Patrick Andendall
Stupidparty loyalists might argue – “yes I agree these types of people are nuts, but they are not reflective of my values.” So I wonder to myself – Oh OK , perhaps I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Then I wonder how can I apply a truly fair benchmark, to really try and figure out where your heart lies, or at least where your party leaders believe your heart resides. I had already done this exercise to test their Economic capabilities by carefully analyzing and then eviscerating Mitt Romney’s economic agenda as lovingly constructed, narrated and listened to–during his 2012 Stupidparty convention speech.
But putting such economic claptrap to one side, I suggest the best way of analyzing what the Stupidparty are trying to say, how they are trying to appeal to the broadest number of people, is to look more closely at who they choose to allow to respond to the Presidents annual State of the Union Speech.
“This was the moment for him to seize the mantle with new ideas, new direction, and lay the groundwork for himself as a creative new thinker,” said Thomas Schaller, a political scientist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. “He just used old platitudes and party clichés.”
Laura Ingraham, the talk radio host; David Brooks, the New York Times columnist; and Juan Williams of Fox News were among Mr. Jindal’s unimpressed reviewers in television commentary”…
So, the facts don’t matter much to Bobby Jindal. Or was he blind-sided by his party, which demanded from him an intellectually bankrupt primer on the simplistic notion that less government equals better government and that more money for the wealthy is the only way to solve America’s problems. This was clearly absurd at a time when Government(s) were being forced to step in and salvage the world from an economic catastrophe caused by unfettered Capitalism.
“He went in there with high expectations, probably too high for any politician,” said David Johnson, a Republican political strategist. “Republicans are looking for a voice to lead them out of the wilderness.”
Still, Mr. Johnson said, “it was a flop.”
“He embarrassed himself when he insisted on dropping his Indian first name (Piyush which, by the way is still his legal name, calling into question the legality of all documents signed as “Bobby”) in favor of adopting the name of a character on The Brady Bunch sitcom. (We still say it was his good luck that he wasn’t a fan of The Beverly Hillbillies: We just don’t believe Jethro Jindal would’ve caught on.)
He embarrassed himself when he wrote an essay for the New Oxford Review entitled “Beating a Demon: Physical Dimensions of Spiritual Warfare” about his supposed exorcism of a female classmate at Brown University.
He embarrassed himself when he, a Roman Catholic, went to all those Protestant churches in north Louisiana during his first term to speak about his “born again” conversion to Christianity—while aides were passing around forms for congregation members to complete with their names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses for future political contribution solicitations (it’s illegal to solicit campaign contributions in the church itself).”
Jindal might be a mere embarrassment to Louisiana natives, but he is a serial liar and pathetically bad at it. But we live in an environment were Stupidparty can not possibly survive by living in a truth based Universe. They simple have no policies except to protect the top 0.5% of Taxpayers. It seems that Jindal is getting the feeling that his role as a tokenist figurehead for a non existent message has run it’s course. He has been caught with his pants down way too often, there is just too much dirt on this guy. In recent years he has been getting more desperate to be able to relive those glory days, when he was seen as a possible savior to a bankrupt cause. He recently visits Europe (not a wise strategic move for Stupidparty leaders) and has shown himself to be an utter nincompoop to overseas audiences by inventing the notion of Islamic enclaves of No goes Zones, where religious Zealous can operate free of local laws and law enforcement.
It seems that he has concluded that he must reinvent himself again. Having already scrubbed his early years morphing from Piyush to Bobby, now it seems he is going all out Micheal Jackson on us, he is clearly not embracing but is rather embarrassed by his ethnic past, and like the pig in Orwell’s Animal Farm, he is trying to turn into a ghastly human – in the delusional belief that his growing whiteness will get him a seat at the “Good Ol’d Boy” Country Clubs of the South. He will only ever get in as a waiter or bell boy.
The tragedy for Bobby Jindal was that he was just not smart enough to recognize that the America people had just elected a President named “Barrack Hussein Obama” – you could not dream up a worse name for the electorate—an event that one of my right wing friends had assured me would be impossible. Yes Obama has been treated abysmally, but he never let it show -and history will inevitably portray him as head and shoulders above his detractors. So while their is a huge amount of prejudice in America, a coward will always rightfully get even less respect.
Have no fear— the Stupidparty will take tokenism’s to ever greater extremes in the oncoming years. How low can they possibly sink? But we will stay chronological.
