I guess this should come as no surprise, but it is certainly useful to look at the numbers. Bare in I mind that I have already demonstrated that on virtually every single metric from Healthcare, to Education, to Quality of life, incarceration rates, Child poverty—not to mention an appalling record on Evolution. But in each these cases it it the Red States that I demonstrate are pulling the US ranking down the tables, some times down to third world status. So now let us combine all this data and see how well the US voter is informed compared to non US voters:
So where are some examples of major disconnect.
So why do I say that Stupidparty Voters make the USA even worse than the Italians – to become the Champions of Ignorance. Well it is because these voters drag us down in virtually every metric. Here is just a few of numerous examples. To me the most disturbing number that I discovered was that only about 20% of Stupidparty Voters in Red States believe in Evolution. So this combination of poor Education and lack of Critical thinking skills leads to a massive misconception regarding key issues about the society we live in. First Education:
Or look at poverty
Or look at critical thinking capabilities. Below is just part of a longer list.
But there is a reason for this disconnect. I presume that Americans are no more naturally smart or less smart than any other nation. A nations knowledge is determined by the environment in which the people are raised in. In America to day we are living in an an environment were the powerful few have succeeded in hijacking the Democratic process – a process by which Congressman are reliant on their financial contributors and can spend virtually no time concerned about the needs of their constituents. In fact the reverse is often in play. Hence the best strategy of Stupidparty leaders is to incite fear ignorance and bigotry— to excite their base. They are so successful at doing this – that the USA is the only Country where the “struggling class” vote for right leaning parties. By any rational definition voting for a party that only seeks to cut taxes for the wealthy whilst at the same time clamping down on every one else— well that would be seen by every other Country as voting against ones own interests. That is why billions of dollar$ are pumped into making people less informed. The tragedy is, that this has been a very successful strategy.
Amazing post ….so I like so much that kind of information………….
Bare in I mind that I have already demonstrated that on virtually every single metric from Healthcare,
That should be Bear in mind 🙂 Good post, lots of facts.
Eventually a situation will arise in this country where a very selct few will be able to control all the information and lead the country toward a totalitaerian regime. As pointed out in the above post politicians on the right are ever more succcessful at avoiding issue by playing on peoples fears. Kinda like … never mind that man behind the curtian
Many people argue that we have actually arrived at the point. I suspect that though we have, that we have not yet reached the point of no return.
Authoritarian people run away from information that goes against what they want to believe. This is why Fox News is so popular, even though Fox News viewers are easily the most mis-informed.