When it comes to elections it is always tough to avoid being a drama queen. Evidently if Obama was to win the 2008 election the world would end, if he were to win the 2012 election the world would not only end, but we would all end up in hell. But the rest of us live in the real world. In the real world the stakes for the 2016 elections are truly massive. This is because the Stupidparty has become so extreme that myth keep beating math; lies override truth. Many people had failed to grasp that if Stupidparty wins in 2016 that the following is likely to happen:
- The slide towards an oligarchy becomes irreversible without civil unrest.
- Untenable income discrepancy trends carry on unabated.
- Religious dogma will destroy rational thinking.
- Racism, bigotry and misogyny become an accepted part of U.S. culture.
- America becomes an obstacle in mankind efforts to combat global warming.
- America goes to war with the Muslim community, creating an explosion of fundamentalism, terrorism.
- The USA becomes an international pariah, only tolerated by certain allies who require military protection from Russian and Chinese imperialism.
Many people still fail to grasp this. But now that the right wing intellectual Goliath has passed, leaving the Supreme Court without a conservative majority for the first time since 1972, we should appreciate three new dynamics: 1) For as long as Scalia’s seat remains vacant, very little bad can happen. 2) Having let that sunk in, consider how many terrible things have happened because of Scalia. And finally, 3) having that sink in, consider how absolutely vital it is that we do not have a Stupidparty advocate fill his empty seat.
Because the facts are so easy to establish, easier now than ever, any one who does not vote in 2016 will be guilty of what will happens as a consequence and will also own the the unrectifiable sins from the past.
2016 must have a sky-high turn out. Yes all the nitwits will vote, but they always do. The fight for the Right to bring a gun into kindergarten, to prevent a woman’s right to choose, to prevent homogeneous life styles, to wage war with out diplomacy, to further empower the top 0.01%—these battles will be fought to the death, by the bad guys. Now, more than ever, is the time to stand up and be counted. Now is the time for the apathetic, the young, the disenfranchised, the non-political to swarm to the polls. All you young Bernie supporters, it is not enough to just to tweet, to show up to a rally because that is the cool thing to do—this is your future—you must vote, you must drag your friends and family kicking and screaming and vote for whomever opposes the Stupidparty nominees. If family members have calcified brains and live in a swing state, visit them and prevent them from voting—yes, you will think of something.
We start at a disadvantage—we need 10,000,0000 more votes than Stupidparty to regain Congress. But we do have facts on our side. Only if we secure a sky high turnout will we win. This is what the death of Scalia really means.
This is war, we must take no hostages.
Please note that this website will provide all the tools you need to win any argument. I will be working on tools to make such material easier to access. This website also provides the six simple solutions that will allow democracy to be put back in safe keeping, among other solutions. Join this movement, join other movements, become aware of the facts, teach, volunteer, contribute, be proactive, be angry. Spending two seconds on a tweet will not cut it any more. The stakes have just mushroomed dramatically.
I hope I have helped in a small way by sharing your message and very poignant articles. I am not American but have watched the disgusting behavior of Republicans against Obama, who has maintained his dignity at all times through hatred and obstructionism!
If I have one message for Americans, it would be to please get off your backsides and register to vote for your country! And keep America the great country that it is, and for your future to come.
Much appreciated -thank you.