Supremely Stupidparty
Female GOP Senate Candidate said women want job flexibility more than equal pay
“Well, we all like to be paid more and that’s great, but the reality is that women have a different lifestyle,” Land said at the 2010 Senior Women’s Club event. “They have kids. They have to take them to get dentist appointments, doctors appointments, all those kinds of things. And they’re more interested in flexibility in a job than pay.”
Women make 74 cents to every dollar a man makes for work in Michigan, according to a 2013 study conducted by the National Women’s Law Center. In that study, Michigan is ranked 45 out of 50 states and the District of Columbia in terms of how much women are paid compared with men.
And Equal Pay means no Husband.
Days after Senate Republicans unanimously blocked a vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act, Phyllis Schlafly, founder of “pro-family” organization Eagle Forum, claimed that providing women with equal pay for equal work would deter their chances of finding a “suitable mate” in a Christian Post op-ed published Tuesday.
Equal dress code
Now the picture to the right is obviously not quite what SP is aiming for – but perhaps SP foreign policy is indirectly responsible for the return of mandatory veiling for women in the Islamic world
(I do not endorse all the views expressed in this article – it is submitted as food for thought).
“Thought is the wind and knowledge the sail.” David Hare
“But it was to be a one-way wall, where the state would not dictate to the church,” the Texas Republican insisted. “But the church would certainly play a role in the state.”
Louie Gohmert SP Rep. Texas 1st
Trickle Up Breaking the cycle of extreme Poverty for Over 30 Years
The 1% (in India)
After a bit of Trickle up….
99% report that no one in the household goes hungry.
In the USA trickle up works better because putting cash into the hands of the less well off, well they are more likely to spend than save – thus creating additional economic activity, a greater “multiplier effect.”
Warren Buffett explained it is better to give one thousand people $1,000 than to give Warren Buffett $1,000,000 (in tax cuts) because those thousand people will mainly go and spend – whilst people like Buffett will tend to save. Bear in mind that I am not specifically stating that taxes have to increase, I am merely saying that any tax package should do something to tackle the ever growing income discrepancy. So with in that context let me point out another reason why higher percentage taxes on corporations may be not such as economic downer as you have been lead to believe. See below:
Despite all the efforts by SP to ensure that by 2020 – 70m Americans would have no healthcare insurance, the Affordable Health Care act is impacting far more people than is generally understood. Anywhere between 13 m-33 m (@April 9th, 2014), depending on how one interprets the numbers. This number is only growing. Apparently only one individual, Charles Gaba, could be bothered to keep track. Barely anyone in the media appeared remotely interested in anything other than a (faux) crisis. Any way the facts can be found here. Look for the Graph.
But of course there was always a far better “option” that virtually all other developed nations have figured out.
And all with in 84 seconds . How lucky are all those moochers. Greg Gutfeld enlightens his audience.
So, yes, Clarence Thomas is right: sometimes affirmative action does put people in positions they do not merit. He is the poster boy for everything wrong with affirmative action.
Freedoms! A topic which tends to highlight the stupid in Stupidparty
Another Bundy – Cliven Bundy.. SP hero – the ultimate moocher…
“The showdown in Bunkerville last week was sensational – a rancher, his cows, and an armed militia resisting the federal government’s roundup of trespassing livestock. With banners pronouncing “Liberty” and “We the People,” these protesters mistook the issue of long overdue grazing fees for an issue of states’ rights and federal overreach”. (Salon Magazine)
Context – The Federal Government, since the birth of the nation, has always owned massive amounts of land, especially out West. Private use of such land is granted, usually with a very low fee.
But certain “freedom” loving, “gun toting”, “liberty” seeking “patriots” figure that it is OK to steal from the Taxpayers of this country, all the time spouting Orwellian slogans. It is also notable how quickly these patriots want to secede from the nation. Just look at those ever so patriotic Palin’s. These “freedom lovers” are the gift that keeps giving both in terms of exposing irrational thinking but also as the manipulated tools or fools of the Asset Strippers – whose whole raison d’etre is to rip off the Taxpayers. The assets (including threatened species) on Federal Lands belong to the Citizens as a whole, not to a select few. But people like Cliven Bundy are just the Trojan horses for these Asset Strippers. He will (deservedly) take the fall, midst feigned outrage by the manipulators – for he will lose. That is preordained.
Bundy doesn’t recognize the federal government. Speaking to conservative radio host Dana Loesch last week, he said he believes in a “sovereign state of Nevada” and abides by all state laws, but, “I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing.” (As The Atlantic notes, the Nevada Constitution says a citizen’s first allegiance is to the federal government.) (“Politico”)
Note: some people argue that Bureau of Land Management was too heavy handed. May be -but if I pulled a gun on an obnoxious cop, who had just caught me for speeding – I would end up in jail, and for good reason.
Imagine if the CDC announced that there would be a thousand deaths in your state as a result of avian flu, all caused because your Governor had refused to quarantine some individuals who had been exposed to the virus. Well in the Red States thousands of people will die needlessly as the result of the their Governor or their Senators or their congressman having been exposed to the SP virus and refusing to quarantine themselves. Below are various Red States who have been trying to undermine the Affordable Health Care by engaging in petty politics. The table provides a range for how many people are projected to die as a result.
Prior to the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, studies from the Urban Institute,…..Families USA and Harvard Medical School estimated the numbers of preventable deaths among America’s 50 million uninsured at between 22,000 and 45,000 a year. But as 25 plus million Americans gain coverage over the next decade (according to the nonpartisan CBO), that unnecessary death toll would drop dramatically. Just not, it turns out, in the GOP-dominated states that refused to accept the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of Medicaid to millions of their currently uninsured constituents.
Democrats bragging about the number of mandatory signups for Obamacare is like Germans bragging about the number of mandatory signups for “train rides” for Jews in the 40s.
“Tomorrow, President Obama is going to do interviews with meteorologists all across the country about a new climate change report…I hope they ask him about Benghazi!”
— Fox News host Dana Perino, continuing the network‘s zealous coverage of the 2012 attacks on Monday’s “The Five.”
*In this case misinterpreting Christian values – or what a Christian (i.e. follower of Jesus Christ) should stand for.