“We’ve got a former presidential candidate on the other side who suddenly is just deeply concerned about poverty. (Laughter.) That’s great! Let’s go! Come on! Let’s do something about it!”
Patrick Andendall
Part of the Romney Navy
“Both Mitt and I have summer places up in New Hampshire on Lake Winnipesaukee. And a few summers ago I was taking my grandchildren and children to town in the boat for ice cream. And we got into the docks and they were all full and I looked around, there was no place to park, so we stopped at the end of a dock. They all jumped off and ran up the dock. And I realized there was nobody in the boat to help me dock the boat, handle the ropes, do anything — they just left me out there at sea. So I finally found a place to park after about 20 minutes, and I pulled in, I said, ‘Who’s going to grab the rope?,’ and I looked up and there was Mitt Romney. So he pulled me in, he tied up the boat for me. He rescued me just as he’s going to rescue this great country.”
How did this great business man he do as Governor? The Boston Globe concluded their 2007 editorial as follows: “Real world experience has shown that a governor is limited in his power to influence the course of economic development in a state. A full-time governor who is deeply committed to the economic well-being of a state’s workers can, however, make some difference. The state unfortunately did not receive such leadership over most of the past four years. Jokes about Massachusetts may receive some half-hearted laughter on the national campaign trail, but few working men and women in Massachusetts should see anything funny about the state’s lackluster economic performance during the Romney years.”
“Mitt Romney moved to build his support among female voters by boasting during the presidential debate that he had named more women to senior positions as Massachusetts governor than did the governors of any other state. It was perhaps not his best moment. By Wednesday morning, skeptics pounced on his claim, citing a 2007 academic study that concluded that when Mr. Romney left office in December 2006, the share of women in top policy-making jobs was actually smaller than it was under his Republican predecessor.
Moreover, women’s rights advocates said that Mr. Romney had falsely claimed to be the inspiration for promoting women to high positions when in fact a women’s political organization had conceived and largely executed it.”
Romney then went to make his “Binders full of Women” comment. Only the tone deaf, or fellow male chauvinists would not register the essence of Romney’s psyche. People like Joe Scarborough just never understood and proves his tone deaf Misogyny- and then digs his hole deeper by bullying his female co host into submission.
As Rolling Stone Magazine reports: He’s planned to ‘get rid of’ Planned Parenthood.
Romney supports the Blunt Amendment which would allow employers to deny health insurance coverage on the basis of moral objections — a rule aimed at allowing employers to opt out of providing benefits that undermined their consciences, including contraceptive coverage. But as governor of Massachusetts, Romney required all health care providers– including Catholic hospitals — to offer emergency contraception to rape victims.
Romney is fighting a covert battle against contraception. (I personally believe that Religions or Organisations that proactively try to block contraceptives are guilty of a form of manslaughter)
Romney failed to condemn Rush Limbaugh’s characterization of Sandra Fluke as a “slut.”
Romney supports restricting access to abortions. He has called Roe v. Wade “one of the darkest moments in Supreme Court history.”
Does not support equal pay for Women – The Lilly Ledbetter act
He warmly embraced the “marvelous” Ryan budget which ends Medicare in any recognizable form and would throw between 14 million and 27 million people off of Medicaid, around two thirds of them women.
He wants to repeal “Obamacare” – – 17 million women due to get health coverage under the law will remain uninsured.
In 2005, Gov. Romney vetoed a bill requiring hospitals to provide emergency contraception to rape victims. He justified the move by citing the anti-birth control claptrap of the rightwing fringe that the morning after pill is a form of abortion. (It isn’t – it prevents conception.)
Massachusetts legislature overrode Romney’s veto, ensuring that rape victims in that state would not be forced against their will to bear the child of their rapist. Women who live in the Red States of the Bible Belt won’t be so blessed.
Romney as President –“The end of dating as we know it….
Casual dating, the kind where one of you inevitably says “So… what are we?” at 4 am after you two have been watching Game of Thrones and then having sex regularly for a few weeks, will be dramatically different under a Romney presidency. When pregnancy must be seen through to the end, every possible consensual pregnancy-causing encounter becomes less fun and more dire — unnecessary baggage for an act that is supposed to be fun and bond-exploring.”
