So Obama has declared that Trump is unfit to become President. Who is he to judge? Let’s look at this through the eyes of a Trumpeteer, as by doing so, we will be able to evaluate Obama with more clarity—and better understand how Trump secured the nomination.
A couple of months ago, in the House of Parliament, British Prime Minister David Cameron said to the leader of leader Labor party, Jeremy Corbyn, during question time “‘For heaven’s sake man, go!’” Everyone knew that this was not typical political sparring. Theoretically British Conservatives would be delighted to have such a loser as an opponent. But David Cameron was legitimately concerned that Jeremy Corbyn is in the process of destroying the British Labour party. It was also Jeremy Corbyn’s incompetence during the “Brexit” vote that helped the leave campaign win—the labor party being supposedly a “remain” party. David Cameron recognizes that it is really bad for British Democracy if the Labor party dies, if for no other reason than that the Scottish National Party would become the official opposition—which would be extremely divisive for British politics. So David Cameron’s comment was 100% sincere, it was said for the good of the country, not for partisan political reasons.
Back in the USA Obama used the White House, which is not normally used for campaigning, to say something really important to the nation. Obama, who never indulges in hyperbole, never name calls, is always exceedingly polite even under extreme and absurd disrespectful provocation said what every thinking person across was the planet has already figured out—the simple fact that Trump is not fit to be President of the United States. This is not name calling, it is a transparently fair and now universally accepted fact. He went on to point out that leading Republicans who find themselves having to distance themselves from one outrageous Trump comment after another, need to take the next step, even though this will piss off the Zombie Trumpeteer hordes, they need to be brave, worry more about their country than their job and publicly disown Trump the man, Trump the megalomaniac—whose very sanity is now being questioned.
Like David Cameron, Obama was making a very important statement that clearly transcends partisan politics. But I really want to help people understand how Trump’s fans, his Trumpeteers, how totally unfounded their outage is. Their response goes along the following incoherent stream of consciousness thought process… “well he should not name call, who does he think he is, the most corrupt scandal ridden administration of all time—how can you be more unfit than that? “
So let’s tackle each point, shall we?
1) Obama should not name call. I have two rebuttals to that:
- Using accurate terminology after considered thinking and carefully chosen words—that is not name calling, it is an alarm. Obama did not say dummy, dopey, crazy, not very bright—that would be name calling.
- Just take a look at Trump and name calling. This is name calling.
2 Who does Obama think he is?
I hope that this graphic might help:
I love these pictures because they act as a mirror into the human soul. Even if you disagree with Obama’s policies—still just look at the pictures. If you do not see a beautiful family, that is the very best of America, the American dream—then I truly suspect that there is something wrong with your soul. Now go beyond the picture and look for the family flaws. Compare the family dynamics to say the Palin family. The differences are black and white. Name a classier First Family—the Kennedy’s perhaps, yet they were not even close.
3) But his administration is just so corrupt. You really want to go there? OK then…
138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, indicted or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations during his term, making it the highest criminal conviction record for any President’s staff or cabinet.
OK, perhaps Reagan was just an anomaly. Let us look at the G.W. Bush Presidency:
- Three appointees to White House or top administrative posts resigned after facing criminal charges.
- Several others, including special counsel Karl Rove, resigned following investigations of various improprieties.
- The President fired 11 U.S. attorneys he appointed because they were prosecuting more corrupt Republican than Democratic politicians. A dozen more top White House and Justice Department officials, including Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, resigned rather than testify before Congress on the issue.
- Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, chief of staff to Vice-President Dick Cheney, was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice in the Valerie Plame affair, but his sentence was commuted by the president.
- Seven officials of agencies and cabinet departments pled guilty or were convicted of criminal charges as part of super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s web of corruption.
Back to that oh-so-corrupt Obama administration—No high executive branch officials have faced criminal charges. But what about lying corrupt Killary, she was a high executive branch official wantonly killing Americans she personally knew and getting hundreds of millions of dollars in kickbacks from_____ (fill in the blank) from what ever fake Fox- or Koch-backed news site. Well I have dealt with that nonsense here and here.