2011 Paul Ryan.
Before I let rip on Paul Ryan, I think I need to set some context. Firstly I will be discussing some Individuals way worse that Jindal or Ryan shortly. Secondly some context about lying. Both parties do not lie equally. The highly respected German Magazine Der Spiegle analyzed both parties conventions in 2012 and concluded that not only do Stupidparty lie 500% more often, but their lies are far more egregious. Obama was fact checked about his statements on Romney’s position on abortion – and he got the politfact thumbs down -rather odd considering it was impossible to pin Romney down as his position had changed numerous times. The Romney Ryan campaign however got so irritated by the fact they kept getting called on their lies that they stated “we are not going to allow our campaign to be dictated to by fact checkers.
The mainstream media does not have a liberal bias – they are usually simply trying to get to the truth. The same can not be said for the Stupidparty Journalists—as they really can not even be defined as Journalists. Fox lost their right to be deemed Journalists when they won their right to lie. I also explain how right wing “Journalism” works in the attached article.
The problem for Stupidparty is that they can not win by telling the truth, because there is no substance to anything they stand for. It is tough to know who the bigger serial liar is— Romney or Ryan. Romney being the top of the ticket would be primarily to blame. But Romney chose Paul Ryan because of his congressional austerity plan. The problem with the austerity plan, was that there was no credible study that said that it was viable.
So that is the context to Paul Ryan, back in 2011. The rising young handsome earnest austerity hero. The new hope for the Stupidparty future. But Ryan’s SOTU response speech was greeted with a dumbfounded response. This response was overwhelming and even the Fox Faux news channel was horrified. Every one was totally stunned by the mass amount of blatant lies. Normally i would provide bullet point examples, but the list is just too overwhelming, the speech was just utter nonsense. So i will let the pictures paint a thousand words.
Specific Quotes and images that indicate the overwhelming response to Ryan’s Speech.
But there is no future for people like Mitch Daniels in the Stupidparty. Since 2013, Daniels has been President of Purdue University.
Rubio is lock-stock-and-barrel in step with the male dominated and misogynistic Roman Catholic Church dogma, he is a climate denier, (he tries to deny it) and he would like to abolish the Capital Gains tax, the inheritance Tax and have a flat Tax – so he is the Oligarchical wet dream. He will be well looked after and there is a great deal of money and power to be made as a Trojan horse and turning on your own kind as Jindal, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Allan West, Alan Keyse, Roy Innis, Ken Blackwell, Michael Steele can all attest.
But it is his amateur economic thinking along with a fickle, easily bamboozled intellect with a fat dollop hypocritical behavior which is the bigger concern. Like a predictably guided Sunflower, he will face his beaming charm to the nearest source of white American power. He was a Catholic, then he was a baptized Mormon (only real suckers would fall for that claptrap) back to being a Catholic, but attends Christ Fellowship, a Southern Baptist Church. Southern Baptists emphasize the significance of the individual conversion experience which is affirmed by the person having complete immersion in water for a believer’s baptism – I think it this willingness to routinely submerge disbelief— this is the hall mark of Rubio’s personality.
I guess not seeing through the Mormon nonsense could be explained since he was young at the time, but then you must consider how he got suckered into the whole Mike Huckabee is such a genuine guy bullshit and we can start seeing a pattern of some one who just so gullible and globs onto whatever opportunity happens to be at hand.
But the worst part about Rubio is that all his being a fiscal Conservative stuff, it is all fake, just like his credulous intellect- for as it turns out Rubio is a fiscal conservative NIMBY (not in mt back Yard)
When he was state House speaker, the Republican Party of Florida issued Rubio and a few other party insiders corporate American Express cards…which they proceeded to burn up like a fresh can of Sterno…to the tune of $7.3 million. Rubio’s charges included a $134 bill from Churchill’s, a tony Miami hair salon “barbershop with $20 haircuts“; some critics have suggested Rubio used his card to pay for some special depilatory treatments.
Rubio insists he repaid American Express for personal expenses amounting to $16,000, but that leaves $94,000 that the party picked up—including repairs to his family minivan, thousands for a personal car rental, a Disney World vacation, tons of air travel, and repeat trips to a convenience store around the corner from the Rubio homestead. Politifact tried to parse out what the party paid for—a full listing of the charges is here—but the GOP’s paperwork was in disarray. It doesn’t help that the state party chairman at the time is currently in jail for skimming off the top from GOP accounts.
