Hello Stupidparty -Do we have some Puzzles for you. First off let us prove to you that Hillary Clinton is a Criminal and even if Libtards vote her in to be President -she shall impeached with in 20 seconds of being sworn in. All the proof you need will be in the below exclusive picture that one of our intrepid reporters snapped when Hillary thought she was in a reporter free zone. God willing, freedom does not come free Hillary! especially when our army of freedom fighters fighting for our freedoms to be free of any Libtard people or ideas can set us all free. Praise be to God.
See how many smoking guns you can see in this damming photo. If we have missed anything please let us know:

Answers to the Puzzle can be found under the clues to the below crossword Puzzle:
Crosswords from the critical thinkers

Imprison or Impeach Hillary photo -the Smoking Guns:
- She is using a cell phone in a public space. The national security risks are overwhelming, plus the guy sitting behind her is clearly looking over her shoulder.
- The lady in the Gray in the back ground, wearing a gray jacket, can be seen to be on her cell phone -this is a clear security breach.
- The work files in front of her have not had all the material redacted.
- She is sitting in a aisle seat -when security protocols suggest she should never be seated, unless in a medical emergency – where the aisle seat will be utilized by the secret service of medical provider.
- Wearing dark glasses in a well lit room will simply draw attention to one self -at a time when discretion is paramount.
- She is wearing a Celtic broach, given to the high priest of the Sun. A high priest of the Sun would never wear matching ear rings, let alone coordinated bracelet and necklace. No women are allowed to worship the Sun, on pain of being burnt at the satke. Women are only allowed to worship the moon -for which they are allowed out of the kitchen.
- We have established that he individual sitting behind and to the left of Hillary is Alfonso Moralez. Moralez works as a counter clerk at the First Bank of the Philippines. The CEO of the First Bank of the Philippines has contributed over $3,000,000 to the Clinton foundation. This is a clear conflict of interest, especially since we have established that Moralez has voted for the Philippines Freedom Party who are advocating for the removal of US military bases in the Philippines. The fact that they both have the same yellow cloth situated by their right hands proves that they are indeed communicating.
Scrabble played with lenient rules.

Which person is the most responsible for perverting the Media to pander to and create more Stupidparty Zombies? The answer can be found in the clue and the proof ca be found in the attached content.

Emigration. SP Disciples – can’t take it any more? The US is not SP enough for you? So where could you go? (not fact checked)

OK – so now we have figured out that there is no place like miserable socialist home USA, for these glorious patriots – they must be able leave their caves and flock to a City made in their image? – a example of Ayn Rand’s shining golden “City on a hill.” Maybe Palm Beach, Florida? No sorry— tradesman entrance only, I am afraid. FOUND IT – the City where JFK was assassinated – under very peculiar circumstances. (Clue – Oswald did not act alone, he was not a Russian spy.) Also who shot J.R? – was it some one from the Dallas Oil Baron business? ( I forget.)
Googling Games
Google Stupidparty and then Google GOP and you get a picture that says they are brothers – yes, from the same mother.
OK – so I cheated once – it should be easy to find.
Google Stupidparty and then Google GOP and you get a picture that says they are brothers – yes, from the same mother.
OK – so I cheated once – it should be easy to find.

Spot the False Equivalences