Therefore supporting Voter Suppression would be based on Ignorance, Dishonesty or Bigotry.By Patrick AndendallFirst I must prove that Voter Fraud by the Voter in Mathematically irelevantFox engaging in clear-cut & egregious deception Voter Fraud is a minuscule and … [Read more...]
America has Two Major Political Parties, but Only One Is Serious (and It’s Definitely Not the Republican Party)
The events of the past summer and fall have clearly shown that there is only one major political party for rational, thinking adults in America, and here you will see the eleven major events from this period that have shown beyond all reasonable doubt that the Republican Party is no longer a … [Read more...]
2016 Stupidparty Presidential Candidates: A Sincere Attempt to Find Intelligent Life
I have already tackled the true souls of the standard Stupidparty candidates in various blog posts that can be found here. But now I am on a different mission - to try and find some actual intelligent thoughts that these politicians may have let slip, and figure how they compare to Democrats, and … [Read more...]
Whose side are you on – the people of Baltimore or the forces empowering a militarized police?
THE THREE FACTORS THAT EXPLAIN BALTIMORE 1) Gun Culture: And the recent series of events that have been occurring in the USA. Virtually every day it seems that there is another black guy being shot by a cop. Are we imagining this? Are the media just doing what they do –dramatizing a narrative to … [Read more...]
The Big Con: Publicly Funded NFL and NBA Sports Stadiums.
While you were sleeping the real Moochers just pocketed your tax dollars and emaciated your favorite national Sports. This blog post was inspired by a Stupidparty disciple's response to a Facebook posting I had made. Every now and then I will take one of their posts and give them a public … [Read more...]