Let us quickly eviscerate every one of those 221 words:
1) By 2020 the USA will be energy independent.. well Obama will do that by 2018
2) Job retraining ya da ya.. except his VP and the Stupidparty platform would cut such retraining.
3) Unlike Obama – he would implement trade agreements—except this being one of his numerous blatant lies…Obama had negotiated trade agreements
4) Cut the deficit – but he always refused to explain how.
5) Cut taxes for Business – but he adamantly refused to explain how such cuts would be funded.
6) Respect for Women – well may be the ones from his binders, no sign from his Mormon Misogynist prior activities
7) Unlike Obama I will not raise taxes on the Middle Class—except was yet another of his numerous blatant lies, since Obama had done no such thing.
I suspect that Romney has been a liar since the first words came of his mouth – “Ma, I did not spit out my silver spoon” —but he certainly lied horrendously from his very first campaign ad incorrectly showing Obama as saying “if we talk about the economy, we lose” and he lied right till the bitter – some claptrap about the auto Industry to try and fool the Ohio voters.
But did we attack his plan for what it was—do we compare it with reality, do we compare it with what has actually been achieved since that speech? Do we even remind the electorate that Romney would have happily destroyed the US Auto Industry, especially so if he and his asset-stripping Gordon Gekko wannabes could strip away worker benefits whilst pocketing the supposed savings. In one short trip to the UK just before the Olympics he successfully united the British public into full-blown hostility towards his imbecilic efforts at diplomacy and stirred the unprecedented on the public record wrath of each leader of the three main parties, plus the mayor of London (a Conservative to boot) – does anyone ever to get point out that that horrendous Auto “bailout” and the all the other bailouts – were not bailouts , but in fact taxpayers taking ownership and then profiting to the tune of about $54,000,000,000.
What is the story behind Romney not paying his taxes. Reid, the leader of the Senate is totally plugged in to the Mormon culture and to Mormon leading families like the Huntsman’s – he would not make such assertions without knowing the true story. Why would Romney refuse, to the point of virtually creating an additional death nail to his coffin of a campaign. I am pretty convinced that he would have benefited from the Tax amnesty the Feds gave to people illegally hiding their money in Swiss Bank accounts – before the Swiss banks were forced to come clean.
Romney’s one apparent accomplishment—outside of Asset Stripping and giving misogynistic advice as a Mormon Bishop, was his efforts in salvaging the Utah Olympic games. But he always some how forgets to mention a few crucial details because without $1.5 billion of taxpayer money, the games would have been a failure, and there are questions surrounding the cronyism in funneling taxpayer dollars to his Mormon friends. There are lingering questions about Romney accepting $1.5 million in campaign donations from two central figures in the Olympic bribery scandal, including one prominent Mormon who Romney helped acquire a key real estate deal.
Not one piece of coherent election strategy advice, some monologues about too much tax; deh, everyone would like to less tax, just some of us have not found the loopholes or Swiss bank accounts to do it. No sign of humor or empathy. Just a rich, entitled and sycophantic crew. So sycophantic and oblivious that even Romney himself had to give them the occasional dose of reality. The overwhelming impression—these kids that apparently had nothing better to do—well they were all just so boring. The epiphany that hit me like a ton a bricks was that these Mormon Tea totaling baggers desperately needed Alcohol and a lot of it, to have any chance of turning them into interesting or amusing conversationalists. Ann Romney had nothing of note to say and she even somehow made her efforts to seem human, by snuggling up to her dressage Horse’s mouth, look quite creepy.
Throughout the campaign Mrs. Romney’s comments have gone from entitled (It’s our turn) to snobbish (you people) to self pitying (running for president is hard) to angry (Republicans are lucky to have Mitt as their nominee) to bizarre (her concerns at Mitt’s mental health). Ann Romney has revealed herself to be just as out of touch and difficult to like as her husband.
That just leaves Jeb Bush – who does not need the Koch’s -but yet he might be the worst of them all. But that is a different story.
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