Obama's popularity grows by the day. Within a couple of years his numbers will be through the roof. The reasons are quite simple—even though they are not fully appreciated today. "Family values" actually means family values: A beautiful family with unimpeachable values. What type of deplorable … [Read more...]
Only 16% of Trump Voters Have Aptitude to Participate in a Democracy
When will the media get a grip and explain to the American people what is really happening? Could they please just explain precisely how Trump won the nomination. To be absolutely clear, his success had nothing to do "with the economy - stupid". This assertion is all quantifiable, it is not an … [Read more...]
The Obama Administration, The Immaculate Conception!
So Obama has declared that Trump is unfit to become President. Who is he to judge? Let's look at this through the eyes of a Trumpeteer, as by doing so, we will be able to evaluate Obama with more clarity—and better understand how Trump secured the nomination. A couple of months ago, in the House of … [Read more...]
Explaining the Supreme Court nomination process to Zombified Republicans
The Stupidparty is at it again: according to these strict constitutionalists, the president doesn’t have the Constitutional discretion to appoint Supreme Court Justices during his final year in office. Wait, what? Even one of the Stupidparty frontrunners said the following: “Because actually, it’s … [Read more...]
Rubio’s 25 Second Soundbite: Would it be Possible to Include Substance, Intelligence or Facts?
This sound bite moment will go down in history as the most epic fail in debate history. But everyone is missing the bigger picture, and this is driving me nuts. Would it be too much to expect Stupidparty to say anything intelligent? Did you watch Trump's acceptance speech after his New Hampshire … [Read more...]
Rubio Exposed
Rubio had a great story: a Cuban whose parents had escaped Castro's leash, to then thrive in the USA. But what is it about nouveau American small town Norman Rockwell Icon wannabees that makes them so ashamed of their minority backgrounds, that they have to try extra hard to fit in with their … [Read more...]
Obama’s State of the Union: His Legacy and What I Will (and Won’t) Miss
Here Brian weighs in on his thoughts on President Obama's legacy. I must however interject to point out a couple of areas where I disagree with Brian's analysis. Brian whilst paying tribute to Obama's professorial style also believes it is this style that has caused some parts of his agenda to … [Read more...]
Paris Bombings: Now the Penny Is Dropping, a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity!
This will serve as an update to what I wrote back in October: The days of ISIS (in terms of holding territory and securing funds from those territories) are numbered - they are on the fast track to their final destination. Speaking of which, please vote in our poll (right column) to help mankind … [Read more...]
ISIS—The Game is Over, You Lose
ISIS You Lose. What should the Punishment be? This will soon be hitting the news media. I have made it quite plain for the last months, more stridently in the last few weeks, that ISIS is doomed—that they will be meeting their maker a bit faster than even I have been predicting. My most recent … [Read more...]
Obama V Putin: Game Over? Absolutely—Look at the Math!
I had already discussed how Obama had outplayed Putin in the game of chess. This is an achievement that few have recognized. But now there have been developments that even fewer have spotted that indicate we are in the end game—and both players know how it is going to turn out. The next twelve … [Read more...]