Before I post these insights into what is actually happening on the front lines of Ebola— I feel it is important to put the story into context. The fact of the matter is that the best way to combat such scary outbreaks is to listen to the experts, have compassion for the affected and treat people … [Read more...]
Ebola, Ground Zero part 2: Tales from Guinea. Putting humanity front and center. Then a week of rest In Dakar.
Even though the Mid Term election results defy logic, false equivalence again winning the day—thus leading to an even StupiderParty Congress (it had a 10% approval rating, so you figure people would want less stupidparty), regardless in spite of such domestic insanity, most Americans do care about … [Read more...]
Ebola, Ground Zero Part 1: Tales from Guinea. Putting humanity front and center.
As a Juxtaposition to Trump and other panic artist charlatans. A couple of personal newsletters from a wonderful young lady that I know: Hello from Guinea! It has been an interesting 3 weeks. I feel like I’ve learnt a lot and the fact that everything is in acronyms and most of my written work is … [Read more...]
The Mathematics of Ebola – what are the biggest dangers?
Ignorance + Fear = Danger How the Root causes of Stupidparty thinking endanger the USA, and thus everyone: Approximately 95% of Ebola cases coming from three Countries Most Medical professionals feel that the limited cases occurring outside these Countries are presently containable. · … [Read more...]