Goodnight Florida.
If you vote for criminally idiotic leaders–you can hardly blame mother nature for taking out it’s wrath on you.
It is not as if you have not had decades or warning, your man created nemesis has been signalling it’s intentions since way before you ate your first early bird special. You could have seen the pertinent movies, documentaries, using your senior citizen discounts. But no – you idly sat in your gas guzzling old Lincolns electing a series of Governors who would keep the dross out of your country clubs, suppressing their votes and allowing you to horde your easy wealth for a time when it can be of little use. So as you sit in your exclusively manicured homes, perhaps now you will have time to think about the legacy that you have left your grandchildren. Any one for a round of Golf?
Farewell Miami – your elected leaders have bigger fish to fry
Global warming is a fact. As ice packs melt, sea levels rise, which is a fact. As water heats up it expands. The State of Florida juts out into the Ocean. The average land elevation in Florida is six feet. NASA is already planning for when parts of its Kennedy space station are underwater. 20,000 years ago Miami was 15 miles away from the Ocean. In terms of exposed assets –Miami is the second most exposed city on the planet. Four of Florida’s cities are in the top eight most exposed US cities to tidal surge, with Miami at #1. In recent years the daily high water mark has been increasing by almost an inch a year— X 10 the international average.
These are all facts. Facts to stupidparty disciples are like the sunrise to vampires – they all go back and skulk in their caves or grumble in their country clubs and watch Fox news, a media outlet that is not allowed to acknowledge basic facts about the climate. Yes, Fox will report stories of beach erosion and the associated costs of salvaging such real estate, but they are not allowed to explain the underlying problem. South Florida has a bunch of additional problems such as being founded on limestone that will exacerbate its problems.
Now, when a region has such a massive crisis –this is when both local and federal Governments kick in. This is perhaps the primary purpose of government. Unlike private enterprise, venture capital etc.–that have to see a return within seven years or so–Governments are expected to plan for longer term contingencies, Military preparedness for a possible war, bridges, roads, airports and other infrastructure projects- decades long planning, for decades long lifespans. Who gets to decide whether a bridge is economically viable (an economist) structurally sound (an engineer), what the speed limit should be on a bridge (a statistician). Is your run of the mill politician equipped to override these experts? Would they sit in on a meeting to discuss the structural safety of a bridge and say “well I am no engineer, but I believe that this bridge design (which is 10% more expensive than an alternate design deemed not structurally sound) is less safe than the cheaper design. Now why would he say something so idiotic? Perhaps the company that designed the cheaper bridge gave him a massive political donation—yes that would explain it.
So who do ask about the imminent threat of rising sea levels? Who has been correctly predicting this phenomena for the last 40 years? This should be an easy question. But now we run into our first problem. We need to look at basic benchmarks for spotting stupidity and corruption. Is Florida Stupidparty and corrupt? Florida on paper looks like a Blue state –Obama won the popular vote in 2008 and 2012 –so theoretically Florida should have competent intelligent governance. But Florida is a “BINO” State–Blue In Name Only. As a result of cheating–Jeb Bush who got a taste for blood in getting his brother elected in 2000 by suppressing and not properly counting the votes, merely fine-tuned his cheating capabilities as he became a more experienced Governor. He rigged the political balance of power largely by making Florida one of the most gerrymandered states in the country. Logically by winning the popular vote the Dems should expect to win at least 14 of the 27 congressional seats. But in 2012 the Stupidparty was to win 17 congressional seats to the 10 for the Dems. This type of math also explains why Stupidparty control congress –often against the will of the popular vote. To win back congress in 2016 –the Democrats will need a staggering 10,000,000,000 more votes than the Stupidparty. Cheating works.
So Florida is doomed–it is dominated by Stupidparty leaders who in Florida’s hour of need–as the asteroid of inundation heads relentlessly and predictably into its heart, leave the residents to contend with the following:
- Their political process is now dominated by mental midgets.
- Even if their politicians understood or cared–they have been corrupted by the old energy industry- thus paid to be global warming deniers.
- Jeb Bush – the Governor between 1999-2007, is beholden to old energy.
- Marco Rubio is beholden to looking good to the base outside of Florida–thus he is a denier.
