“more than any single article you will find anywhere, period. Here is the one article to read on Trump, Putin, the Russian hacks, and political cyber warfare in election 2016”
If you are a Trumpeteer are you a traitor? I believe that that is in fact the case. Am I being hyperbolic? Well if you do care about your country, its national interests, its reputation and its impact on humanity—then you are morally, patriotically bound to consider the charge and investigate what is behind it. You are patriotically bound for one moment to put aside your prejudice against professional journalism, preference for the bubble world of Fox, Breitbart, Drudge and Limbaugh etc and start actually thinking for yourself. That would be your patriotic duty. Yes you believe Hillary is awful, thus nothing you do can be more awful—but perhaps that is because people are not telling you the truth— the actual facts. But put that aside, your hatred for Hillary or Obama, for just one little moment of your lives and try and think and ask yourself what can I do to make sure that I am not simply being a patsy for people who not only have no regard for America, but who are actively engaged in destroying America—and they have the intelligence, the tools, and the resources to do it. Be a patriot—think.
As a great American patriot, Rodney Carrington so famously sang (referring to two great political tits? or perhaps I misunderstood)
It’ll do you good, it’ll give me wood, we’ll make history
If you love your country, I’m gonna say it one more time,
I said if you love your country yea
Then stand your ass up and show them big old titties to me
Patriotic Andendall
A close look at the tangled web of relationships involving Trump, his Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort, his campaign in general, Putin, Russia, and Wikileaks in light of the DNC and Clinton-aimed related hacking is not reassuring. Trump is fond of using the phrase: “There’s something going on!” when he wants to imply a scandal without going into detail. Well, “There’s something going on” here and we will go into detail in this in-depth special report, more than any single article you will find anywhere, period. Here is the one article to read on Trump, Putin, the Russian hacks, and political cyber warfare in election 2016.
By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981)Author, International Affairs/Development/Public Policy Professional, Freelance Writer/Journalist/Consultant/Historian
AMMAN — When it comes to President Obama, Donald Trump is very fond of saying “There’s something going on!”, often in relation to the president’s views on, responses to, and efforts to fight Islamic terrorism, and most recently, regarding his body language…
Well, we can return Donald the courtesy: there’s something going on with Trump, Putin, Russia, Wikileaks, the DNC/Clinton hack/reveal, and the 2016 election, up to an including the possibility of some kind of secret deal between Putin and Trump or between some of their people, though Putin acting without coordination with Trump’s campaign—trying to undermine America and weaken America’s global standing and its position with its allies, most notably NATO allies—is also very much a possibility; so is some sort of combination of these.
Maybe this sounds ridiculous, and it should. But the facts of Trump and his associates’ ties to Putin and Russia are what are most disturbing of all.
As with any complicated situation, the best place to begin is the beginning…
Trump’s Business History with Russia & Russians: There’s Something Going On!
Starting in the 1980s, Trump began both seeking business opportunities in Russia, including a 1987 trip to Moscow and Leningrad, and began taking money from Russian investors, to the degree that, by 2008 his, one of his sons, Donald Jr., was able to remark to a business conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our [the Trump Organization’s] assets,” and that “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” Trump made numerous other trips to Russia since his first in 1987, as did Donald Jr., to pursue business interests there, exploring a variety of ventures. Trump’s business partners in one deal went to Moscow to sell Russian investors condos in 2006, and in 2008 Trump sold Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev a Palm Beach mansion for $95 million. Donald Jr. alone made over a half-dozen trips during the financial and sub-prime mortgage crises that began in 2008, when Russia was on the Trump Organization’s “A-list” for potential real estate deals.
Around this time, Trump also went into a deal structured to deprive the U.S. government of tens of millions of dollars in legitimate tax revenue that involved the construction and financing of Trump’s marquee SoHo property in New York City. The main partner driving this project way Bayrock, was a company run by Tevfik Arif, a man who in the Soviet-era was an economic official for the USSR. His point man for the deal, Felix Sater, was a convicted Russian mobster; financing involved money from an Iceland firm known for drawing money from Putin-linked Russians, as well as from a financier hailing from the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan named Alexander Mashkevich, who had been charged in a corruption case but settled in exchange for not having to admit any wrongdoing. Trump recalled only light, possible interaction with Sater, but evidence shows that Sater worked closely with Trump on the deal, as did Arif, who personally set trump up with Russian investors. The other major partner in the deal was from the former Soviet Republic of Georgia.
