If you choose to believe that Obama was not born in the US -then you are a bigot, it really is that simple. This is how Stupid and dam right bigoted Stupidparty is -they are just repulsive.
News alert, only 40% of Texas Stupidparty disciples are not seriously insane morons – the few who do not fear an imminent Government takeover.
Is it even possible to find some one who visits Breitbart News – a pillar of the Stupidparty Media who is not a racist. Find out for yourself and try and find a decent human being. Click on the picture and go to the comments section, 2161 comments and counting.
- 49% Believe Acorn stole 2012 election. PPP 2012. (With no funding, Acorn dissolved in 2010)
- 51% Are “birthers.”
- 57% Believe Obama is a Muslim.
- 66% Believe Obama is a socialist.
- 24% Believe he may be the Antichrist.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/03/americans-believe-obama-anti-christ-global- warming-hoax_n_3008558.html
- 90% Are oblivious to the fact that 95% of population had tax cuts at time of 2012 election.http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/19/us/politics/19taxes.html
- Only 22% percent of SP disciples believe Ferguson raises important racial questions.
http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/215413-ferguson-divides-public-along- racial-party-lines - 68% of Stupidparty voters believe the President should be impeached for????
https://today.yougov.com/news/2014/07/14/one-third-americans-want-impeach-obama/ - Only 11% of SP disciples believe Obama loves America. This is a reaction to Giuliani’s sad statements and pitiful record regarding his own “family values” —a man who has many lessons to learn from Obama in that regard https://today.yougov.com/news/2015/02/24/obama-patriotism/
- 62% of SP disciples believe Obama is secretly trying to take away every ones guns
- 44% of SP disciples believe that Obama is secretly trying to figure out a way to stay in office beyond 2017.
SP Disciples Love Football, America, and err… Who could object to this inspiring commercial?
J. Christian Adams Attacks Loretta Lynch For Acknowledging That Structural Racism Exists
The Senate Judiciary Committee held its first hearing today on Loretta Lynch’s nomination to be U.S. attorney general, which Senate Republicans mostly used as an opportunity to attack current Attorney General Eric Holder and to try to extract promises from Lynch that she would break course from Holder on issues like immigration enforcement.
But it might be tough for Lynch to completely appease Holder’s critics on the Right, who have repeatedly attacked the attorney general for working to fight racially discriminatory voting laws and acknowledging racial disparities in the criminal justice system.
In fact, J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department official who has become one of Holder’s most prominent critics on the Right, attacked Lynch today for her statements implying that structural racism exists in areas like voting rights and law enforcement.
SP Disciples vote for the following types of leaders.
“If it’s an honest rape, that individual should go immediately to the emergency room, and I would give them a shot of estrogen or—” I.e., in support of emergency contraception to prevent a rape pregnancy (February 3, 2012).
Todd Akin, SP former Rep. Missouri 2nd:
“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways of shutting that whole thing down.”
Paul Ryan, SP Rep. Wisconsin 1st, Chair of the House Committee on the Budget, VP choice:
He personally believes rape is “a method of conception” and not an excuse to allow abortion. Ryan also confirmed that he remained very proud of the Ryan/Akin–sponsored “forcible rape bill.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KazMQGqX_dI
In the context of the House bill, he was asked, “what if someone isn’t forcibly raped and for example, a 12-year-old who gets pregnant? Should she have to bring this baby to term?” king: “Well I just haven’t heard of that being a circumstance that’s been brought to me in any personal way and I’d be open to hearing discussion about that subject matter.”
Steve King continues to spread nonsense about Planned Parenthood and voter fraud—all in the same breath:
“Harry Reid can defend those ghoulish and ghastly and gruesome practices that Planned Parenthood is advocating along with child prostitution and illegal immigration. He can play defense on that. They didn’t do very well in the Senate when they tried to defend ACORN. I don’t think they’ll do any better this time.”
Maybe he should check out studies like from the Guttmacher Institute, which found at least half of all babies born to minors are fathered by adult men.)
