In the book I avoid even referring to The Republican Party or the GOP as I believe one should refrain from these descriptions until the Republican Party has been forced (by the voter) to take some action to remove the Stupid from what has become the Stupidparty. This can begin by the Republican Party disowning the Tea Party – standing up against bigotry, sexism and Myth. It must acknowledge the corrupting power of money and start representing the interests of the voter – all voters.
But as the 2014 elections approach, we all know that the Republican Party must continually tap into fundamentalist nonsense (Myth). Those supporting this approach (by supporting the Republican Party) are thus in the company of the Tea Party, the bigots etc. – and must be judged by the company they keep. Thus the Tea Party and the Republican Party are strategically one and the same. The 2014 elections are pivotal to the future of the Republican Party, because if the Tea Party continues to carry them, the more reliant the GOP must become on Myth defeating Math – and the level of coherent debate will continue to abate – even beyond and below today’s farcical levels.
George de Mohrenschildt, one of Lee Harvey Oswald’s CIA minders leading up to the JFK assassination, died at a home in Palm beach. Ironic as Palm Beach has replaced Dallas as the main vipers nest. While this is somewhat off topic – the roles of Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes are not.
De Mohrenschildt, on March 29th, 1977 within weeks of indicating that he was ready to talk, either committed suicide or was murdered is such a manner as to make it look like suicide . Bill O’Reilly wrote a book “killing Kennedy” and in that book O’Reilly claims that he was on the Russian’s doorstep when heard “the shot gun blast that marked the suicide.” But we now know this account is false, since Bill O’Reilly was in Dallas, Texas on that day. The fact that O’Reilly would be so determined to verify the suicide theory is quite chilling. It would appear that O’Reilly is fanatically determined to maintain that Oswald was not part of a conspiracy, a notion that has been debunked by virtually every one including the United States House select committee on Assassinations. Before he became a media star, O’Reilly may have had something interesting to say on this matter, but Roger Ailes had no interest in Bill pursuing this topic, the reverse actually and Bill knows what side his “bread is buttered”.
What is quite amusing here is that the term conspiracy theorist is used to discredit a story. But in this case, what is the conspiracy theory – that Oswald acted alone – or that he did not act alone. The liars or the truth seekers, the Facts or the Myth’s. The answer to the riddle is hiding in plain sight.
Money In Politics
How does one reverse the trend of corruption whilst trying to protect an individuals right to contribute. One does not have to re invent the wheel look at Countries that have better functioning democracies. Solutions lie in some combinations of the following:
1) Significantly larger Public financing- funding from the public will demand that adverts pass a fact checking standard “certified honest” including free air time on the TV and radio. – provided in such a way as to discourage large donations
2) All donations above a certain level to publicly listed – including the name of the Donor and the field such Donor is employed in.
3) If Corporations must donate they must seek share holder permission – and again full transparency.
4) If private Companies donate – any donation must be available for Public scrutiny.
5) Politicians that raise more than some predetermined threshold – must each donor and sums listed by Industry category.
2) John McCain
3) Ben Carson
4) The Pope
5) Alec
6) Bergdahl, Karen Handel, Zimmerman”
· SP misunderstands Christian values.
· SP prefers blind faith to critical thinking.
· Religion and links to poverty.
· A closer look at the SP religious leaders.
Guns and shooting yourself in the foot
· SP represents the views of nine members of the NRA.
· SP makes it’s case linking gun ownership to personal safety.
I am not trying to destroy the Republican Party. If there is a God, may God save the Republican Party.
Join me in saving the Republican party. Without us the other 67% (of GOP supporters) become impotent and will be forced out of their darkness.
1. How stupidparty are you? Take the test.
2. Can we tackle and destroy the Myths? Take the poll. (Coming soon)
3. Fed up? Sign the petition. (Coming soon)