3) But Obama is embroiled in scandal after scandal
Now here is the thing to understand—a scandal is not a scandal just because fake new sites like those influenced by Roger Ailes try and create a scandal. A scandal, in a partisan political arena requires proven, meaningful criminal misconduct. The benchmark being higher because there is such a huge motivation for a political opponent to act as if something is scandalous. Also there is big money to be made in trying to create a scandal. I have already proven that 67% of the GOP base are ignorant gullible bigoted suckers. Trump in a two horse race will likely get 43% of the vote, assuming he does not have to be placed in a straight jacket—that is a massive number of over 50,000,000 gullible voters. People like Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, Anne Coulter, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and also the various quack authors who are all given traction and great reviews by the aforementioned characters. All these guys make huge amounts of money by basically providing comfort food for bigots to believe that they are not really bigots. Even though, as Trump admitted, he could shoot someone and his fans would not give a damn, all these guys have to do is write a book that says Obama is a horrible lying dipshit, born in the bosom of a jihadist training camp and this massive fan base will buy the book that effectively gives them a license to believe whatever they want to believe and still be able to live with themselves. But just a tip here—if you choose to be “birther” you are indeed a racist. A sucker and their money are easily parted. So what are these supposed scandals—and do they have any merit?
We will we start with the silliest and then work our way up to the tax payer funded insidious scandals. This is what hate radio hosts spend all their time talking about to their ever more stupid listeners. Now you can begin to understand how we have arrived at the day of the Trump.
Links to all these conspiracies can be found here:
Do I have to waste my time suggesting that Obama is not the anti-Christ—that would require a respected journalist with two credible sources who work directly at GOD LIVES IN HEAVEN Corp. But since we are on the topic of religion—allow me to slide this in: If you are a Trumpeteer you can not be a Christian. This does not need two sources, just a basic understanding of Christianity.
Moving on to the more insidious scandals and what is really behind them. First let us consider the Benghazi scandal, by putting it into perspective.
Let us take a short detour before we address the supposed scandals—because it would really help to have some context. I help help to ask the question—what is the real scandal that few people are aware of? Who should be under investigation Obama or Darrell Issa. Rep. Darrell Issa wants to Investigate Obama, Hillary—but why not investigate the real fraud—Darrell Issa?
A Stupidparty Crook and his endless witch hunts: Salon reports:
“The only thing that makes Rep. Darrell Issa remotely qualified to chair the House Oversight Committee is his personal familiarity with the investigative process—on the receiving end. The man Republican House Speaker John Boehner put in charge of investigating government wrongdoing was himself indicted for stealing a car, accused of stealing at least one other car, arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, and twice suspected of insurance fraud—and once extensively investigated by authorities for arson, because his former business associates accused him, on the record, of burning down a building to collect the insurance payout.”
Is Darrell Issa a Crook? Clearly this question must be asked. It must be asked because of the role the Stupidparty decided to hand to him. You really would hope that an individual in charge of investigating the president should have a great deal of ethical credibility. So before listening to anything this man has to say, should you not evaluate the source?
Never Interested in facts.
The Atlantic reports:
“Even before he took over the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, with zero evidence in hand, Issa called Obama ‘one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times.’ In his relentless search for evidence (and headlines) since, he has found nothing to back up that statement, making him look like a buffoon. (Even the Solyndra scandal turned out to be a question of incompetence, not corruption, as Issa himself has admitted.)”
How Darrell Issa has blown or wasted up to around $100,000,000 of taxpayer money on invented scandals:
Darrell Issa was granted a budget of $25,678,100 to pursue of fake scandals.
This figure does not account for the $14 million spent by the IRS answering voluminous and often duplicative subpoenas, the “millions” spent by the Department of Defense responding to inquiries about the attack in Benghazi, the budget of the Oversight Committee’s minority staff, nor the massive expenditure of resources by the dozens of other federal agencies that have come under the scrutiny of the Oversight Committee. By its conclusion Darrell Issa’s chairmanship could cost the U.S. Treasury well into the nine figures. From that astounding allocation of resources, Issa has unveiled no major corruption or gotten to the bottom of no significant scandal. By mistaking bureaucratic incompetence for scandal, ineptitude for criminality, and general stupidity on the part of low- and mid-level government employees for political conspiracy, Issa all but guarantees that only the most fervent partisans will trust any information that emerges from his committee. In that way he is perhaps the best Oversight chairman a Democratic administration could hope for — one whose investigations can simply be disregarded as partisan witch hunts and whose influence waned with each misstep.