Eric Cantor, SP Rep. Virginia 4th and House majority leader:
A reporter asks, “Is rape less heinous to some women?”
(Cantor threatened to kill efforts to remedy particularly high levels of rape on Indian reservations.)
“In other words, for Cantor, limiting the authority of tribal courts is more important than making sure rapists are prosecuted and women are protected from domestic violence. And now that the elections are over, and the GOP received the message that they need to do a better job of appealing to women and minorities, is good to get that clear”
Richard Mourdock, SP Sen. candidate Indiana:
“I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.” October 23, 2012 (one day after being endorsed by Mitt Romney).
John Cornyn, SP Sen. Texas:
“Richard and I, along with millions of Americans believe that life is a gift from God”—coming to the defense of Richard Mourdock on October 24, 2012.
Nikki Haley, SP Gov. South Carolina:
On her Facebook page she referred to the S.C. Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault as “special interests”; objecting to this, Rep. Bakari Sellers said battered and raped women are not “distractions.”
John Koster, SP state candidate Washington:
says abortion should not be legal, even when it involves “the rape thing.”
Roger Rivard, SP State Rep. Wisconsin:
“Some girls rape easy.”
Linda McMahon, SP Sen. candidate Connecticut:
“It was really an issue about a Catholic church being forced to offer those pills if the person came in an emergency rape.” October 15, 2012.
Rick Santorum, SP presidential candidate, angel candidate in waiting:
“I think the right approach is to accept this horribly created, in the sense of rape—but nevertheless a gift in a very broken way, the gift of human life, and accept what God has given to you . . . rape victims should make the best of a bad situation”—January 2012.
Tom Smith, SP Sen. candidate Pennsylvania:
Pregnancy from rape is similar to “having a baby out of wedlock.”
Larry Taylor, SP State Sen. Texas:
On the subject of rape and incest exceptions he stated “that he heard lots of testimony that amounted to ‘making bad choices’ and then wanting to ‘walk away from them.’”
Clayton Williams, SP gubernatorial candidate Texas:
“If it’s inevitable, just relax and enjoy.”
Chuck Winder, SP State Sen. Idaho:
“I would hope that when a woman goes in to a physician with a rape issue, that physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage, was this pregnancy caused by normal relations in a marriage or was it truly caused by a rape. I assume that’s part of the counseling that goes on”—March 2012
Scott Brown, SP former Sen. Massachusetts:
in 2005 sponsored legislation allowing doctors and nurses to turn away rape victims if they objected to emergency contraception.
Lawrence Lockman, SP State Rep. Maine:
“If a woman has [the right to an abortion], why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman?” Lockman wrote. “At least the rapist’s pursuit of sexual freedom doesn’t [in most cases] result in anyone’s death.”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/28/lawrence-lockman-rape-_n_4874586.html?utm_hp_ref=politics
Brian Nieves, SP State Sen. Missouri:
Most late-term abortions are not really undertaken to save a mother’s life but are “a matter of convenience.”
Trent Franks, SP Rep. Arizona 8th:
Incidences of pregnancy from rape is “very low.” (No scientific evidence supports this myth.)
Ryan Fattman, SP State Rep. Massachusetts:
Undocumented immigrant rape victims “should be afraid to come forward.”
Kathleen Passidomo, SP State Rep. Florida:
“There was an article about an 11 year old girl who was gang raped in Texas by 18 young men because she was dressed like a 21-year-old prostitute.”
Dennis Nolan, SP State Sen. Nevada:
was caught on tape allegedly offering to bribe the witness in a rape trial to change her story. (You can listen to the audio here.)
Sen. Nolan has now posted an open letter on his campaign website, claiming he feels “compelled to believe the sex was consensual” because the 16-year-old victim had been “very sexually active” prior to the rape, and because (“as a side note,” he says) 42% of Nevada teenagers have been sexually active before age 16.
SP House, Congressional Bill.
“GOP bill would force IRS to conduct abortion audits”
Particularly ironic is that Netanyahu’s last remaining solid ally – is a party that is made up of these types of people.