The deal did not go well. Trump was sued for defrauding buyers of condo units in the SoHo because he and his children Ivanka and Eric had falsely inflated the level of buyer interest, and settled late in 2011, refunding 90% of $3.16 million in deposits on condos, though not admitting that he or the Trump Organization had done anything wrong. Arif was later arrested in Turkey, charged with running a prostitution ring from a yacht in a situation that involved Mashkevich, but was later acquitted, though the details of the case remain murky. As for Sater, he was later brought into the Trump Organization, being given a business card that named him a “Senior Advisor to Donald Trump,” years after Trump is publicly said to have been aware of his earlier criminal record.
Perhaps most famously, in 2013, Trump even brought his Miss Universe beauty pageant to Moscow, invited Russian President Vladimir to the pageant, and publicly speculated on a new friendship between himself and the Russian president should Putin attend; a meeting was set up for the two men, and though Putin canceled just before the meeting, he sent a Trump a traditional Russian gift with a “warm” written message. In attendance of both the pageant an afterparty at a Moscow nightclub were many of Russia’s notorious business oligarchs, mingling with Trump, discussing potential future deals.
He Said, He Said: There’s Something Going On!
Fast forward two years later, to when Trump announced his candidacy for the U.S. presidency, and Putin and Trump have had something of a lovefest: neither has opted to criticize the other, instead choosing to hurl compliments at each other from opposite sides of the world:
Trump remarked last September that: “I will tell you that, in terms of leadership, he’s getting an “A” and our president is not doing so well.”
Trump also said: “I think that I would probably get along with him [Putin] very well. And I don’t think you’d be having the kind of problems that you’re having right now.”
Trump also released a statement praising Putin as “a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond” and that “I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect.”
When Putin said nice things about Trump, Trump said those compliments were an “honor.”
Trump also said he would not denounce Putin: “A guy calls me a genius, and I’m going to renounce?” and that “I’m not going to renounce him.”
Putin on Trump:
Putin recently said of Trump that “He is a bright and talented person without any doubt” and “an outstanding and talented personality.”
In response to Trump’s stated desire to improve U.S.-Russian relations, Putin remarked “What else can we do but to welcome it? Certainly, we welcome it.”
Putin also referred to Trump as “the absolute leader of the presidential race.”
When pushed on his compliments on Trump, Putin slyly doubled down and reiterated them.
Russian Press on Putin
But it’s not just Putin saying nice things about Trump: Putin’s massive media propaganda machine now seems to have swung solidly behind Trump and his candidacy as well, lavishing praise on him across the board while it clearly does not favor Clinton and demonizes her.
Putin’s choice in 2016 is clear: he dislikes Clinton and prefers Trump.
Trump’s Positions More Favorable to Russia than Any Other Candidate: There’s Something Going On!
In addition, Trump has put forward policies closer to the Kremlin’s policies than any other major candidate for the presidency. Notably:
Trump wants the U.S. to defer to Russia in Syria and let it “fight ISIS” there, and agreed with Putin’s backing of Syrian’s murderous President Bashar al-Assad.
Trump is against the U.S. taking a large role in helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression, and his campaign people also aggressively saw to it that language calling for the U.S. government to supply arms to the Ukrainian government to help it defend itself against “Russia’s ongoing military aggression in Ukraine” and expressing American “admiration and support” for Ukraine in this struggle was removed from the 2016 Republican Party platform, shortly before the Republican National Convention, removing stances that virtually all Republican national security and foreign policy leaders shared; factoring in that the Trump campaign was pretty agnostic when it came to the platform in general, this is indeed curious (Trump’s people have distinctly avoided going into detailed or adequate explanations for this decision). Trump also just recently said at a press conference that he is considering lifting sanctions on Russia and recognizing its annexation of Crimea.
Trump also doesn’t think that there is enough evidence to blame Russia for the downing of MH17.
Trump defended Putin against accusations that he was behind the murders of numerous Russian journalists critical of Putin.
Most recently, Trump signaled less-than-enthusiastic, vague, and conditional support for NATO and has calling it “obsolete,” while the weakening of NATO is a chief aim of Putin.
But ties to Russia in the Trump campaign don’t end with Trump and his family.
How Paul Manafort, Agent of Despots, Gave Ukraine to Putin, & Manafort’s Other Russian Ties: There’s Something Going On!
The Daily Beast
Trump’s Campaign Chairman, Paul Manafort, is a notorious spin doctor for Third World dictators, a leader of the “torturer’s lobby” who represented and lobbied for a true rogue’s gallery, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (then Zaire’s) Mobutu Sese Seko, the Philippines’ Ferdinand Marcos, Somalia’s Siad Barre, Sani Abacha of Nigeria, and Kenya’s Daniel arap Moi; other clients include Jonas Savimbi, the leader of the Angolan human-rights-abusing rebel guerilla group UNITA, and the Kashmiri American Council: a front for the terrorist-dealing Pakistani government intelligence service ISI that had helped create the Taliban, among other nefarious dealings.