I will have more to say about Darrell Issa in another blog—but I think the above provides the gist. So with this mind let’s tackle all the more mainstream (easy to Google) scandals. I am going to do this in one big graphic. But let me explain some the visuals and what they mean.
- At the heart of the graphic is a typical Stupidparty meme which is not simply stupid but plays dishonest visual tricks
- One trick is to make the same assertion several times, reordering the words, making the list of scandals seem even more scandalous. Green boxes indicate duplicated accusations.
- Another trick is to simply not mention the fact that all of Darrell Issa’s efforts have been a waste of time. So called “scandals” which are simply witch hunts and fishing expedition to appeal to that bigoted base, where Darrell Issa has been a key driver of the narrative, at tax payer expense, these are highlighted in boxes with yellow borders.
- The final and most deceitful trick is to label something that has either been disproved or has no proof, or nothing to do with Obama’s White House as an Obama scandal. Just because it sounds scandalous and must be scandalous because Bill O’Reilly is getting all lathered up—while getting his paycheck from Roger Ailes—does not make it a scandal. And therein lies the real scandal.
*” notes below”
- Fast and Furious: A Fortune investigation reveals that the ATF never intentionally allowed guns to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. How the world came to believe just the opposite is a tale of rivalry, murder, and political blood-lust.
- Potential Holder Perjury—at his juncture this is a dead story—simply not happening.
The obvious and rather stunning conclusion is that there have been no significant scandals. That is about as miraculous as politic ever gets. The Obama administration is an immaculate conception, Obama behavior under extraordinary pressures has been unimpeachable, it had to be—beyond the worldly realm, the limited comprehension of all of his 50,000,000 Trumpeteer haters, who hate him why? It is certainly not the economy. Some people might be too close to see the wood from the trees. But most of humanity is not exposed to the constant stream Fox, Koch and Hate Radio fake journalism.
Having your world view decimated by a Black, Kenyan, Muslim—God, that has got to hurt.
Dr. N. Annan says
Why, then, is it that journalists and other media participants allow the lies and the myths to be loosely perpetuated day in and day out without challenging with the facts for all to know the truths????????
Patrick Andendall says
Two reasons one “the vast right conspiracy” is hardly tough to figure out -it is Roger Ailes -and do not simply presume that Ailes influence stops at Fox— so here is the explanation of that … and secondly bare in mind that all media in America is conservative, well paid Journalists working for large corporations focused on ratings. Cheap short attention span stories sell plus mainstream journalists are terrified of appearing biased -an impossible conundrum because the GOP literally has nothing ( as my website will prove), so simply presenting the truth would make you appear left wing. I do not consider myself left or right.
Nona Harman says
Because that is how they make their money. 24 hour news has to say something,to buy air time,pay salaries etc.,doesn’t have to be the truth.
Stephanie Logan says
Christiane Amanpoure recently said in an interview on the Daily Show that journalists need to focus on TRUTH, not just tell both sides of the story equally, because both sides do not necessarily carry the same weight of legitimacy. We have to find a way to raise the bar of journalistic integrity, despite shrinking budgets and dependence on wealthy philanthropists’ support.
Mike Foster says
“Why, then, is it that journalists and other media participants allow the lies and the myths to be loosely perpetuated day in and day out without challenging with the facts for all to know the truths????????”
If it Bleeds, It Leads. More emotion, leads to an addiction to excitement. Excitement for maximizing profits by competing. Competition leads to fewer corporations, ultimately to one. Have you noticed that they yell at you like a car salesman and talk fast? The only advantage to truth is reputation, but the liberal charge is the con the stupidparty uses.
Patrick Andendall says
I have created this tool that any one can use to irrefutably destroy virtually all the Stupidparty nonsense
concealed carry class says
I agree.