And for someone who has spent so much time gullibly walking from one fully immersive faith to another – it is quite odd how the whole “values” stuff falls off like the water off a ducks back.
“Trying to untangle Rubio’s lobbyist and dark-money connections is like trying to flowchart Whitewater and Iran-Contra while eating spaghetti with chopsticks outside, at night, in the middle of a hurricane…..
Throughout his political career, Rubio’s been called a corrupt wheeler-and-dealer by everyone from the Florida Democrats to Mitt Romney’s press secretary. Perhaps it’s the company he keeps. He’s been something of a mentor to Rep. David Rivera (R-Fla.) since they came up together in the state Legislature—they went in together on a house in Tallahassee, which went into foreclosure when they failed to pay the mortgage. Rivera—who once forced an opponent’s campaign truck off the side of an interstate highway with his car—is now under state and federal investigations for a spate of financial corruption allegations, mostly focusing on nepotistic lobbying.”
There is so much more – but I am keen to get to my prize – the ever so wonderful and sweet Miss Congeniality Cathy McMorris Rodger:
SeattleGirl Wrote: regarding Rodger’s SOTU Rebuttal”
What I got out of her speech was: lo, I’m Cathy McMorris Rodgers, and I’m here to tell all the ladies watching about how to be a good wife, Republican style.”
She is apparently little Miss Perfect, a totally loyal trooper to the party, never seemingly trying to grab power, never threatening any one in the Stupidparty hierarchy. An obvious photogenic choice then to dutifully tow out the party line, rebutting the Presidents 2014 SOTU speech. Don’t worry Cathy – they will write the speech for you.
“It was all there — easygoing populism and an emphasis on jobs and her family, which includes a son with Down syndrome and a Navy veteran husband. It was as if a Republican pollster had created a politician with the exact profile that Republicans are looking to promote as they head toward this year’s midterm elections”
My first red flag regarding Miss Perfect was actually to note how muted her colleagues were about her. She is one of the most powerful politicians in America. She’s the top-ranking woman in the House GOP. So powerful, loyal, Industrious, photogenic—why the conspiracy of silence.
Well there a are a number of reasons. Turns out that though she is not a narcissistic moron like Sarah Palin, she seems to be a moron, and might well be stupider than Palin–‘The consensus among those who met her was Cathy that was as ‘dumb as a bag of rocks’.
“The comments “dumb as a bag of rocks”, or “dumb as a rock” was actually uttered by people after one of her town-hall meetings. The general feeling all over the 7th legislative district was, ‘how could someone like her get appointed to the legislator’?”
What has she accomplished?
Her 2012 campaign website listed no major policy achievements for voters in Eastern Washington despite being in Congress for eight years and neither does Cathy McMorris Rodgers updated site. Her official House website and her entry in Wikipedia do not list any policy achievements either (as of the date of this article, Monday, July 15, 2012). Any listed efforts since appear minimal.
What has she to say? What would you expect a programmed Manchurian candidate to say? I would venture to say that if you are in fact a robot, you would have nothing. Zero originality. I could not find any quote of any substance.
When speaking in public, Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers [R-Wash] at times seems uncertain of her comments in her official capacity as a Congresswoman. Her almost Sarah Palin-style superficial and rambling comments have been frequent. That was particularly the case at her 2011 town hall meeting in Spokane. However, her speaking ability does seem to have improved over the years
But worse than that, Cathy McMorriss is hiding something and unlike Jindal and Rubio, I can understand her need to be someone else. Also, In her case, lying is literally unforgivable. Let me explain:
The problem is, Cathy continued to say she spent her entire life in the U.S. But this is false. When McMorris was five, her family moved to Hazelton, British Columbia in Canada, near Ketchikan, Alaska. The family lived in a cabin while they built their log home on their farm. No big deal? But now we have another red flag – home schooled in a log Cabin, living off the grid, till the age of 16-17? Like Davy Crockett king of the wild frontier, right? Not exactly.
Then the family moved from Canada. Cathy went to every American’s nightmare – she went to a Madras for her primary Education. Sorry – I need to make a slight correction— Cathy went to every non American’s nightmare – she went to Pensacola Christian College, a then-unaccredited Independent Baptist liberal arts college. There is a case to be made that this might actually be worst College in the country – making Bob Jones University liberal by comparison.