Manafort has also had dealings with Russian business oligarch and Putin ally Oleg Deripaska going back to 2005 on a project to help Montenegro secure independence from Serbia, a move that would help Deripaska economically but also advance Russian interests in extending Russian influence into Montenegro, which has coastline on the Mediterranean Sea. Later, Deripaska claimed in 2014 in a Cayman Islands court that Manafort, along with Manafort partner Richard Gates, took almost $19 million that was supposed to be invested jointly with Deripaska, but which disappeared without a trace, much like Manafort did at the time; Deripaska, even with the aid of private investigators, was unable to track down Manafort in the years before today, when Manafort emerged to work for Donald Trump. Deripaska is still seeking the money, which he has asked to be returned for eight years running now. Gates also works for Trump’s presidential campaign, and, incidentally, it was Gates whose ultimate responsibility it was to vet and approve Melania Trump’s now infamously plagiarized speech.
Perhaps the most intense story of Manafort’s saga are his business dealings in Ukraine. Manfort’s Ukrainian career officially began over a decade ago when Manafort arrived to serve the interests of Ukrainian billionaire Rinat Akhmetov, then Ukraine’s richest businessman. Akhmetov was a close ally of Viktor Yanukovych, then the country’s prime minister, who was a close ally of Vladimir Putin in a Ukraine whose political fault lines very much ran (and still run) along the ethnic Ukrainian and ethnic Russian divide within Ukraine, with Yanukovych allying with the ethnic Russian camp that feels strongly tied to Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin in particular has a history of trying to manipulate, strong-arm, and dominate Ukrainian politics, with Yanukovych acting as key agent for advancing Russian interests in Ukraine.
Behind the scenes and unofficially, Manafort worked as a campaign consultant for Yanukovych, already surrounded by a cloud of corruption at this time, who was running for Ukraine’s presidency against Viktor Yushchenko in 2004; Yanukovych was running in part on a campaign to stay close with Russia, while Yushchenko was running in part on bringing Ukraine closer to the West. During the campaign, Yushchenko was even poisoned with dioxin and was incredibly lucky to live; the sitting president and Yanukovych colluded to falsify the election’s results, which in reality were a victory for Yushchenko, to hand the win to Yanukovych, who was quickly congratulated by Putin.
But the people roared to the street and independent observers cried fraud, and the Orange Revolution began, in which the Ukrainian Supreme Court sided with Yushchenko, a redo of the election was ordered, and Yushchenko rode a people-powered revolution over the course of about a month to victory (much to Putin’s chagrin). Paul Manafort had worked on behalf of Yanukovych, against democracy, against the overall will of the Ukrainian people.
But Manafort stuck around, helping to resurrect Yanukovych’s career over the course of the following years, sometimes working in direct opposition to express American interests and engineering Yanukovych’s 2010 comeback victory in Ukraine’s presidential election. Manafort even brought in Tad Devine, who would be one of the top senior staffers on Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential campaign, to aid with Yanukovych’s 2010 election campaign, among other people. Manafort also helped to shape the strategy of Yanukovych’s political party, the Party of Regions. Overall, he seems to have been one of the main driving forces behind the overall political reversal in Ukraine and return of Yanukovych to power.
Concurrent with much of his work for Yanukovych, Manafort also linked up closely with Ukranian power-broker Dmitry Firtash, who worked closely with Seymon Mogilevich, a godfather of the Russian Mafia. But, even more importantly, he was one of Putin’s top agents in Ukraine: Russia’s state-owned gas giant, Gazprom, would sell Firtash huge amounts of gas at a discounted rate, who would then sell that gas to Ukraine for a sizable profit, profit that Firtash funneled to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine, including—yes—Yanukovych.
