It’s 2020 and Yes Stupidparty Disciples. The 67% who are Mooching off our brains
Why The Stupidparty?
Updated Again
This terminology is not my idea. I am fully aware that people who vote for the Republican Party are not by definition stupid. The term “Stupidparty” was catapulted into the public domain by Bobby Jindal, the Republican governor of Louisiana, who not too long ago was being groomed as the modern face of the conservative movement. Jindal was giving the keynote address at the Republican national Committee’s winter meeting in Charlotte, January 24, 2013, when he said:
“We’ve got to stop being the stupid party. It’s time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults.”
I bet he wished he could take those words back. The audience must have winced. They all knew that the intellectual integrity of the Republican Party was under attack—and here was this one-time rising star crystalizing what was already on many people’s minds.
There are many good and intelligent people who still insist on voting Republican. However upset the rest of us get with this dogged loyalty, we still recognize that the United States must have at least two parties. There will always be a place for a party primarily focused on a fiscally sound economic approach. There will always be times when cutting taxes is a good idea. There will always be times when cutting spending is a good idea. We must always be on the watch for government overreach. As for cutting waste, well, that is invariably a good idea, and all large bureaucracies are bound to find new ways to be wasteful.
But we do have a Stupidparty and listed below is how and why as they get their energy via a two way street. A beastly symbiotic relationship, a compact with the devil. These are the people who they nurture and in return they can just insert the plug and watch the lights go out, yet never run out of power.
Trump voters -yes they are that Stupidparty, and they are fake patriots
@July 20, 2017..
- 77% Say Trump should stay in office – even if it was proven he colluded with the Russians.
- 72% Believe Russian collusion is fake news
- 64% Opposed to investigating Russian collusion.
- 32% Say Trump Jr. meeting with the Russians, which Trump Jr admitted to… never took place.
- 73% believe Soros paid protesters
- 67% believe unemployment has gone up under Obama
- 60% believe millions of illegal immigrants voted.
- 59% – Trump need not release his Tax returns
- 40% believe that Trump won the popular vote.
- 53% say California should not count in the popular vote
Stupidparty Disciples.- Yes the just keep getting Stupider…
1) 49% Believe Acorn stole 2012 election. PPP 2012. (With no funding, Acorn dissolved in 2010)
2) 65% Believe higher taxes (on people earning >$400,000) impact them. (Pew Jan. 8, ’08)
3) 68% Do not believe in evolution.
4) 58% (creationists) Believe the planet to be less than, say, 10,000 years old. (Gallup)
5) 69% Between 2009 and 2011 refused to believe that Global Warming had begun.* (Gallup)
6) 58% Believe Global Warming is a hoax. (PPP 2013)
7) 75% Believed Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda. Oct 21, ’04 (after 9/11 Commission Report)
8) 70% Believed Saddam attacked on 9/11.
9) 63% Believed—even in 2012—that Saddam had WMDs.
10) 51% Are “birthers.”
11) 57% Believe Obama is a Muslim.
12) 66% Believe Obama is a socialist.
13) 24% Believe he may be the Antichrist.
14) 71% Believed in poll “skewerism” before the 2012 election.
15) 67% Believe video games are a bigger threat than guns.
16) 84% Was their approval rating for G. W. Bush. (April 2013)
17) 44% Believe armed insurrection might be necessary to protect their freedoms.
18) 72% Believed—as of the 2004 election—that Iraq had or was developing WMDs.*** Oct 21, ’04 (after 9/11 Commission Report)
19) 57% Believed the world supported G. W. Bush for reelection.*** Oct 21, ’04 (after 9/11 Commission Report)
20) 69% Believed G. W. Bush supported international nuclear-test-ban treaties.*** Oct 21, 2004 (after 9/11 Commission Report)
21) 87% Were unaware that Bush opposed labor and environmental standards in trade agreements. Oct 21, 2004 (after 9/11 Commission Report)
22) 62% In Ohio (not the silliest state) do not know whether Mitt deserved equal or more credit than Obama for Bin Laden’s death.
23) 90% Are oblivious to the fact that 95% of the population had tax cuts at the time of the 2012 election.
24) 22% In Mississippi believe in evolution, and 12% believe Obama is a Christian.
25) 73% Believe raising the debt ceiling is for future expenditures; 54% Believe the debt ceiling is no big deal.
26) Believe Hurricane Katrina occurred after Obama became president. Who do Louisiana Republicans say was to blame for the poor handling of Katrina?
29% Obama 28% Bush 44% Do not know (PPP poll 8/21/2013).** katrina_n_3790612.html
27) Only 22% percent of SP disciples believe Ferguson raises important racial questions.
28) 68% of Stupidparty voters believe the President should impeached for????* see below diagram for various reasons –
29) 57 percent of Republicans want to dismantle the Constitution, and establish Christianity as the official national Religion.
Only 30 percent oppose making Christianity the national religion
A Public Policy Polling (PPP) national survey conducted between February 20th and February 22nd
30) Only 11% of SP disciples believe Obama loves America. This is a reaction to Giuliani’s sad statements and pitiful record regarding his own “family values” —a man who has many lessons to learn from Obama in that regard.
31) 62% of believe Obama is secretly trying to take away every ones guns
32) 44% of SP disciples believe that Obama is secretly trying to figure out a way to stay in office beyond 2017.
33) News alert, Obama invading Texas: only 40% of Texas Stupidparty disciples are not seriously insane morons – the few who do not fear an imminent Government takeover.
34) 53 % of SP disciples believe that the unemployment rate today (2015) is worse than when Obama took office.
35) 67% of SP disciples have a favorable impression of Ben Carson in spite of the fact that the following information is easily available to any one.
36) 65% of SP disciples would ban Muslims from the Country
37) 75% of SP disciples think more Guns = More safety:
38) 65% of SP disciples believe that Ted Cruz is a natural born Citizen:
41) 63% of SP disciples say Obama has made race relations worse (compared with 5% of white Democrats), as evidently Black person in the White House is bad for race relations.
42) 73% of SP disciples (three weeks before the 2016 election whilst Hillary has a 10% lead) think the election could be swiped from Trump – oblivious to the fact that voter fraud by the voter is mathematically irrelevant.
43) 64% i.e 86% -22% = 64% of SP disciples have no intellectual integrity…
44) 77% Say Trump should stay in office – even if it was proven he colluded with the Russians.
45) 91% of SP disciples say no Russia did not try and impact the 2016 election
46) 64% of SP disciples opposed to investigating Russian collusion.
47) 32% Say Trump Jr. Meeting with Russians, which Trump Jr admitted to… never took place.
48) 73% of SP disciples believe Soros paid protesters
49) 67% of SP disciples believe unemployment has gone up under Obama
50) 60% of SP disciples believe millions of illegal immigrants voted.
51) 59% of SP disciples believe Trump need not release his Tax returns
52) 40% of SP disciples believe that Trump won the popular vote.
53) 53% SP disciples say California should not count in the popular vote
54) 67% of SP’s approved of Trumps handling of Charlottesville Kristalnacht – Aug 2017
55) 71% of SP Alabama voters do not believe all the women accusing Roy Moore of groping them as teens or underage girls.
56) 22% of SP disciples have a favorable opinion of Robert Mueller, and just 25 percent say the investigation has been handled fairly.”
57) 76% of SP’s think the news media invent stories about Trump and his administration,
58) 74% of SP disciples and Republican-leaners supported a border wall.
59) 65% of SP disciples say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.
60) 69% of SP’s believe that Voter fraud happens often of somewhat often.
![Obama Conspiracy Theories Venn Diagram](