School Textbooks? Oh Yes: History Book:
The text builds a solid foundation of ancient history, tracing man’s history back to the Garden of Eden…
Physics Book:
Physics: The Foundational Science can play an important role in showing students the harmony between scientific knowledge and Christian belief. The text is firmly grounded on the view that we live in a God-created world governed by laws discoverable by reverent scientific inquiry. Issues of vital concern to Christians are handled in depth. Interspersed throughout the text are biographies of great physicists who were also Bible-believing Christians.
Some of the strict rules are as follows: No dancing. Only approved music. Sexes should never study or be alone together and will be chaperoned between classes. Separate parking areas, entrances, stairs, and elevators for the sexes. Strict dress code, including no facial hair for men and women are not permitted to wear pants. Students will be in their rooms at 11pm and lights off at 11:15pm. Separate beaches for the sexes. Even students over 23, are not permitted to be in mixed groups after dark. No internet/ email access allowed. Cell phones cannot have internet access, and must be kept in vehicles. With the demerit system, the students are faced with threats, manipulation, and punishment. The rule book can be found here.
But many former students say the enforcement of the rules is often cruel and capricious. Dissent is never tolerated, they say, and expulsions for seemingly minor infractions are routine.
One student told of how a group of men and a group of women from the college happened to meet at a McDonald’s last spring. Both groups were returning from the beach (they had gone to separate beaches; men and women are not allowed to be at the beach together). The administration found out, and all 15 students were expelled.
And they are breeding little Nazi’s: following a play book that could have been written by the Taliban or Chairman Mao—students routinely turn each other in for violating rules and are rewarded by the administration for doing so. According to several former students, those who report classmates are more likely to become floor leaders.
It would seem that little Miss Perfect had no concerns.
All of McMorriss’s official biographies are stunningly short of detail, so short of detail that its really tough to visualize her world experience. Allow me to try an piece this together visually for greater clarity. Here is a chart that tries to pin down her academics, her work experience and her locations – to see if it squares with her official biograpy
Wayne McMorris and Bob Morton were the fairy godfathers of Cathy McMorris’ political career and the first of a cadre of old and older men who have manipulated, directed and counseled her since childhood.
While Uncle *Bob Morton and Wayne were off trying to pry baby brother Jeff McMorris from his dead end job as assistant manager of the Spokane outlet of the Laser Quest! gaming franchise and launch him on to the gravy train of the legislative assistant/right-wing think tank circuit, Cathy was cementing her relationships with two more older members of the eastern Washington Republican establishment: George “term limits for everybody except me” Nethercutt and infamous Republican pedophile, Jim West. And honing her ability to bring home the bucks. She’s got a knack for helping donors forget what it is the Republican Party really stands for. Like Mark Foley, Cathy turned into an ace fundraiser and was likewise rewarded with important positions in the party.
*Morton was a leader of the State of Lincoln secession movement, wherein the Eastern Washington and Panhandle of Idaho would become a 51st state. He also gave Cathy McMorris Rodgers her start in politics; first as his campaign manager
The Stupidparty love her because she will happily regurgitate the party line. In late 2013, she wrote a letter blasting Democrats and accusing them of being “openly hostile to American values and the Constitution” and citing the Affordable Care Act and immigration as evidence that President Obama “rule[s] by decree.”
“She blamed the Affordable Care Act for causing unemployment and when reported studies that proved the opposite and asked her office for evidence to support her claims, “McMorris Rodgers’ office got back to us not with an answer, but with a question.”
She is a women who has been bred by Misogynists, and too oblivious to realize that she is just a tool.
In March 2013, McMorris Rodgers did not support the continuation of the 1994 Violence Against Women Act.
But the most repulsive thing about the Stupidparty’s”most powerful” congressional women is that she has no concept of Christianity – i.e the Teachings of Christ.
An independent congressional ethics board found “substantial reason” to believe Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.), the fourth-ranking House Republican, improperly used official funds for campaign activities.
Todd Winer, a former communications director for Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), is accusing the powerful GOP congresswoman of trying to “intimidate and punish” him due to his cooperation with congressional ethics staff regarding allegations against her.
