Once again it is Red v Blue—Fear v Moral Strength, Myth v Math—if and when a well financed fanatic wants to come to the USA—they will not have to trek through a thousand miles of Siberian tundra, disguised as a flesh-less Kurd, when they can simply catch a plane or a boat. The fanatics have … [Read more...]
Guess What! The US Doesn’t Want You Either! Christian Extremists Who Don’t Realize They are Exactly Like the People They Find So Threatening…
In this great piece by one of our guest bloggers, we see a development of certain key themes that are so vital to understand, but it is important to realize that just because some one calls themselves a Christian, does not make them a Christian -in fact many well know Christians represent the polar … [Read more...]
But Jeb Are You a Christian? Should You be Allowed Entry?
Jeb has a plan for the vetting of refugees—evidently to get safe haven -just show us that you are a Christian so that we can focus on you. I mean how tough can that be? Is this a smart plan or a Stupidparty plan? Are we going to torture each refugee to make sure that they are true believers? … [Read more...]
Paris Bombings: Now the Penny Is Dropping, a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity!
This will serve as an update to what I wrote back in October: The days of ISIS (in terms of holding territory and securing funds from those territories) are numbered - they are on the fast track to their final destination. Speaking of which, please vote in our poll (right column) to help mankind … [Read more...]
ISIS—The Game is Over, You Lose
ISIS You Lose. What should the Punishment be? This will soon be hitting the news media. I have made it quite plain for the last months, more stridently in the last few weeks, that ISIS is doomed—that they will be meeting their maker a bit faster than even I have been predicting. My most recent … [Read more...]
Obama V Putin: Game Over? Absolutely—Look at the Math!
I had already discussed how Obama had outplayed Putin in the game of chess. This is an achievement that few have recognized. But now there have been developments that even fewer have spotted that indicate we are in the end game—and both players know how it is going to turn out. The next twelve … [Read more...]
Removing Maliki – Why Isn’t Anyone Giving Obama Credit for Ousting Maliki?
Removing Maliki - Just one of many Unheralded Obama Foreign Policy Achievements Re Syrian Crisis - leading to ISIS etc: Tough decisions at every stage, with hindsight some might argue that mistakes have been made, but no one ever points out the successes. My personal view is that ISIS does not … [Read more...]
Is Obama Weak? – How many wars do we want? (updated)
Patrick AndendallA President who is better than the electorate deserves? His unheralded foreign policy agenda will leave an enduring and proud legacy.Is Obama Weak? - How many wars do we want?American Exceptionalism.It seems barely a day goes by without ghouls from the past trolling our airways, … [Read more...]
McCain Foreign Policy
John McCain is often the final fig leaf for Stupidparty Disciples, like children seeking protection from an imaginary friend. Those struggling with the absurdity of the party they will not abandon often cite John McCain as to why they can stay with SP. On the face of it, there appears to be some … [Read more...]