The death of Trump (Ism)
By the year 2025 historians will likely be able to pinpoint the death of Trump-ism not with a certain election date in 2020, but with a series events that took place in the first seven months of 2020—and all revolving around one issue.
It could only be one issue—and how do we know this? Because Trump occasionally knocks it out the park
“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,”
And boy has he been proven correct. So failing that, what could destroy Trumpism?
Seemingly nothing can stir the hearts of the stupefied zombie army—the army of Trumpeteers, brains long petrified after decades of diseased intellectual clusterfucks reigning down resultant from terrorist inducing crimes wrought upon the American people—finding purchase amongst the genetically disposed gullible and malleable minds associated with the conservative brain.
Links to all these conspiracies can be found here:
The brazen possible thefts of the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections (they don’t care), the illegal 2nd Iraq War compounded by the US endorsing Torture (they don’t care), McCain’s absurdly vetted choice of an unprecedented nincompoop as his VP, (they don’t care), the Romney / Ryan Presidential campaign reinventing dishonesty as being the only policy (they don’t care)—all logically leading to the day they simply wanted to vote in the biggest clown in the history of Western democracy ( they don’t care, “we live in a Republic) the biggest clown since the non elected Caligula (they don’t care, worshiping Remington in place of Incitatus).
What will make them care? We already know that the following washes of their backs like turds finding their cosy home in a sewer.
- Stunningly bad businessman
- Serial misogyny
- Serial sex abuser
- Insults America’s allies
- And endless stream of corrupt appointees
- Unilaterally breaks international Treaties—making America’s promises worthless.
- Impeached
- His toadies cover up the transparent crimes that he is impeached for.
- Destroys careers of any competent and honest public servant with Trumped up conspiracy theories
- Mysterious and non never credible Wharton education, finally explained.
- Putin Bounty—he just does not care. Nor do Trumpeteers – as they are too far gone to care.
- By bringing out the White Supremacists—now forcing white Americans to confront their heritage, and take corrective actions, or side with the KKK.
- Turns his Christian followers into worshiping the polar opposite of Christ—thus logically a satanic cult.
- Feeble minded patriots into traitorous fools.
- Endless, recorded and easily verifiable lies, about 20,000 and counting
- With his tax records due to become public after the election—all thinking parties know such records will reveal a fraud—minimally lying about Income—either to the IRS or to the Banks.
- Invited the Virus into the USA, calling it the flu
- Masks the facts
- Mocks Masks
- Encourages Mask-less gathering at his rallies, creating belligerence and turning stupidity into WMD’s
- Promotes unproven drugs
- Promotes deadly household goods as cures.
They just do not care. The same 67% that has always been there—even prior to Trump, they are now forced to double down into Dante’s pit every day. Seemingly nothing can now enlighten them. War, disease, pestilence and the four horsemen can come galloping through their house and they will not be blaming themselves—until now!
What could possibly change this dynamic? They are so stuck in absurd conspiracy theories and false narratives that even if Trump was exposed by the shockingly dead Epstein —and a second underage sex ring exposed in Dante’s capital —Palm beach—it just will not matter.
But I suspect we are about to see something emerging from this day to election day that will be akin to spraying “Round Up” upon the ancient roots of the GOP that has no intertwined itself with the transparent evil of Trump-ism.
For context —what is the backbone, the ancient root of Trumpism. It is aging white males, either less educated or myopically greedy, often posing as freedom loving patriotic Christians. Take that away and the roots shrivel. We are catching the first signs of degradation in the root—but the real action is just beginning—and it goes back to the Virus, which is totally nonpartisan, atheistic, only mildly sexist (seems to be harder on men) and loathes dishonesty. If you are stupid enough to lie about the Virus—the Virus will never forget or forgive—for it is totally incorruptible—and it will come back to expose and humiliate you.
So, what is really going on?