During her SOTU response she mentioned how a women called Bette was suffering: “Bette from Spokane,” who was kicked off her health insurance and was facing a “nearly $700 per month” increase in her premiums. It turns out that Bette was a typical Stupidparty disciple, hating Obama so much that she would refuse any assistance from Obama-care.
I am not sure were in the Bible its says one can lie, cheat and have no interest in assisting those in need. I am not aware of Jesus having a male dominated agenda. At the end of the day she and Sarah Palin, both with their separatists leanings and off script incoherence – are birds of a feather and demonstrate that if you have Zero qualifications other than “Keep that smile on your face”, then you will always be welcome at Hugh Hefner’s play boy mansion, or failing that you can always find a Job of last resort at the Stupidparty, where the aged white male hierarchy will happily entertain you.
2015 Joni Ernst Joni Ernst Will Provide a Koch Brothers Rebuttal to the State of the Union.
Between 1995 and 2012, Iowa received $24.9 billion in farm subsidies–the second largest amount in the US behind Texas, a state with about nine times the population. How come they are so well rewarded? Well they are one of the few key battleground States—and the way to bribe Iowans, is to promise lots and lots of farm subsidies – and the people of Iowa get to impose an anti Government fanatic on the rest of the Country. Of course this rabid tribe of Iowan moochers don’t have the remotest problem with the Ernst family of Moochers – because that is just par for their course. They take our money and look to make sure every else suffers accordingly.
Ernst Dad Richard Culver, was given $14,705 in conservation payments, $23,690 in commodity subsidies by the federal government
Richard brother Dallas Culver, benefited from $367,141 in federal agricultural aid, with over $250,000 geared toward corn subsidies
Old Grand Dad Harold Culver received $57,479 from Washington—again, mostly corn subsidies—between 1995 and 2001
Yes, why have Government, why have those dam pesky regulations – they just make things so inconvenient.
Then there is that old conflict of Interest thing:
Salon reported that Richard’s construction company was awarded $215,665 in contracts from the Montgomery County government in 2009 and 2010, while Ernst was the body’s auditor. The bids won by Culver included Federal Emergency Management Agency projects worth $204,794.
- She supports a “personhood” amendment that could make all abortions illegal and endanger birth control and in vitro fertilization.
- She has called for President Barack Obama’s impeachment.
- She thinks states should be free to nullify federal laws.
- She has vowed to vote for a federal constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.
- Ernst has proposed eliminating the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Education, and the Environmental Protection Agency as a means of cutting federal spending.
- Ernst has expressed her support for allowing law-abiding citizens to “freely carry” weapons
- She carries a “beautiful little Smith & Wesson, 9 millimeter,” in her purse in part to protect her “from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important”
- She buys into the conspiracy theory that the United Nations’ “Agenda 21” is a secret plan to usurp democracy.
- She suggested that an international cabal would relocate her constituents to Des Moines
- She told the Des Moines Register editorial board in May that the United States really did find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
- She would support legislation that would allow “local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement” Obamacare.
- She has spoken in favor of privatizing Social Security and waxed nostalgic about the time, before food stamps, when “wonderful food pantries” took care of the poor.
- She is opposed to a federal minimum wage and has said that $7.25 an hour suffices for Iowans.
- On the subject of global warming, Ernst has stated: “I don’t know the science behind climate change. (This is Koch code designed to hinder any actions on the issue)
- She co-sponsored a failed bill to amend the Iowa constitution to have marriage legally defined as between one man and one woman.[23][87] She opposes same-sex marriage.[88]
- She had been active with one of the most nefarious groups in the USA – the highly secretive and Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange Council. Understanding how utterly repulsive ALEC – is a vital responsibility for every Citizen that is remotely interested in salvaging their emaciated Democracy
- Despite her clear history of close association with the Koch brothers, Joni Ernst claims she doesn’t have any contact with outside groups running ads in her race.
- She is Koch puppet. The Hill, the Koch’s took a “particular interest in helping her campaign.” Ernst was the first candidate in an open 2014 Senate race to benefit from “maxed out” personal contributions by the Koch’s. And Koch-backed groups such as Americans for Prosperity and the Freedom Partners Action Fund poured millions of dollars into Iowa, where Ernst enjoyed a $14 million outside-spending advantage over Braley.
- Koch Puppet: Last June, Ernst told attendees at a secret Koch donor summit in Dana Point, California that, although she started as “a little-known state senator from a very rural part of Iowa,” it was “the exposure to this group and to this network and the opportunity to meet so many of you, that really started my trajectory.”
