suddenly created the exodus? Well, the catalyst was the legal murder of Trayvon Martin. The issue was the fact that it is evidently now legal for a White armed person to … [Read more...]