By Patrick Andendall
Fox engaging in clear-cut & egregious deception
To substantiate this statement, I must first explain that while certain paid political operatives may try to commit fraud in counting votes, it is rare/almost nonexistent that actual voters attempt fraud. In numerous investigations, nothing material ever shows up. The full wealth and might of the Asset Strippers (the Oligarchs in waiting) is behind efforts to find Voter Fraud because to prove a pattern of fraud would massively help their goal of suppressing the vote. The fact this even has to be discussed is evidence of the haplessness of the media in general and the institutionalized and intentional dishonesty inherent within Fox News – and other Billionaire run media outlets. Let me allow the Brennan Center for Justice to explain why voter fraud is insignificant.
Because voter fraud is essentially irrational, it is not surprising that no credible evidence suggests a voter fraud epidemic. There is no documented wave or trend of individuals voting multiple times, voting as someone else, or voting despite knowing that they are ineligible. Indeed, evidence from the microscopically scrutinized 2004 gubernatorial election in Washington State actually reveals just the opposite: though voter fraud does happen, it happens approximately 0.0009% of the time. The similarly closely-analyzed 2004 election in Ohio revealed a voter fraud rate of 0.00004%. National Weather Service data shows that Americans are struck and killed by lightning about as often.”
So a minuscule amount—but it is actually far less than minuscule because what the Brennan Center fails to point out is that there is no suggestion (evidence) that one group of voters is more inclined to commit fraud. Therefore, even if it does occur, the probability is that one would cancel out the other. So it is not simply minuscule; the impact is more likely zero.
The Washington Post reports “A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion votes cast.” Now let me try and put this number into context. 126 million people voted tn the 2012 Presidential Elections. i.e 31 people divide by 8 (general elections) = almost 4 people per election. But just like that Brennan study this massive number of 4 – is undoubtedly a massive overstatement of the problem. To understand this better we need to go a back to that 31 number (were the massive law of massive numbers will provided a more accurate picture.) It would be reasonable to assume that approximately 15 of that number would be Democrats 15 would be Stupidparty and 1 would be a different party. Thus Zero impact over the last eight Presidential elections. That one person trying to tip the balance to an irrelevant third party – might be even sillier than the average Stupidparty Disciple.
Some have argued that voter suppression laws make people more trusting of the system – but here again the Math proves that having more suppression does not create that impact. Of course lawyers might find a real live living example of Voter Fraud—like the following case:
“It then cited an example of recent fraud … that ID laws aren’t designed to stop. Specifically, it mentioned a case in which a supporter of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was charged with 13 counts of election fraud, including “registering to vote in more than one place, voting where he didn’t live, voting more than once in the same election, and providing false information to election officials,” according to an account by Talking Points Memo. Wisconsin’s ID law would not likely have prevented any of the alleged violations.
But the King of talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, suggests to his stupidparty audience that “Voter Fraud May Be the Only Reason Dems Stay in Power” And these guys (his audience), they just lap it up. So the disconnect is now 100% proven and Math has once again eviscerated Myth. But we live in a parallel universe where false equivalence has become so absurd that Myth is actually beating the Math in plain sight.
1. Was the earth created less than 100,000 years ago?
2. Was Obama born In Kenya?
3. Is Voter Fraud a significant Issue?
4. Is Obamacare a government takeover?
5. Is Global Warming a Hoax?
6. Should business owners be allowed to discriminate?
7. Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president?
8. Is Fox News fair and balanced?
9. Should there be more guns in schools?
10. Does immigration hurt the economy?
To make this slightly trickier the successful applicants must answer all the above by using no more than two characters. A bit like a Tweet on Steroids.
Now we can better understand the people who Promote Voter Suppression.
“I feel it in my fingers
I feel it in my toes
Bigotry is all around me
And so the feeling grows”
According to Justice Ginsburg’s dissenting opinion, between 1982 and 2006 the Department of Justice “blocked over 700 voting changes based on a determination that the changes were discriminatory.”
The Koch Brothers via ALEC (The American Exchange Legislative Council) are working tirelessly to get their Stupidparty puppets in Congress to pass as many voter suppression laws as time will permit. “Over the last four years, laws making it harder to vote have been spreading across the country, including in Texas. And ALEC has been in the thick of it. A voter ID bill passed in 2011 in Texas closely resembles ALEC’s “Voter ID Act.” The Texas bill was sponsored by several ALEC-member legislators, and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry, an ALEC alum and award winner. The U.S. Justice Department blocked the law in 2012, but when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down parts of the Voting Rights Act in June 2013 in Shelby County v. Holder, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott announced the voter ID bill would take effect “immediately.””
NBC reported A growing number of conservative Republican state legislators worked fervently during the past two years to enact laws requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls.
