So the Democrats lost. I stopped paying close attention to the details of the 2014 midterm election months ago. I am not that motivated to contribute to a loser mentality. But I am going to fight back—with a vengeance. Here is the midterm election problem in a nutshell: Less voter turnout. The Stupidparty disciples are largely aging white guys or evangelicals, most of whom apparently have a confused concept of the teachings of Jesus Christ. These two groups are the most ardent voters and they are evidently not willing or not able to think critically. Cowardly Democrat leaders can run from the President, but they have nowhere to go.
We must stop being cowards and stand up to these Stupidparty bullies. It is really easy to do because you are not attacking the Republican Party—that party has been usurped—you are attacking the Stupidparty. They came up with the concept; now we must run with it. What makes this so easy is that we have all the facts, the Math and Integrity to take on this challenge. In fact, I demonstrate that approximately 67% of Stupidparty disciples are no longer thinking critically. I do this with a ton of evidence: Here is a small sample:
2) 65% Believe higher taxes (on people earning >$400,000) impact them. (Pew Jan. 8, ’08)
3) 58% (creationists) Believe the planet to be less than, say, 10,000 years old. (Gallup)
4) 69% (between 2009 and 2011) Refused to believe Global Warming had begun.* (Gallup)
I guess the defining moment for me was when during the Stupidparty 2008 primary debates, a sorry group of mainly unqualified candidates were asked if they believed in evolution.
As I remember it, McCain tentatively held up his hand, saw that no one else was joining in, and resorted to some type of pseudo-, nonscience-based babbling. The fact is, I calculate that only 20% of Stupidparty voters in Red States believe in Evolution. That makes this group twice as absurd as Turkey, which in itself is the only country with a worse track record than the USA on this issue.
Evangelicals—did Jesus really support guns, war, the 1%, homophobia, racism, misogyny, destruction of the environment? If such a religion must attach itself to politics (80% vote Stupidparty), then they must be judged accordingly—and these faux Christians have as much chance of getting into heaven as a camel passing through the proverbial eye of the needle. The fact of the matter is that Jesus had no interest in meeting the expectation that confronted him—that since he was descended from the royal line of King David, his destiny was thought by many to forcibly overturn the Roman occupation. Clearly, Jesus was closer to Gandhi than Dick Cheney.
In respect to the environment let’s hear what the Pope has to say:
“When we exploit Creation, we destroy the sign of God’s love for us. In destroying Creation, we are saying to God, `I don’t like it! This is not good!’ `So what do you like?’ `I like myself!’ Here, this is sin. Do you see?”
So the Democratic leadership has an almost infinite list of easy targets. Here is a tip: “Never mind the maneuvers, go right at them,” as Lord Nelson would say. Would you like to see how it is done? Well, see this linked video of Al Franken doing the job he was elected to do back in 2009. How many moments like that did you witness during the run-up to the midterms? Well, I was too irritated to watch the train wreck, so I will leave it to you to figure out how many times you witnessed a Democrat take the bull by the horns when it really mattered.
I was recently interviewed on the radio by the host of Jim Brown’s Common Sense. I do not know much about the show, but Brown is billed as “a voice of reason on the national scene.” I believe his shtick is to be a moderate guy holding forth somewhere in the middle—and bravely attempting to do this in the South. It is refreshing to know that some non-hate talk radio might be gaining traction—but it was also awful to note his false equivalence and lack of economic grounding. This is a complaint I would throw at many so-called independents and even progressives. He wanted me to join him in his sycophantic pilgrimage to pay homage to Stupidparty sensibilities, to be seen to be attacking Obama by positing inflammatory theories about the banks, bailouts and bonuses. This is subject I am keen to unload on. And did.
But that is just the tip of the iceberg. I have already noted something that seems to have become invisible—that America still has a viable and in fact robust Auto Industry, plus all the associated businesses, and by the way the economy is improving far faster than in Europe, because the US Government had a better handle on basic Keynesian economics whilst the Germans cling onto the outdated notion of austerity during inflation. Yes, I totally understand that there should be consequences for the institutions that caused the mayhem—but you’ve got to stop saying stupid stuff, because when you do, the slippery fish escape the net. It is stupid to talk about capping or even taxing bonuses. What you have to recognize is that a bonus is simply a part of one’s taxable income. If people are getting outrageous bonuses (which I happen to believe some are), then you deal with that by closing tax loopholes and having an additional tax bracket. One could also look at capital gains and inheritance tax brackets. Maybe if the additional bracket was at $5m (just pulling a number out of thin air), then just maybe we could nullify the following absurd Stupidparty-disciple notion:
65% Believe higher taxes (on people earning >$400,000) impact them. (Pew Jan. 8, ’08)
Back when this question was asked, I estimated that perhaps 0.2% of households would be impacted.
Would it be too much to ask for the Democratic leadership to have some balls? How is this across-the-board ignorance tolerated? I have just touched on a few issues that I discuss in my book.
So in his radio program Jim Brown, and other journalists and centrists who are guilty of spreading this misinformation, this false equivalence—it has only led to more Stupidparty. These supposed centrists, by making such assertions, are only helping one party—the party that cannot stand up in the face of an attack from overwhelming facts. False equivalence, compromising on facts, only helps the Stupidparty. The media and the leaders of the Democratic Party need to understand there no middle ground between Math and Myth. Choose one and be judged accordingly. For by pretending there is a middle ground, you are displaying cowardice.
Michael van Kampen says
Following the majority, is that the formulae you believe in? may certainly feel safe, the Bible believers are the only reliable group to endorse, these are people of action, who live the life of Christ,academics think they know the answers to the book they refuse to live, after all being loved by an innocent man Jesus Christ is just too much for some to bear they would rather kill him, and did, yet he lives in the hearts of many Bible believing Christians. There are very few protestants in the world today, and from my experience there is only one, that despite being infiltrated by the jesuits as have all other churches, it still has a remnant group who stand alone, in Courage, knowing the future will be fulfilment of the return of Christ, when every knee will bow, whoever you are, and the wailing of grief at mans stupidity being realised. Sad for you, but your choice is freedom do so do.
Patrick Andendall says
Your little incoherent rant, (one of 7,000,000,000 individual notions of reality) has nothing to do with the blog -but I suggest you stay on your meds, or broaden you mind by listening to one of the other 6,999,999,999 interpretations.