Demand the following from our Congressional representatives:
Let’s join our voices together to support these six core principals. Add your email to be notified of opportunities to make a difference. You can unsubscribe at any time and your email will not be sold. Let’s replace ‘Stupid’ with ‘Smart’!
We the people demand our Democracy back.
This agenda may change during it’s formative stages and if it materially changes all signatories will be advised. But until we get some momentum this platform and specifics of the pledge will be a work in progress. If and when numbers start to become sufficient to create a virtuous circle of exponential growth then we shall market the concept accordingly, and the concept will stop evolving.
This platform is constructed this way because:
a) Don’t get labeled. This must not be seen as replicating a Democrat, Liberal , Progressive, “Libtard” agenda—every one will obviously carry on doing what ever they need to do on that score. Once you are labeled, opinions get polarized, brains in certain segments of the population get calcified and we are back to square one. How about having a platform that would effectively deal with the root of Stupidparty, yet get the support of 80% of Americans. The point is that if one disagrees with any of the above -you are basically labeling yourself as a tool of the Oligarchs. A self proclaimed idiot. It can become a trap that roots out the energy source powering Stupidparty.
b) If you want reform -you must also understand the lessons of History. Stupidparty is far better at messaging -their messages may be nonsense -but people buy into them. i.e “Read My lips, no new taxes” though idiotic it resonated, Newt Gingrich’s “Contract With America” had substance and was politically effective, “three Strikes and you are out” – though idiotic it resonated. “Stand Your Ground” although it legalizes murder -it’s working as a message
While on the progressive side:
Occupy Wall Street – in spite of the media and others wanting to help – it became a tragic wasted opportunity due to lack of Focus/lack of Economic Grounding/ Zero leadership. Obama’s Hope and Change – an effective campaign slogan, but lacked substance. Progressives need to think long and hard as to why they have all the facts, yet Myth still wins the argument time and time again. Time to try a different approach.
c) We must apply the KISS principle. “Keep it Simple Stupid”. You have about 10 seconds to grab someones attention.
d) Undisclosed polarizing topics are dealt with. Bigotry is effectively brought out of the closet by simply focusing on voter Suppression. Also since I prove that Voter Fraud by the Voter is Mathematically irrelevant, that simply exposes the true motivations for Voter Suppression. Denial of facts and Science is dealt with via the environmental aspects built into the platform. Gun Culture will be exposed by simply unmasking the secrets of the NRA. Stupidparty Myth and Lies – countered by the focus on pragmatic popular fact driven achievable goals. All it takes will be for one or two politicians to take up the sword and the others will start looking like they are reporting to the wrong group of people.
Key details behind the platform pledge:
1) Campaign Finance Reform. The above approach forces the conversation to remain really simple and all one has to ask is what happens if certain trends continue. You do not have to state the answer:
The source of corruption. Comparing money in Politics with the UK. (UK number Increased to account for population difference)
Who is buying up Democracy? Those are the 196 individual donors who have provided nearly 80 percent of the money raised by Super PACs in 2011 by giving $100,000 or more each.
The Waltons aren’t just the face of the 1%; they’re the face of the 0.000001%. The Waltons have more wealth than 42% of American families combined.
Who is buying up Democracy? Those are the 196 individual donors who have provided nearly 80 percent of the money raised by Super PACs in 2011 by giving $100,000 or more each.
The Waltons aren’t just the face of the 1%; they’re the face of the 0.000001%. The Waltons have more wealth than 42% of American families combined.
So what do taxpayers, voters get from their Congressman
I have not settled on the final wording regarding campaign finance reform – but this is my thinking on the matter right now. Why not just cap it or ban it? The problem with this approach is that the Freedom lovers will just moan – even though they can not grasp that Freedoms is such a complex double sword-ed concept. Also it would have Constitutional issues that have been dealt with via Citizens United. So the Luxury tax is new – and still allows plenty of Freedom. From a Constitutional perspective what is the difference between banning and effectively capping via Tax. This may be a tough question, but my response is to ignore this concern. Why? Well we are looking for the People to force Congress to reform Democracy itself. If Congress passes such legislation, then I would dare the Supreme Court to side with the Oligarchs against the wishes of the People. The back lash would gut the credibility of the Supreme Court, people having recognized the full horrors of Citizens United and of the racist Voter Suppression efforts. If the Supreme Court carried on delivering the Country into the hands of a few hundred people, then that would create sufficient outrage to allow for a Constitutional amendment.
2) Gerrymandering is cheating: Guess why the winner of this seat with 80% of the vote -is really the loser?
And gerrymandering also creates safe seats that leads to a polarization of views.
3) Voter Fraud and Voter Suppression: Since I prove that voter Fraud by the voter is Mathematically irrelevant, this totally undercuts the non stop voter suppression efforts that are largely rooted in racism.
4) Tax policy: By just sticking with reversing Income Discrepancy trends, it forces the conversation to remain really simple and all one has to ask is what happens if these trends continue. You do not have to state the answer:
5) Asset Stripping Companies: By focusing on this issue, one tackles the little understood issue of the fact that large Companies are often the real moochers, expecting the taxpayers to come in and clean up their mess. Its not just environmental and labor assets that are stripping. Publicly financed NFL and MLB stadiums are another clear case of ripping off the taxpayers to line the pockets of assorted billionaires.
6) Full Frontal assault on the NRA: Once you get the facts straight – this insidious organisation will become an easy target. By cutting the serpents various bigoted heads, the members can be free engage in constructive dialogue.
It is also easy to deal with the Second Amendment block heads a) The 2nd amendment is not unambiguous, plus there remains controversy over the precise grammar that impacts it’s intentions b) the Constitution by definition changes every time the Supreme court makes a ruling, and there have been such rulings and most importantly c) if any action taken by the Government is unconstitutional—then that is why we have the Supreme Court in the first place – so what the hell are they worried about. Like all things stupidparty – it is simplistic sloganeering to rile up an uninformed fearful base.
1) Campaign Finance Reform – where by members of Congress will be motivated to represent the interests of their constituents, spend less amount of time raising funds. Time spent raising funds must be made public. Political contributions greater than $1,000 shall be deemed a purchase of merchandise and be taxed via a graded Luxury tax. Funds go to help finance publicly financed campaigns—thus making Citizens United moot*.
2) End Gerrymandering – a remapping of Congressional districts by nonpartisan group – can get input from a representative of each party.
3) End Voter Suppression– facilitate ease of voting. Either of the two main candidates may demand hand counted ballots.
4) Any Tax package must address
a) Income Discrepancy Trends
b) Clean v Unclean Energy
5) Asset Stripping Companies are responsible for their environmental impact/ build this into trade treaties. This would include pollution, loss of habitat, use of resources on public lands, including finite water resources. For larger Companies, if a significant proportion of their work force still qualifies for Government benefits, then such Companies will help defray those costs.
6) Gun Culture refusal to accept any funds from the NRA until they can demonstrate that they are willing to reform in order to reflect the views of their membership.