As is well documented the virus exploded upon New York and its contiguous States. The reasons are obvious. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was perhaps understandably a bit slow in closing down (in a Democracy one must build a popular consensus, so that people happily behave intelligently). Yet the Virus exploded in New York etc. because New York is America’s gateway to the world, it is the densest City in the USA, with the most prolific and dense subway and transportation systems—with minimal personal transport devices (personal automobiles) and the most happening bar, restaurant and indoor entertainment culture in the USA. Only about 2% of Floridians commute by public transport.
Thus, in the two weeks of its peak, the Virus ran amok in NYC, the medical infrastructure tested to its very limits. The North Eastern States, being so interconnected to NYC, took the brunt— with the rest of the country paying avid attention. Vital lessons from this outbreak, driven by the new media darling and much praised Andrew Cuomo (filling the vacuum left by Trump) —would have been absorbed by those with sharper minds.
So, what is changing?
Today the virus has been forced to change direction, to seek sustenance elsewhere and so it follows the path of least resistance, now surging into regions run by sycophantic shortsighted idiots —first into urban, then suburban and finally rural. With each step it makes, the disease is zeroing into the heart of the very people who insulted its wrath or denied its very existence. With every step it makes, people should be learning its lessons—except of course the very people who developed an immunity to learning facts, and immunity to evolution itself. With any other phenomena this would not trigger a logical reaction in a zombie.
But something is about to happen akin to running an electric shock through Frankenstein. Numerous young invincible Zombies are now getting sick. 10,000 a day in some states—and whilst those numbers wight mitigate is a few weeks as self-survival in the naturally fearful conservative brain will inevitable kick in —the true consequences will not kick in for several more weeks. This is because those people exposing themselves to getting sick—keep forgetting the key dynamic—a sin that will soon haunt them for the rest of their lives.
The one day later as we head to 100,000 new cases every day
July 10th 2020..
These soon to be millions or so newly infected young people, now largely in Stupidparty States , well, most of them have parents, and most of those parents are still alive. It is these kids that are now infecting their own parents and then either directly or indirectly their own grandparents, relatives, and all the less than healthy people in between —a subset of people more likely to be obese, have diabetes, heart and lung conditions and each in turn less likely to have proper health Insurance and access to sophisticated medical treatment. With each layer, the virus will find more fertile ground.
Only when a young adult has to watch their parent die—will they get truly angry. The first step will be denial. They will deny that they wantonly killed their parent, family member or friend and belligerently brought death into their community. They will be unmasked, unmasked in their own dead hearts, now sensing the first volts of electricity stirring life into a dead organ. The anti-maskers throwing abuse that those who have always worn a mask—they will be unmasked. They will be unmasked, unmasked within their own dead soul as volts of electricity stir life into a long dead organs -brains, hearts and soul—awakened.
So while the Trump was correct:
“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,”
Trump never saw this coming:
“Trump put the gun in my hand, had me aim this gun at my Dad’s heart, and tricked me into pulling the trigger”
- Matricide, the killing of one’s mother
- Nepoticide, the killing of one’s nephew
- Parricide, the killing of one’s parents or another close relative
- Patricide, the killing of one’s father
As we all know the first stages of grief are anger and denial. For a Trumpeteer it will likely be years before they enter the further stages and not until their final thought before they accept the dreadful truth (accepting their own guilt) — and since that could be decades away—we must focus on the first two stages. They will be angry, and they will deny their own personal responsibility. Thus, who must stand in for that blame?
They will have no escape, they will have to sacrifice Trump on the alter of their own ignorance— to assuage their own complicity.
Not only will Trump’s key demographic be under siege by election day, but their spawn will be cowering in shame—for ever having believed any lying word put out by the transparently vile human being in the White House— to whom they worshiped and sacrificed their soul— in perpetuity.
Thus, Trump-ism will die.
Well—this is almost our final hope—as we are actually running short of options in securing Deliverance from our own most deserved destiny, our well-earned dystopian future. Simply winning the 2020 election will not be enough in itself.
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