Ryan Padgett “It’s not worth reading. Just a bias condescending lecture from a sad lonely closest homosexual who likes to use big words from their thesaurus app to sound intelligent.”
By Patrick Andendall
Let us start with that inspiring quote that would appear to represent this persons soul. “Give me Liberty or Give me Death”— this was assuredly a motivational winner in securing greater enthusiasm for the Revolutionary War. Since King George certainly suffered from bouts of insanity and thus could not conduct imperial power in a rational manner—the sentiment is a perfectly fair one. Perhaps on occasion King George tended toward tyranny – I do not believe that the US had any representation in the British Parliament, which can only add further logic to this emotional outburst. But it is quite a stretch to feel as victimized in 2015 as this persons ancestors must have felt in 1776. But even if you are victimized, at least understand who your real oppressor is. But we will get to that later. First let us deal with this beloved Patrick Henry – who has clearly not been reincarnated into the Karma of Ryan Padgett. Yes Patrick Henry was on the cutting edge against a despotic temper tantrum mentally ill Monarch, but beyond that he was an individual who was smart enough to evolve as circumstances changed.
Patrick Henry was no Stupidparty Disciple. In fact quite the reverse, he was ahead of his times. He denounced the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which called for the rights of a state to nullify a federal law it considered unconstitutional. Henry warned that civil war was threatened because Virginia…
“had quit the sphere in which she had been placed by the Constitution, and, in daring to pronounce upon the validity of federal laws, had gone out of her jurisdiction in a manner not warranted by any authority, and in the highest degree alarming to every considerate man; that such opposition, on the part of Virginia, to the acts of the general government, must beget their enforcement by military power; that this would probably produce civil war, civil war foreign alliances, and that foreign alliances must necessarily end in subjugation to the powers called in.”
So Patrick Henry is a great deal smarter than some of his present day fans would give him credit for.
But it only gets worse for our Stupidparty friend. I am sure if you asked Patrick Henry – would you rather live in 2015 than 1776 – he would choose today. Not only that, but he would choose Obama – especially if he was a bit short of cash. How can I be so confident? I think we should look at the story of his beloved wife Sarah.
Following the general practice of the time, Henry’s friends and his physician, Dr. Thomas Hinde, recommended she be moved to the public hospital in Williamsburg. But, after inspecting the facilities, Henry “saw that if he agreed, his wife would be locked into a windowless brick cell containing only a filthy mattress on the floor and a chamber pot. There she would be chained to the wall with a leg iron. Appalled by what he saw, he instead prepared a private, two-room apartment for her in the basement of Scotchtown. Each room had a window, providing light, air circulation, and a pleasant view of the grounds. The apartment also had a fireplace, which provided good heat in the winter, and a comfortable bed to sleep in.”
Henry (or a domestic slave when he was away on business) took care of Sarah and “watched over her, fed her, bathed her, clothed her, and prevented her from harming herself.” Sarah died in the spring of 1775.
“Because of her illness – then thought to have been caused by being ‘possessed by the devil’ – she was denied a religious funeral service or a Christian burial. Her grieving husband, ‘bowed down and bleeding under the heaviest sorrows and personal distresses,’ buried her thirty feet from the home they shared and planted a lilac tree next to her grave to remember her. The tree still stands there, a few steps from the door to her basement.”
In some ways these confederate dreamers have a right to be proud – they had far better generals, and battled brilliantly as underdogs. How they managed to lose at Gettysburg – that must have been a real tragedy. They obviously want to honor their ancestors who fought bravely and the political outlook of such ancestors can not be second judged using present day benchmarks. Even though I have no real stake in the game, the failure of Pickets charge, just seemed so sad. I just couldn’t but help root for Lee, against all my better instincts. It must really sting, even today. So close yet it all fell apart. So I get it – I get moved by the heroism and brilliance of the Rebel army and I am not even vested.
But although the South may have had better, more charismatic Generals, they did not have the better cause. The South lost about 150 years ago – it is surely time to move on. You are not getting back to 1776, you do not want to go back to even 1862 (even if you have not figured that out yet). If you want that – then you need to be prepared to do with out Novocaine when you visit the Dentist. Be a man and use a pair of pliers. The sad thing is that when the modern generation of Confederate lovers can not adapt to social changes, racial integration etc- they actually besmirch their ancestors. Their polarizing and un evolved politics would be an embarrassment to their ancestors and an embarrassment to Patrick Henry. John Wilkes Booth being an actor, an artist -would surely have evolved also, as artists just do not do Stupidparty.
But we will just linger on all these Freedoms for a while longer. In the tables below Red indicates Stupidparty States, Blue equals normal States.
