Trump keeps talking nonsense. Here we tackle crime and Trumps false assertions that can only encourage a police state in his search to make America great again. Brian FrydenborgFollowBrian Frydenborg Author, International Affairs/Development/Public Policy Professional, Freelance … [Read more...]
Police Shootings: Less Opinions Please—More Knowledge & Facts
Everyone needs to stop voicing vacuous opinions and get a grip on the facts.Please be advised that the below video images are graphic, and the list is more so. America has the … [Read more...]
From Tulsa to Baltimore: “Racism is Not Dead”
In this article below Jason Newell discusses the history of racism. He starts off by quoting a Stupidparty rep who declares the that racism is over, citing the election of Obama as proof. This piece provides historical context to the data that we have provided about what lead up to Baltimore and the … [Read more...]
Whose side are you on – the people of Baltimore or the forces empowering a militarized police?
THE THREE FACTORS THAT EXPLAIN BALTIMORE 1) Gun Culture: And the recent series of events that have been occurring in the USA. Virtually every day it seems that there is another black guy being shot by a cop. Are we imagining this? Are the media just doing what they do –dramatizing a narrative to … [Read more...]
The Links between Ferguson and Palestine. The Lessons that Israel and America can learn from each other.
Introduction by Patrick AndendallIt seems that Israel and America have more in common than people realize. The Stupidparty's latest Superhero - Netanyahu, is navigating Israel not only toward a Country with Zero allies (except Ironically the extreme right and rather bigoted American Stupidparty) - … [Read more...]
Lessons from Ferguson
Some lessons from Ferguson Missouri Guest Blogger: Jonathan Paul Some time has now passed since the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The public reaction and the subsequent police overreaction is a perfect example of how miscalculation, miscommunication, and confusion can provoke … [Read more...]