More Updates. Was it an accident? Was there an accomplice? What could have been the motive? The Pope must be quite upset, to actually be prepared to throw Kim Davis under the pope-mobile jeep. This is what what the news organisations are reporting:"Davis was one of “several dozen persons” who had … [Read more...]
After Divine Intervention Boehner to Resign Amid Fractures Over Planned Parenthood
Pope Francis' visit to Congress the day before was a crystallizing moment Boehner WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner, under intense pressure from conservatives in his party, announced on Friday that he would resign one of the most powerful positions in government and give up his House seat at the … [Read more...]
Mike Huckabee wants to Talk Iran,Talk Family Values, Talk of the Devil
Mike Huckabee is running yet again for President. As usual God will be on his side, but yet hedging his bets by also backing other Stupidparty aspirants. Huckabee is keen to compare Obama with Hitler, attack Obama's parenting and Beyonce's Lyrics - so lets take this "Awful Monster" down -once and … [Read more...]
“We are not Scientists…” —but we are paid off Deniers of Science
UPDATED 12/2015 In previous blogs we have discussed the virtual Mathematical impossibility of every Stupidparty member of the House Energy committee (31 of them) being so Stupidparty that they actually believe the climate is not warming. A far more plausible explanation is that they have been … [Read more...]
The Senate’s Most Powerful Senator on Climate Change, James Inhofe, Is a Delusional Lunatic.
Introduction: Patrick Andendall Guest Blogger Brian Frydenburg nails it again. His article will discuss Inhofe'e religious views. It is time these people relearned the basic tenants of Christianity. They might firstly consider what the Pope has to say on this issue: “When we exploit Creation, we … [Read more...]
Mid Term Elections: Stupidity Trumps Cowardice.
By Patrick Andendall The Winner is...Well at least he's not a Coward There is no middle ground between Math and Myth.So the Democrats lost. I stopped paying close attention to the details of the 2014 midterm election months ago. I am not that motivated to contribute to a loser mentality. But I am … [Read more...]
The Pope
Hallelujah – we have a Pope, an Argentinian, an ex-night club bouncer, a Pope who actually has something relevant to say, a Pope who seems to have some grounding in the values of the New Testament, in the values of Jesus Christ. This new beacon, like a lighthouse, not only shines the spotlight … [Read more...]