- Ernst told business leaders in Des Moines complaining about negative ads run Koch groups “that she doesn’t have any contact with outside groups running ads in her race” This is a lie— listen to the below audio.
- The report pointed out that Ernst frequently reminded voters and now constituents of her combat veteran status, and she has not corrected others when they suggest she led troops into battle. Ernst did not lead her troops into combat as one of the ads supporting her claims. Her troops were not combat personnel, and their mission was not combat. Essentially, she was in charge of a group of truck drivers.I am sure that the mission of supply delivery had many potential hazards, but driving trucks from one secure area to another secure area is not combat even if personnel were armed with M-16s.
Like everyone else in this group, (except Mitch Daniel who has left Politics) she is a phony, another Manchurian candidate who will be personally profiting massively from the Puppet Masters. She has to conflate her back story with a false narrative all the way from living independently off the land to leading combat troops. She makes outrageous comments and then denies them. She lies about her paymasters and has no interest in serving her community, other then consigning them to servitude. The local media and the voters fell for it. If we lived in rational world then her applauded dislike of Government should immediately render Iowa being stripped of all the special benefits that they get. Iowa voters have so much power to get what they want (because the are a battleground state with a ton of farmers.) If these voters want to make a pig squeal by castrating it—then the rest of the Country should demand Iowans be held accountable accountable and make them squeal by refusing to give them the political blood money that we are undemocratically forced to throw at them – that $25 billion. It’s time to tell these duped voters that they can not have their pork and eat it.
Please allow my four horses to turn them back into the dust from which they came.
Frank George says
Many GOP voters may be uneducated and stupid, but I think that almost all of their elected officials are very smart. Take Sen. Cotton. He studied the Federalist Papers and came to the right conclusion, which is why he does what he does. How many Americans understand this document as well as Se. Cotton does? How many of his voters do? (I wouldn’t be surprised if you couldn’t find a handful of his voters who get it.) – Then you got a Sarah Palin who makes us believe that elected GOP officials accurately reflect the eduction and intelligence of their voters.
Patrick Andendall says
So Tom Cotton is your man. The best you got.
His economic philosophy is infantile: He has dismissed the potential for default if the debt ceiling was not raised as a desirable “short-term market correction,” and said food stamps should be cut because too many recipients live high on the hog: “They have steak in their basket, and they have a brand-new iPhone, and they have a brand-new SUV.”… Please read about Food stamps and Trickle up here:
He’s a Misogynist … men are “simple” and women are “the problem”…
Rep. Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, has said he doesn’t think women are physically capable of combat duty. “It’s nature — upper body strength and physical movements and speed and endurance and so forth.”
There is no need to worry yourself with working outside the home with Tom Cotton around. What kind of woman would you be if you weren’t home for your man to scrub floors, do laundry, cook dinner, and wash dishes by hand? Tom Cotton makes it very clear that no woman should serve in combat because of their weak nature that could put the lives of other soldiers at risk.
He has opposed legislation to expand women’s rights.Senator Cotton voted against equal pay legislation and the Violence Against Women Act. While Senator Cotton’s website will say that the vote was taken out of context, and that the Senator supports harsh punishment for sexual assault, a vote is a vote. If that’s the case, then why would he vote against an act that would give women more resources in the case of abuse or assault? And why would he vote against legislation that would push for equivalent pay? No matter what defense Cotton’s team comes up with, there’s really no logic or excuse to vote against women’s rights.
He’s a Traitor:
As it was Romney was such a flawed candidate that Adelson held back from contributing much more than around $100m. But all that is now just the tip of the Iceberg. How did the leader of the Traitorous 47, Tom Cotton get elected – Yes it was $1,000,000 from “the emergency committee for Israel”* – plus other such contributions. *The Emergency Committee for Israel is a right-wing[1] 501(c)(4) political advocacy organization in the United States.[2] Learn about Iran here:
He’s a self centered adolescent Ayn Randian toad : His has a harsh, unyielding, judgmental political philosophy. “I don’t think Arkansas needs to bail out the Northeast,” Cotton said of his vote against the Hurricane Sandy relief bill.