Let’s look at literal Freedom first: America has the highest Incarceration rates in the world.
Stupidparty Disciples.
This is a partial list:
1) 49% Believe Acorn stole 2012 election. PPP 2012. (With no funding, Acorn dissolved in 2010)
2) 65% Believe higher taxes (on people earning >$400,000) impact them. (Pew Jan. 8, ’08)
3) 68% Do not believe in evolution.
4) 58% (creationists) Believe the planet to be less than, say, 10,000 years old. (Gallup)
5) 69% Between 2009 and 2011 refused to believe that Global Warming had begun.* (Gallup)
6) 58% Believe Global Warming is a hoax. (PPP 2013)
7) 75% Believed Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda.
http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/brunitedstatescanadara/87.php Oct 21, ’04 (after 9/11 Commission Report)
8) 67% Believed Saddam attacked on 9/11.
http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/brunitedstatescanadara/87.php Oct 21, ’04 (after 9/11 Commission Report)
9) 63% Believed—even in 2012—that Saddam had WMDs.
10) 51% Are “birthers.”
27) Only 22% percent of SP disciples believe Ferguson raises important racial questions.
28) 68% of Stupidparty voters believe the President should impeached for????* see below for various reasons – https://today.yougov.com/news/2014/07/14/one-third-americans-want-impeach-obama/
29) 57 percent of Republicans want to dismantle the Constitution, and establish Christianity as the official national Religion. Only 30 percent oppose making Christianity the national religion
A Public Policy Polling (PPP) national survey conducted between February 20th and February 22nd
This is the most galling of all.
No the real reason why these guys hark back to 1776 would be the electoral map. Blacks could not vote until 1870, women could not vote until 1920 and younger people until 1970. Without those constituents the aging White Guys would be in control of virtually every state – enough to ensure America’s status as a third world nation. But hey the flags, the bibles and the guns, all make up for the loss ones dignity and self respect, from mans inability to be a provider.
But to be fair, I do realize that I am being a bit unkind to my nemesis. I have no reason to believe that there is anything fundamentally wrong with his intellect. He is just delusion-ally wrong on political/economic matters—so wrong that he is undoubtedly voting against his own interests. He has been raised in an environment where he can not see the wood from the trees. Now we are all delusional to some degree, so it is just a matter of how easily we can be conned. The very fact that the we presume that we have free will may well be delusional. By definition most religions must be delusional (they can’t all be right, and Mormonism is provable claptrap), superstitions, the belief in luck, miracles – all probable delusions. Religion has a powerful tool – believe in us – or you will fry for eternity.
But the powers manipulating Ryan Padgett and his cohorts are equally powerful. Big Money needs to suppress the will of the people so that they can asset strip the people. These powers tap into neanderthal fears – they use terms such as Freedom, Eagle, Heritage. Just look into all the nefarious names of the Koch empire—that has merely replaced it’s fascist roots with Ayn Rand libertarian nonsense – both lead to the same fascist Koch Kingdom. Present Income discrepancy and money in politics trends can only lead to one place – and it is place that Mr Paget will never be invited to. He will have served his purpose and been discarded. This money, along with it’s propaganda machine – the fake Fox news (which studies prove make their viewers less informed), combine that with hate radio and the network of incestuously financed and promoted right wing misinformation has successfully hoodwinked the Stupidparty disciples.
One could speculate that families like the Ryan Padgett family – may have been say pig farmers, back in the day – and now perhaps they are are employed by a factory farm. In this case their talents, their lands, their livestock have been asset stripped, leaving poverty in it’s wake. The tax payer has to pick up the tab, dealing with the poverty, the crime and the pollution created by such asset strippers. The displaced workers are persuaded to blame the Immigrants, the Blacks, the Atheists, the Moochers, the Government. Congress has been bought off by these same asset strippers and the Congressman are paid off to blame the Immigrants, the Blacks, the Atheists, the Moochers, the Government. So who wins out – yes the asset strippers and their puppets. The less Government there is, the more freedoms they have to asset strip. The less (effective) Government the more Stupidparty Disciples become the Moochers. But the real Moochers are the asset strippers – who are mooching the tax payers dry. No credible Economists supports the trickle down Economics of the the Stupidparty.
Fight for your freedom to get hold of the facts and use your talents and love for your Country to shoot down the Myths. Fight to save your Democracy – because it is under attack from all sides and disappearing before your eyes. The first step is to ask yourself whose interests does your congressman, your senators, serve: you the voter or them— their paymasters, the big money who fund their campaigns. Look out for the quid pro quo.
semalaia4n says
The crime and the pollution created by such of asset strippers…
Nice Post…