- And then there is the present Governor Rick Scott…
Jeb Bush–oil is in his DNA, his family, more so than any other grouping, are responsible for America’s insane energy policies dating back to the 1950s.
Early in Jeb Bush’s first term as governor of Florida, a group of scientists called a press conference to warn of the consequences of global warming. Rising sea levels and extreme weather events threatened the state’s tourism industry, its citrus and tomato growers, and its coastal cities, the scientists said. Then they called on the governor to respond with an action plan. Bush’s office responded to say that he was otherwise occupied. “At this point, global warming is not the top priority,” a spokesperson told the Orlando Sentinel—bringing back memories of his brothers administration adamantly ignoring dire warnings of an imminent attack from Al-Qaida in the months, weeks and days before Sept 11th. Criminal negligence on an epic scale runs in the family –though these sins pale in comparison to what Bush Sr. has wrought.
Fast forward to fourteen years later to May 2015 – Jeb has learned nothing:
“I don’t think it’s the highest priority,”
“For the people to say the science is decided on this is really arrogant, to be honest with you,”
Later he dismissed the pope’s climate-change encyclical. Even if his pope is not infallible (heresy) Pope Francis is actually academically qualified to have a valid interpretation of the overwhelming facts.
Marco Rubio, the newly outed empty suit, likes to wax lyrical on the subject– because here is a man of the amazing missing substance, dark brain matter, a one man walking black hole of disappearing intellect- these dam scientists…
Rubio is a Florida Senator –he is sent to Washington by the residents of Florida to protect Florida. You want to know Rubio’s favorite sound bite— “The United States is a Country not a planet.” Hopefully the next sport for people who like to do video montages will be to do videos of Rubio repeating the same meaningless sound bites over and over again. Yes Rubio, you are right, America is not a planet, but I would point out to you that Florida is not a country; it needs its country to look after its future. Yes, America is not a planet, but it is a world leader and when it refuses to pitch in –why the hell would poorer countries bother to help out. The fact that China is so badly behind the curve–America has no moral authority to instruct any one to tackle this issue, while people like Rubio robotically repeat utter nonsense. Constantly rebooting his circular looped brain gets the same frustrating result, reminiscent of attempting to ask SIRI (Apple voice recognition) a simple question and SIRI keeps giving the same wrong answer time and time again.
But now onto “I’m not a Scientist Rick Scott”, yes another of these dime a dozen non scientists who will not listen to scientists— have taken over the Stupidparty, guaranteeing the continued Stupidparty moniker. Scott the present day Governor of Florida, is a hugely wealthy business man with an extremely shady business biography, who has bought his way into the job.
Rick Scott likes money, but has no interest is Science. When he meets with scientists he shows little interest, has no questions. From the AP report:
The state has yet to offer a clear plan or coordination to address what local officials across Florida’s coast see as a slow-moving emergency. Republican Gov. Rick Scott is skeptical of man-made climate change and has put aside the task of preparing for sea level rise, an Associated Press review of thousands of emails and documents pertaining to the state’s preparations for rising seas found.
Despite warnings from water experts and climate scientists, skepticism over sea level projections and climate change science has hampered planning efforts at all levels of government, the records showed. Florida’s environmental agencies under Scott have been downsized, making them less effective at coordinating sea level rise planning in the state, documents showed.
“If I were governor, I’d be out there talking about it (sea level rise) every day,” said Eric Buermann, former general counsel to the Republican Party of Florida and a former water district governing board member. “Unless you’re going to build a sea wall around South Florida, what’s the plan?”
But it gets more ludicrous. Rick Scott now forbids Florida governmental agencies from using the term Climate Change. He denies this–but the evidence of such a demand is overwhelming:
Jeb, Marco, Scott – Florida’s most well-known politicians –who could not care less about the future of their constituents.
Political expediency outweighing common decency.
Stuck in an intellectual black hole of their own creation– Jeb in his own family DNA bottle, Rubio globbing onto establishment white power to pocket desperately sought financial largess and Scott taking millions of dollars today to give back to his clan –because that is all that he ever does. These three sharks, wraith like brains, eternally moving on cruise control, – gobbling up the toddlers, floundering like a defenseless shoal of fish, in their back yard sea water wading pools. Lets engorge our selves on just one more massively indulgent, as much as you can, eat early bird special, before heading for our exit interview with our maker. Good luck with that.
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