This sound bite moment will go down in history as the most epic fail in debate history. But everyone is missing the bigger picture, and this is driving me nuts. Would it be too much to expect Stupidparty to say anything intelligent? Did you watch Trump's acceptance speech after his New Hampshire … [Read more...]
Rubio Exposed
Rubio had a great story: a Cuban whose parents had escaped Castro's leash, to then thrive in the USA. But what is it about nouveau American small town Norman Rockwell Icon wannabees that makes them so ashamed of their minority backgrounds, that they have to try extra hard to fit in with their … [Read more...]
America has Two Major Political Parties, but Only One Is Serious (and It’s Definitely Not the Republican Party)
The events of the past summer and fall have clearly shown that there is only one major political party for rational, thinking adults in America, and here you will see the eleven major events from this period that have shown beyond all reasonable doubt that the Republican Party is no longer a … [Read more...]
The Stupidparty's seven shooting stars - their Seven Respondents to Obama's State if the Union Speeches (SOTU) since 2009 By putting these Chosen Ones under the microscope you can get to the very essence of Stupidparty. By Stupidparty's own definition these seven individuals represent everything … [Read more...]