(I will be giving Musk plenty of latitude by not attacking “Elon Time,” treating TeslaQ with contempt, ignoring various slanderous meme’s, and acknowledging that much of Musk’s 2022 meltdown likely triggered by various Tax/EV related stupid comments from usually smart decent progressives such as Biden, Warren, Sanders and Robert Reich).
Disclosure: From around 2012 through to the first clue than Musk might become an existential threat (calling Trudeau a fascist) Feb 2022—Musk was my hero, as his mission statement tied in precisely with mine—and he was being successful in it’s execution.
Another reason why Musk has lost the plot in 2022 is because I estimate that the amount of comments that both his detractors and his fans tend to post, stuff that does not really address the core issues—at 80% unproductive tangents. But that’s typical of political opining on social media. I have yet to hear any one ask Musk the key questions that must be asked when he bangs on about politics and freedoms. (see points 16 and 17 below). He appears to have a political IQ of a five year old—either that or he really has become a nasty piece of work.
Evidently there’s a cost to deciding to become a massive jerk.

Surely such analysis does not even take into account the massive value destruction of Twitter and teh fact fact that he over paid for Twitter by an epic amount.
MUSK THE IDIOT and alongside Putin, Trump and Kanye West – the biggest losers of 2022.
Here’s why:
- June 21, 2022 Musk excitedly predicted a massive red wave. Seems to hitch his wagon to Trump sycophant (and thus a seditionist) Ken McCarthy.
- His enthusiasm for DOGE and Bitcoin (because he is God when it come to finance/banking and currency—looking pretty silly today)

3. March 19, 2020 Musk predicts end of pandemic by April 2020
4. Questions safety of vaccines – citing no evidence
5. With fanfare refuses to take vaccine. Presently 98-99% of deaths are from the unvaccinated. More moral and intelligent to remain silent so as not to put those in greater danger at risk.
6. Started attacking the FED last spring and clearly, he was wrong back then. (No comment on today)
7. Calls himself a moderate whilst voting for Texan seditionist Mayra Flores and posting endless extreme non sense for no apparent logical reason.
8. Bought Twitter after posting a poll—surely knowing that the vast majority not equipped to understand the issues. Ask uninformed people guidance and you will get uninformed advice
9. Does zero due diligence.
10. Falls out with Twitter CEO out of pique. Simply read the transcripts and figure out who the real jerk was.
11. Gets sued by said CEO – who was winning legal battles in a landslide
12. Buys Twitter—rather than walking away. Any fine would have been better than what is happening
13. Enters Twitter HQ with a Kitchen sink – evidently firing thousands is hugely funny. Also find out why extremism is never funny. Want more proof?…
IS MUSK A FASCIST– a freedom fighter for his freedoms to whatever he wants at whatever the cost to society.
14. Musk promotes right wing conspiracy theory nonsense regarding Pelosi hammer attack. This is one thing for a private citizen—but 100% unacceptable as the owner of a social media site that society relies on to educate itself.
15. As a thin-skinned megalomaniac autocratic he forcibly put himself in charge of freedoms. This is the root of Musk’s delusions and this must be studied in great detail—

16. He has never answered the pivotal questions—the fact that society fails to ask these basic questions is indicative that we truly live in an idiocrasy.
a. How does one expand freedoms within a shrinking democracy?
b. How can one have freedoms without responsibility?
c. Does he want US democracy to survive, or does he support erstwhile colleague Peter Thiel’s easy to prove fascist agenda? (see below)
17. Musk has proven that he has zero interest or understanding regarding freedoms. I argue that:
a. That certain strands of billionaire libertarianism can only lead to fascism
b. That Peter Thiel is such a fascist (using his own admissions)
c. That I have my right to my freedoms too
18. He accused Trudeau of being fascist for merely taking action against the Canadian Truckers (who were being funded by US seditionists)
19. Musk then complains that such attacks when made on him are simply random opining—thus refusing to understand when such terminology is appropriate. Thus a quick history lesson is called for:
Fascism is the violent destruction of democracy. This began in Germany in 1933– but American seditionists are far far worse for the following reasons.
- Germany in Great Depression at the time
- Germany humiliated after WW1 per various treaties
- With hindsight we can now see the consequences of such evil

A more detailed insight can be found here

21. As Trump and Bolsonaro hole up in Mar-a-Lago (Dec 2022) and conspired to violently destroy another country and turn Brazil into a fascist state, Musk is concerned that Brazilian fascists are not treated with enough respect.