On top of this, Firtash used millions out of the billions he made from this scam to partner with Manafort and “a longtime Trump family aide” to hatch an elaborate business venture on prime real estate on New York’s Park Avenue, investing $25 million into the project in 2008; he also set up a $100 million investment fund, which Manafort and his associates were paid $1.5 million to run (that same year, Manafort was considered for the role of McCain’s campaign convention chair, but was not chosen because of these very relationships). This was at a time when Yulia Tymoshenko, who was a partner of Yushchenko during the Orange Revolution and was appointed as the Prime Minister under President Yushchenko, had herself recently returned to power again as Prime Minister, before Yanukovych’s 2010 comeback; Tymoshenko, who had first risen to prominence as a gas tycoon herself, moved to seize Firtash’s gas business assets and cut him out of the gas loop and thus cut off a source of Russian influence in Ukrainian politics. It should, thus, be no surprise that Firtash was suc enthusiastic a supporter of Yanukovych. Once Yanukovych came to power on the back of Manafort’s years of consulting and rehabilitating him, Tymoshenko was imprisoned as a result of a politically motivated trial while Firtash was awarded back $3 billion in gas assets, also reopening the Kremlin’s gas-scheme line to dominating Ukrainian politics at the expense of Ukrainian interests and sovereignty. In many ways, this set the stage for the 2014 Maidan protests that erupted into the current Ukrainian mess.
Tymoshenko could sense a money laundering scheme in that Park Avenue New York real estate deal, the end state of which never came to be and with much of the money going back to Ukraine, exactly what her government’s actions were trying to prevent; after she was imprisoned, she sued Firtash, Manafort, Mogilevich, and others in New York for racketeering whose proceeds had been used to persecute her, but the suit was dismissed on questions of procedure and jurisdiction; still, the U.S. District Court rulingacknowledged that foul play was indeed going on, that “the Court accepts as true the allegation that some of the money that passed through the U.S. Enterprise was “funneled back to Ukraine” — albeit by unidentified actors — and somehow used as “‘financing’” for Tymoshenko’s “persecution”” (As for Firtash, there is currently a U.S. arrest warrant out for him on bribery charges, and as a result he is living in Austria in exile from Ukraine).
As Yanukovych became ever closer to Putin and tried to steer Ukraine closer to Russia, Manafort’s role was kept quiet and confidentiality agreements were signed, and he profited handsomely from this work. His role in Ukrainian politics over the last few years is even cloudier. But what is clear is that, fed up with the stagnation, corruption, and cronyism of President Yanukovych’s government, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians took to the streets early in 2014 after he went back on pledges to increase ties to the EU, culminating with Yanukovych fleeing the country with Russian help and a new, more pro-Western government being formed. In response, Yanukovych, in exile in Russia and facing charges in Ukraine, requested Putin intervene militarily in Ukraine. Russia soon invaded, annexed Ukraine’s Crimea region and directly and indirectly assisting separatist rebels in eastern parts of Ukraine, where a state of civil war still exists today.
None of the above lines up with Manafort’s terse explanations and contentions that he was working to push Ukraine to orient itself more democratically and more with Western interests.
Both before and after the seismic recent events in Ukraine, Manafort maintained minimal contacts with his American friends and colleagues and avoided responding to media inquiries; for years his location and activities were not known with specificity. One of these colleagues, Roger Stone, a former Nixon advisor and close confidante of Donald Trump, sent an email to other mutual colleagues in the midst Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea early in March 2014 titled “Where is Paul Manafort?” The e-mail then included some options for answers to this question: A.) “Was seen chauffeuring Yanukovych around Moscow,” B.) “Was seen loading gold bullion on an Army Transport plane from a remote airstrip outside Kiev and taking off seconds before a mob arrived at the site,” and C.) “Is playing Golf in Palm Beach.”
If that was exhausting to go through, remember: that was just one person. But there is much more… to be continued, See Part 2
I can tell your in favor of the no good Hillary. And I can tell your little brain has been working very hard to try and turn Trump’s people off. But trump would be a blessing compared to what we have and what we would have with killery. I would rather be friends with Russia then have Isis take over our country.
And I can tell that you are an illiterate Trumpeteer -totally incapable of reading and responding to the content.I can also explain how you likely became who you are https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/05/trump-win-nomination-via-67-percent-stupid.html I make my case with facts, you make your case with fart noises
You have been conned wake up and smell the coffee.what is happening now is he is destroying our environment and our democracy.obviously you have NO children or grandchildren that you are concerned about.if you haven’t seen the deceptions and destruction he has already done i would suggest that you really look what’s going on.if he released his taxes like he said it would take away a lot of doubt but he refuses.He has already cost taxpayers more money than Obama did in one year.his 15visits to his Florida estate has cost 3million each trip not to mention the cost of guarding his family that refuses to live in the Whitehouse.what does it take for you to wake up.I can go on and on but if I have to convince every uneducated person that trump loves loves I would be here for years
This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read in my life, I’m stupider for having read it but glad I did bc now I know that the hillary ppl have lost their fudging minds. The author nor anyone else can say that putin and Russia had anything to do with tthe hacks. The rest of it doesn’t merit an argument so ill stop there. OMG this is so stupid. Lol
A Trumpeteer living in your own devotional reality. Actually we can say with a very large degree of certainty that the hacks were sanctioned by Putin. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/08/us/politics/us-formally-accuses-russia-of-stealing-dnc-emails.html It is in facts so blatantly obvious that the US has already taken counter measures -here is one example http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37677020 But you are a Trumpeteer and thus by definition this is just all too complex for you. The sad part is that you are so stupid that you have become un self aware -so you cannot be reached. The philosophical question is that can a person so oblivious be found guilty of Treason? https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/05/trumpeteers-less-self-aware-than-pig.html
Just tell me what has his policies done for you?are you a coal miner?no such thing as clean coal it’s a oxymoron.I haven’t seen anything he has done so far except lie about 99percent of everything that has come out of his mouth.remember when he was running said everyone would be covered and everyone would have healthcare.just one lie.I could sit here all night and tell you the lies that people like you believe but it will take me forever.wake up you have been conned.