He has no interest in abiding by the Geneva convention, Senator Cotton said the only problem he has with Guantanamo Bay prison is that “there are too many empty beds.” Ignoring waterboarding, indefinite detention, forced feeding and other torturous acts, Tom Cotton insists that the US should be “proud” of how it treats the “savages” detained in Gitmo. As far as Cotton is concerned, “[the prisoners] can rot in hell. But as long as they don’t do that, then they can rot in Guantanamo Bay.” This is counter to the position of many other Senators and President Obama, who has promised time and time again to close the prison. There are still dozens of men held at Gitmo who have been cleared for release, but that doesn’t seem to bother Senator They-Can-Rot-in-Hell.
He is a typical leader of a bigoted hate GrOuP He uses fear-mongering to call for a crackdown on immigrants and a clampdown on the Mexican border. Senator Cotton says drug cartels in Mexico are ready to expand into human trafficking and even terrorism, and could infiltrate our southern border and “attack it right here in places like Arkansas.” He’s made the wild accusation that Hezbollah is collaborating with locals in Mexico to “cross our borders and attack us here.” Ignoring the fences, drones, cameras and patrols that constantly survey the border, he maintains that the border is wide open. “As long as our border is open and it’s defenseless, then it’s not just an immigration issue, it’s a national security issue.” Be afraid, says Cotton, very afraid–so I can keep feeding the national security state!
“Rep. Alan Grayson says Sen. Cotton is “already on his way to marking himself as the premiere warmonger of the 114th Congress.” Heather Digby Parton from Salon called him“Ted Cruz with a war record, Sarah Palin with a Harvard degree, Chris Christie with a Southern accent.” Whatever your characterization, this much is clear: this freshman senator is an arrogant bully and needs a time out.”
He is a liar and an inflamer of racism:
“(My dad) taught me early: farmers can’t spend more than they take in, and I listened,” Cotton said in the ad. “When President Obama hijacked the farm bill, turned it into a food stamp bill, with billions more in spending, I voted no.”
Of course, Cotton isn’t even in the ballpark of truth here. Food stamp bills have long been attached to farm bills in a cat’s cradle knot to encourage urban and rural legislators to vote for each others’ programs. It was the GOP who dissociated them in the hope of cutting food stamps. Obama had nothing to do with it.But it’s worse than that. It’s no secret that food stamps (now called the SNAP program) have long been racial code for Republicans, even though a large plurality of SNAP recipients are white. When a Republican politician tells his base that he favors cutting food stamps but not farm subsidies, he’s using Atwater’s dog whistle, promising to deliver the pork to rich (white) agribusiness to boost their profits, while stiffing a lot of minorities (most of whom do work at least part-time) who would actually benefit the broader economy by receiving spending money.
Your Hero is a narrow minded Misogynistic bigot with infantile economic and foreign policy views not supported by any reputable economist or diplomat. An Ayn Randian philosophy that can only lead to an Oligarchy – where every one especially Women, Gays, Blacks, Mexicans and all Foreigners must be kept in their place as cheap labor, domestic slaves for creepy aging white men
Frank George says
Sorry, I think you misunderstood me. Sen. Cotton is not my man. None of these GOP lunartics are. My point was only to say that I think these guys are smarter than their public persona lets us believe. I took Sen. Cotton as an example, because he is a very smart and ambitious guy who understands the systematic set-up in the US that eludes most people and most certainly eludes almost his entire constituency. I also referenced his thesis in which he discusses one aspect of the Federalist Papers that go to the core of the systematic set-up in the US. Thus, he “gets it”. He uses his deep understanding of the systematic set-up for his puproses to advance ideas that are based on his own prejudices and biases that lack objective validity.
Of course, Ben Carson would be another great example in a different way. We don’t have to argue that he is a highly intelligent and gifted man. Yet, some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth makes us believe he must have had a (self-performed?) brain vasectomy.
I think it is this dichotomy that makes these men so dangerous. We opponents tend to underestimate how intelligent and astute they are, since we focus on the mental vomit they serve their constitutents who slurp it up happily.
Patrick Andendall says
My mistake -and I fully recognize that my term Stupidparty can be confusing as it is usually a very polite euphemism for far worse sins -and Sen Cotton clearly falls into that category. Yes Ben Carson is a very odd case. Politicians tend to be pretty smart, (it being virtually impossible to retain intellectual integrity) – the exceptions being the new breed who get elected purely out of the spite and ignorance predominating in certain safely Red districts.