UPDATED 1/2015In previous blogs we have discussed the virtual Mathematical impossibility of every Stupidparty member of the House Energy committee (31 of them) being so Stupidparty that they actually believe the climate is not warming. A far more plausible explanation is that they have been … [Read more...]
Climate Agreement Victory lap: Is Quiet Patient Obama Quite Brilliant?
Climate Agreement Victory lap: Is Quiet Patient Obama Quite Brilliant? Obama keeps defying the anchor of stupidity, bigotry and corruption that would have sunk any normal person. He has just done the seemingly impossible. His latest achievement was to bypass the whole of the corrupt American … [Read more...]
Paris Burning: We Could Just Say Goodbye to Fossil Fuel?
Paris has become the stage for today's greatest issues to strut their stuff: terrorism, fossil fuels, oil, global warming. Today we must confront our own misdeeds, stop being in denial and unite together to fight the causes of terror, global warming and the well funded intellectual corruption, and … [Read more...]
“The ‘Humility’ in Ignoring Climate Change”
Guest post by Matthew 7:1 - I saw a young Republican boy say that he thought Ben Carson had the'humility' to be President. I thought 'humility' was a very interesting choice of nouns, considering that Ben thinks climate change is 'irrelevant.' I find that pretty dang incriminating and of obscene … [Read more...]
“We are not Scientists…” —but we are paid off Deniers of Science
UPDATED 12/2015 In previous blogs we have discussed the virtual Mathematical impossibility of every Stupidparty member of the House Energy committee (31 of them) being so Stupidparty that they actually believe the climate is not warming. A far more plausible explanation is that they have been … [Read more...]
The Senate’s Most Powerful Senator on Climate Change, James Inhofe, Is a Delusional Lunatic.
Introduction: Patrick Andendall Guest Blogger Brian Frydenburg nails it again. His article will discuss Inhofe'e religious views. It is time these people relearned the basic tenants of Christianity. They might firstly consider what the Pope has to say on this issue: “When we exploit Creation, we … [Read more...]
The Pope
Hallelujah – we have a Pope, an Argentinian, an ex-night club bouncer, a Pope who actually has something relevant to say, a Pope who seems to have some grounding in the values of the New Testament, in the values of Jesus Christ. This new beacon, like a lighthouse, not only shines the spotlight … [Read more...]