Back-to-back victories against bigotry. Why do I stress that word, surely these are just Judges interpreting the Constitution? If that was the case – how come in both instances the result was pretty much a foregone conclusion. You need virtually no understanding of the Constitution to have known with a 95% accuracy rate which judges would vote which way. Admittedly I thought that Justice Roberts might go along with the majority on the gay marriage ruling, in order to mitigate divisiveness—but then I did not pay enough attention to a key observation made by my own guest blogger
several months ago:“One must truly wonder, if, in Roberts, we are seeing a textbook example of the myopia, lack of self-awareness, and narrow-mindedness that can result from attending the non-racially-diverse Roman Catholic grade and boarding schools in 1960s and 1970s small-town, rural, overwhelmingly-white Indiana when we see what he will write here, in effect proving Seattle’s and Jefferson County’s points…”
This observation was made in the context of Justice Robert’s very immature notions on race that became evident when he ruled that voter suppression is just fine by him. OK – he did not quite go that far, but he booted the problem back into the Stupidparty Congress, knowing full well that Congress is dysfunctional and that racist-based voter suppression strategies would return with a vengeance. Since I prove that voter fraud by the voter is mathematically irrelevant, there is no excuse for facilitating voter suppression.
Since these Judges clearly have a choice about how to rule on these issues, that choice being driven their own personal DNA – we can now see the DNA of Roberts, Scalia, Thomas and Alito and it is not a pretty sight. Because results are driven by the DNA of each Supreme Court justice, we can really analyze what is really going on. As proof of this contention I will now discuss what I posted back in February explaining precisely what would happen regarding the effort to derail Obamacare. It will not take long for the penny to drop – this lawsuit was rooted in bigotry, and we already know which Justices are either so closeted, bitter or paid off, that hatred and bigotry does not bother them in the slightest. But they will argue -“it’s the Constitution.” Well that is bullshit.
Back In February, this news site explained exactly what would happen and why. It is also no great surprise that three of the justices are so bitter and out of touch that they could not recognize hate and incompetence—even when it smacks them in the face with a two-by-four. You would think that if you were looking to destroy Obamacare that the highly paid legal team of the American Enterprise Institute could find just four plaintiffs that were actually harmed in some way by the law. But no, that was a task beyond those fat cats. As the country hurls towards an oligarchy, with the full backing of the Supreme Court – the only thing that might cause this march towards oblivion, is the sheer overwhelming stupidity of the vehicle being used to crash down the gates of democracy – the Stupidparty. We just hope the voters can figure this out in time, before it is too late.
Welcome to a new way to promote facts to the American people in order to inoculate us all from all the deadly myths that threaten us all.
Now please read on…for the full story.
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