PLUS MUSK is incompetent.
21. He tweets about Taiwan when he must realize he has no freedom to be objective on the subject. And what does our freedom loving fascist opine? Oh, that would be that the Taiwanese should be willing to surrender their freedoms. Now perhaps Musk was coerced—but if that is the case, that should give him a wake up call about freedoms and the inherent difference between autocracy and democracies—two dots that he’s seems incapable of connecting.
22. He blames Twitter financial woes on advertisers whilst at the same time posting idiotic polls mocking advertisers. The fact that this poll, demanding binary opining, was posted and that 2.7m took part—is further evidence that we live in an idiocrasy

23. He blames Tesla’s collapse on macro-economic conditions —oblivious to his obvious pivotal role
24. He autocratically bans journalist he chooses not to like /understand. Only democracy hating autocrats would think this is a good idea. This threat to journalistic freedoms has gotten healthy and less corrupted democracies hopping mad. Europe and the UN who are far better equipped to understand the dangers of autocracy are horrified by this pattern
25. Incites his swamp base by launching biased ad hominem attacks on Pelosi’s husband, Fauci, Roth, Sweeney and a supposed stalker—putting their lives at stake. The whole stalker story is indicative of Musk being a drama queen, desperate to find a foothold to defend his autocratic tendencies. If there was genuine threat, then this is a police matter not a pitch fork swamp army matter. There is no evidence that his alleged stalker got any location information from “Elon’s Jet” or other publicly available information regarding Jet flight paths. It’s just silly.
26. Involves himself in Wuhan conspiracy theory (which is being investigated by the US Government, but the “bat” theory remains more likely) thus threatening Tesla’s future in China. – Let other credible parties, who actually know what they are talking about—run with this
27. By being associated with and seeming to support autocracy – his every tweet is an attack on his customers base—those people who thought his mission statement was a marker for decency. Most people who understand the threats against US democracy will try to avoid buying a Tesla. The attempted coup in Brazil will only reinforce those trendlines.
28. Undermines his personal integrity by: (I have ignored the vast majority of Musk’s purported lies.)
- denying reports from respected Journalist Ian Bremmer that he spoke to Putin regarding Ukraine peace plan. Few believe Musk version – but I suspect perhaps Musk inflated his standing in Russia’s chain of command
- Persecute Fauci whilst not using basic Journalistic integrity and disciplines in making such accusations.
- Similar unfounded attacks on Thailand Cave savior – now Yoel Roth. (The first offense might be forgivable, and he was not the owner of Twitter a the time—a role that demands adult balanced behavior). Roth was forced to flee his home—because a fascist was using his death star.
- His first born child did not die in his arms
- Claimed in March 2020 that people panicking about Coved were dumb.
- Trying to pump Tesla stock by promising the 4th quarter 2022 would be “epic” — it wasn’t epic
- Tries to pump Twitter by pushing out random cherry pecked stats.
29. Musk (and Peter Thiel) love using Lords of the Rings analogies—apparently oblivious to the pivotal notions that power corrupts mankind, the Twitter Ring of Power forged by an autocratic has turned Musk into a wraith

– the king of the wraiths, Sauron. His army of seditionist swamp creatures are his Orcs—his Twitter obsession needs to be thrown into Mount Doom and if he does chat with Peter Theil that would be via their respective Palantir’s – as that is how Tolkien’s evil protagonists communicate. How such people can lack so much self-awareness is staggering…

CAN ANY ONE SALVAGE MUSK’S SOUL – I believe this is still possible
I can see a few paths by which Musk can save his soul, his brand and his legacy—for all is not lost.
- He takes off the ring of power.
- He suffers such humiliation by the implosion of twitter that be is knocked into self awareness
- Someone encourages him to address the questions posed above
- Suddenly he remembers who his customer base is and what their values are
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