Lawmakers proposed 62 photo ID bills in 37 states in the 2011 and 2012 sessions, with multiple bills introduced in some states. Ten states have passed strict photo ID laws since 2008, though several may not be in effect in November because of legal challenges.
A News21 analysis found that more than half of the 62 bills were sponsored by members or conference attendees of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a Washington, D.C., tax-exempt organization.
Now to really piss of Stupidparty disciples I will let Al Jahzeera news (Yes it is a reputable news station) lecture the American people in the art of the obvious.
“Elections are supposed to be decided by the people, at the polls. Orchestrated rigging by legislatures and courts to determine outcomes before the people even vote is a detriment to American democracy.”
The Irony of the Arab world attempting to spread Democracy to the America’s. Good luck with that.
Governor Chris Christie: Same-Day Voter Registration Is a “Trick” and GOP Needs to Win Gubernatorial Races So They Control “Voting Mechanisms”
Mike Turzai: PA House SP leader said in June of 2012, as he listed the Republican state legislature’s accomplishments: “Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done.”
Phyllis Schlafly: Stupidparty Icon—said that early voting results in “illegal votes” that “cancel out the votes of honest Americans.” In her mind, “Democratic” automatically equals “illegal.”
Alan Clemmons: SC SP State Rep. “Stop Obama’s nutty agenda and support voter ID,” read a card attached to a pack of peanuts passed out by Alan Clemmons (R-Myrtle Beach) admitted, then later refused to admit in court.
Fran Millar: Georgia Senator Complains about Polling Place Being Too Convenient for Black Voters.
Doug Preis: An Ohio GOP Chair Says We Shouldn’t Accommodate the “Urban — Read African-American — Voter-Turnout Machine”
Jim Greer: Fla former GOP Chairman. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes. Florida’s disgraced former GOP chairman says the party had meetings about “keeping blacks from voting”
Don Yelton: North Carolina GOP Precinct Chair: Voter ID Law Will “Kick Democrats in the Butt” and Hurt “Lazy Blacks”
Greg Abbott: Texas AG Says Partisan Districting Decisions Are Legal, Even if There Are “Incidental Effects” on Minority Voters
So who “re legalized” ignorant and bigoted voter suppression? Look no further than the Supremely Stupidparty Court—Chief Justice John Roberts
One must truly wonder, if, in Roberts, we are seeing a textbook example of the myopia, lack of self-awareness, and narrow-mindedness that can result from attending the non-racially-diverse Roman Catholic grade and boarding schools in 1960s and 1970s small-town, rural, overwhelmingly-white Indiana when we see what he will write here……. Learn more about the leader of the Supremely Stupidparty Court, the Guy who is happy to have American Democracy for sale to the highest bidder, happy to prevent minorities from voting – now he wants to talk about Race, and in doing we can begin to see right through him.
Stupidparty Nightmare.
It’s easy to remove ourselves from the past, to underscore how we’ve changed rather than acknowledge historical continuities. But the overwhelming evidence of suppression aimed at minority groups whose votes could affect the status quo shows, if nothing else, that the systems of racism that disenfranchised citizens in 1965 still exist—that we’ve inherited and in many ways actively perpetuated them. Underlying the majority opinion is a frustratingly elementary notion of racism: so long as we don’t physically obstruct individuals from voting, minority disenfranchisement is a vaporous claim.
In her statement of dissent Justice Ginsburg refers to contemporary acts of voter suppression as “second-generation barriers.” Her language is apt: the racial discrimination we see now may not look exactly like the “flagrant” racism of the 1960s, but it is no doubt a close relative. Our voter identification and proof of citizenship laws are not far removed from literacy tests and “grandfather clauses.” These 16 examples and more affirm that the Voting Rights Act is still relevant, and still necessary—in full.
Stupidparty Tent
This is a fact – any one who supports these Voter Suppression efforts is either Ignorant, Devious or a Bigot. If you believe Voter suppression is necessary, you are being manipulated, you are a puppet. If you actually believe in Democracy you would want as many people to vote as possible.
But pumping Oxygen into a dying Democracy would suffocate Stupidparty.
This article is frightening. This nation has many sheep to be lead to the slaughter. And they believe they are the ones about to be fed. Hold off on reading the Jeb Bush articles, they are being rewritten as we speak.
Thanks for taking the time. We have a lot of carefully researched scary stuff. Most posts are designed to be irrefutable. It is important that we get these facts to as many people as possible.
The fraud isn’t by the voter(s), you fool, it’s by the people that manipulate the voting machines!
If you actually read the blog you would save yourself from making stupid comments.Also we do not do conspiracy theories here. (however I would advocate manually counting all votes)
The information provided here is stunning. Voter fraud which is mathematically irrelevant provides many problems and needs careful research