Wow, you are comparing apples to oranges. Hillary has committed numerously felonies punishable by life in prison and death in war time. Yes she has not been indicted because she bought off the FBI and Justice Departments. any other individual would be rotting in prison right now. You seem to blow off these facts and worry about what a business man did during his business life, not his political life, like Hillary’s 40 years of corruption. You are to Hillary as Goebbels was to Hitler, pure propaganda!!!
Here are the facts that you need … https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/07/hillary-clinton-liar-or-patron-saint-honesty.html This is why you are a Trumpeteer https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/05/trump-win-nomination-via-67-percent-stupid.html
And the reason is that couldn’t happen because it’s been a lie spewed by your republicans that have no concern for their constituents.only their donors of big money.I can’t believe that people are so blind.in the day of internet you can do much research and see true facts.open your mind and think
The corruption in the DNC and the Clinton campaign and the Clinton foundation is now clear only question left is how many will be convicted ?
You are a fundamentally dishonest human being – I say this because I am sure you will not be interested in the actual facts of the matter No Hillary is not dishnonest: https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/07/hillary-clinton-liar-or-patron-saint-honesty.html No both parties are not the same https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2015/12/to-those-who-say-a-pox-on-both-your-houses-i-say-a-pox-on-you.html No th eFoundation is not corrupt https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/08/clinton-foundation-truth-time.html here is more perpective about he Foundation https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/06/trump-clinton-foundation-brace-facts.html Actual the USA has made graet strides on the environmnet so do not screw it up –I mean you are “Greenies are’nt you? https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2015/12/climate-agreement-victory-lap-is-quiet-patient-obama-quite-brilliant.html NO Hillry did not do anything wrong about regarding Benghazi https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/06/benghazi-hearing-gops-embarrassing-shame-clintons-triumphant-vindication-2.html If you enable Trump you are also a traitor https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/08/updated-815-trump-putin-russia-dncclinton-hack-wikileaks-election-2016-cyberwarfare.html The Obama administrion is miracullously uncorrupt https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/08/obama-administration-immaculate-conception.html hating Hillary puts you on a par with these two idiots https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/08/hillarys-america-seen-eyes-two-deadly-idiots-reveals.html
You are never going to teach people that watch the propaganda channel Fox.this is why TRUMP loves the uneducated.he is even spewed lies on the facts of Fox news that I know of twice.he is running this country on his Fox news which he claims is the only honest news.this is the craziest thing I have ever heard he mind as well call a psychic how to run the country
So, you are saying doing business with Russia is bad? The United States Government has been doing it for years and what about the Clinton’s and China. I guess some want to be reporter will manipulate the story he writes to make one person look so evil when our Government has been doing it with multiple countries of this type. Please if you can’t do a better job than this go deliver pizzas.
Your response is incoherent drivel
If you are so patriotic, where have you been during the last 8 years???? Trump has nothing to do with the fact that Assange & the other people who are part of wilileaks, published wor the world toen exposed know, all the corruption going on with this entire administration…. Being Patriotic doesn’t mean to hide the dirt under the rug of “cover up”…. The truth had been exposed…if you are a patriot, you should stand with the Candidate who believes in the policy of AMERICA FIRST.!!!
It has been determined that Wikileaks is getting their information from Russian intelligence. There are no scandals in the administration as I prove here. https://stupidpartyland.com/1/post/2016/08/obama-administration-immaculate-conception.html But the fact that you will not bother to to read the attached but will believe the Putin propaganda proves that you are a traitor to your country. Of course if you actually bother to read what I have written, and respond intelligently – I will withdraw that assertion,
As I stated before can’t teach stupid