The Simplest of Concepts Stumps Way too Many - but Why? Many stupidparty disciples and virtually all stupidparty leaders find it difficult to understand the facts behind climate change (warming). - This is not the same as saying that climate Change (warming) is a fact. Let me clarify this. First … [Read more...]
Mike Huckabee wants to Talk Iran,Talk Family Values, Talk of the Devil
Mike Huckabee is running yet again for President. As usual God will be on his side, but yet hedging his bets by also backing other Stupidparty aspirants. Huckabee is keen to compare Obama with Hitler, attack Obama's parenting and Beyonce's Lyrics - so lets take this "Awful Monster" down -once and … [Read more...]
Stupidparty Voters are the least Informed Voters of any Developed Nation.
I guess this should come as no surprise, but it is certainly useful to look at the numbers. Bare in I mind that I have already demonstrated that on virtually every single metric from Healthcare, to Education, to Quality of life, incarceration rates, Child poverty—not to mention an appalling record … [Read more...]
The Mathematics of Ebola – what are the biggest dangers?
Ignorance + Fear = Danger How the Root causes of Stupidparty thinking endanger the USA, and thus everyone: Approximately 95% of Ebola cases coming from three Countries Most Medical professionals feel that the limited cases occurring outside these Countries are presently containable. · … [Read more...]
Ben Carson: Getting his wires crossed
Ben Carson, former neurosurgeonLikely future Fox, Wall Street Journal toyboy. Ben Carson , is like Herman Cain, but with more of a Brain. They love to zealously indulge in populist idiotic banter to curry favor with SP disciples—and thus enable SP disciples to indulge in often time bigoted … [Read more...]